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Great game, stopwatch is so strong with wands


Since I haven't seen many structure builds, here is my contribution. I killed king by stacking the shivs up to 80 or so damage and stalling with haste. (Yes of course the shield had haste.)

A little thing you may have noticed that far too few people know, is that a float object can hold up a heavy object and a heavy object can hold down a float object. Consider a balloon for your next earthblade(runeblade?) I don't remember what it's called but it does more damage depending on how much space there is below it, maxing at 17. So you can just hold it up with a bubble or balloon. Just make sure the sword is already supported on the top in some way so it can get up there and once your balloon/bubble is in place, feel free to remove other support!

Fluffy Cotton bugged.

it just disables your wands. there's no benefit. Does not add to manastones. Oopsies

Damn, after mining for 30 minutes, the pickaxe disappeared.


That is so silly.

Do not add the dumbbells into your inventory if you're gonna run a pick build.

It is one of the worse relics because of things like this.

Damn, archery is so op in this game. Tried it once and won the final boss. 

I was doing so well, but a certain cultist ended my run. This run was starting to get really good too, I got lucky with both the relics and the drops.

This time I tried out magic, mainly using the uncommon wand with 1 rage forged. If I got the one that increase base damage with mana stones first and forge it, I could have gotten a bit more damage. It's a bit unfortunate that the belt of knives does not synergize with lightning, but warrior book definitely does. The biggest problem would be how laggy the game is when using magic.


So much fun! I played an old version and there were lots of ways to just cheese the game; this time I had to think even about when I should attack.

This is my final backpack to defeat King:

For the first many round use the whetstone to buff the assassin's dagger (which has an attack of 53, 2 energies) and use the manas to get +4 blocking from the ring until we have enough blocking. See that my mana doesn't recharge, so this is tricky.

use the extra weapons to kill any minions.

once the assasin's dagger has been buffed to over 100 and we start running low on mana, start attacking with it, initially 1 per turn and then twice per turn.

Once we can kill him without dying to spikes, attack with what is necessary.


I absolutely love this game, been def putting +20h already on it, can't wait to see it on Steam man! I'd like to report this bug: the ninja armor DOES not remove your whole armor IF you have haste active. 180 armor with 1 shield?


noooo wheres matthew

press m


Latest version seems to freeze very frequently. Hope it gets fixed soon!


Just updated it! Hope it works now!


There's a glitch with the Ninja Costume. If you have haste it causes you to gain armor at the end of the turn instead of losing it.

true! I noticed too


I am running into a bug where I go to the next floor an am unable to click any of the UI buttons. The buttons darken when hovered over/pressed, but nothing happens, and I am stuck in my inventory.


Welp, I finally made it passed floor 18.  I ruined the run by forcing a fight I wasn't equipped for (bat and slime, the poison did me in) but other than that, I must say I wish you could get the smith more often, because they're the single most useful random encounter in the game bar none.

(1 edit) (-1)

every new week games feels better and better )

i think there is a bug in thi boss floor generation


The second exit is intentional and leads to a different area


game brokey it no work :(


Loved this game. The backpack mechanic works very well. Had a lot of fun playing it


 i think this is a world record for thorns



Cleaver Supremacy!
Cleaver OP


so I have had a bit of confusion at times telling the difference between gold and the energy so maybe making them more distinct. I also initially had trouble telling i had to add the coins to my bag because they sat next to the bag not under it like the other items, but once i moved some into the bag it obviously made sense they needed to be in the bag too but it took a bit. because in some games gold has its own spot so that is what i thought it was


oh and same with the mana stuff it being on the bag made it hard to tell it wasn't a separate thing

(2 edits) (+2)

Hello TheJaspel :)

I must say that the Backpack hero is great, but one minor bug is annoying me as hell during the game :v

Because there is a Save button but no Load button, I use to do two things mid-game:

1. saving often

2. reloading the whole page/game if I get stuck or am close to die, due to some wrong decision before the fight (gems not working), weak gear, etc. 

Now, the bug is - every few game/page reloads (instead of waiting to die and continuing anew I reload the page instead), the game doesn't start from the last saved game, but from some random previous game played a day ago or so.

