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i got the feesh sword to the final boss

also i wanted to turn the boss to a fish and i did it was a big fin

I very like the philosphers stone.

ninja costume gives you block when you have haste instead of removing 100% of your block

I just lost trying to do a pacifist run. It wasn't to my build being weak. Instead, I lost my run to the snakes that quite literally do not attack. Just curious if it's possible to beat that fight without weapons as my spikes build got decimated to their poison.

did you try scratching? that for some reason doesn't count as a weapon

I'm questioning rng when i saw this room

also don't worry i beat the room eventually since i reset one more time and i died to the boss


Managed to get to floor 35 with some nice archery stuff where I died unceremoniously to the last enemy before the magma core boss (ran out of energy consumables). Mouse wood scales incredibly well with extra energy, so I would just burst down every enemy/boss on turn 1 using the emerald necklaces and avoid having to block entirely. 

On a sadder note, save functionality is entirely broken for me, so I've basically stopped playing for now. Long Endless runs can take me hours so not being able to take a break and load saves later is too punishing. Can't even visit Matthew anymore. :'( 

Love this game though! Can't wait for it to be downloadable and excited for extra difficultly levels.

Wow that's a lot of floors you cleared! wp!

Badger Boss dropped sad relics and the Fire Geckos claimed my loot - not enough cheese to match their scaling ( ′~‵ )

shouldn't seasoning count as a consumable

No, It is annoying when you missclick/misstap and destroy your consuable build

Yeah but it doesn’t do anything when you have relics that affect consumables