So instead of being able to win over the enemies, I'm stuck playing some previous version of "me" where the gear is much weaker, so the opportunity is gone :/

Is it possible to add the Load button or at least to fix the bug, so the game always have the exact last save after the page reload?

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work :)



I really love this game, but even with the pick axe, 2 archangel armors, and a haste shield, the fire geckos on floor 16 were too much for me. It would be nice if there were some way to defend against curses, since as of right now, you're basically guaranteed to either lose items or take damage.

(2 edits) (+1)

"first loop deep caves boss"
i think there should be something to make sure a fight wont last foreverits after 90 turns half way of fight and i cant take dmg cuz of dark whetstone is broken with 2 hachets (180 weak on enemies + even more each turn so they cant outscale me) and so i deal 3 dmg per 2 turns to boss. (well another 90 turns i guess.) Also great game.

Scratch (Top Left) Allows you to do 3 damage  per attack regardless of weak.


Amazing Game, thanks for making the demo free to try. I will try and support this project as soon as I can or just purchase the full experience when it launches! 

My biggest gripe is the fact that you have to click the map icon, it seems a bit click intensive moving from stage to stage aside from that the game is absolutely incredible.

Must play for anyone reading.


Suggestion:Add "hold on click button" 


Wonderful game

Endless mode has a little difficult, the lv13 monster has 900+hp. I was tackling.

beautifully done, lost my run to an accidental page back... can't wait for the thing to release proper! please consider a mobile build!

The game technically works on mobile.  You get a popup saying that it isn't supported, but it does still run properly :)

whetstone is fun

Nice Game!

My, FAVORITE GAME ME EVER PLAYS, I Swear me not a cat.... 

hello brother


Just created an account to say how original and fun this game is! Bow is pretty broken btw


The one thing keeping me from making a build that lasts more than a few levels in endless is a lack of ways to deal with Poison. Once it stacks up to your maximum health you're dead. Period. Regen happens first so there's no 'returning from the dead' after poison gets you down to 0 hp.

There's only two items that remove poision as far as I know.

The first is the potion that removes ALL status effects, even the positive ones that I'm building up to finally be able to kill the enemies with the high health you see in endless. Then there's also the issue that it's a consumable, and I can't exactly keep the ten or so I'd need to finish a combat against some snakes.

The second is the one that removes poison whenever I use an adjacent weapon. Good luck using a weapon 24 times in a single turn though!

Please devs, we desperately need some more counters to poison. It's a guaranteed endless run killer that's just frustrating.

Will be done

(2 edits)

third run and passes the game, i buffed my weapon at no reason: increases damage over time, puts poison, lots of shields, vampirism.
ring shields increase over time and has 8 uses with that flower thar refills mana plus the wands regenerates too, 1st defensive run, going offensive is a bad idea

just wanted to save this for posterity... can still fight but it just takes too long

softlocked w/ jade axe and no money, somehow surviving with loads of armor.

Deleted 2 years ago

thats true, i never thought of that... such a good run though ;-;

Machete works weird with 0.5 value modifiers (rage to self, weak on enemy)


About the Mysterious Trader update...

the description (sometimes) says "a different item of the same rarity"

THIS DOES NOT WORK ON RELICS. If you end up having to get a relic that doesnt work on your build, it wont give you another shot at one that will. 

Instead you get a legendary item, which can still be a better deal than a useless relic...but then the relic goes back in the pool and you could get it later.

(1 edit)

Relics are considered as Legendary items in the game's code. 

In previous versions they explicitly stated that they were Legendary, but this was removed to make their distinction from other Legendary items that can be obtained in the dungeon.

Relics should probably not be a tradeable item, I guess...


An optional setting for hold-to-use would be nice, repetitive strain on mana builds is getting to me. :)

how does the hourglass work?


Finally managed to get pass the floor 16 wall thanks to the favorable encounters. This is the farthest I've ever gone. 2 ninja armors basically trivialize most encounters without poison or fire. I got the mouse bow first then discard for belt of knives later on. I couldn't find a single energy item except for the green necklace that requires curse, which I do not know how to handle. And neither did the regenerative wetstone.

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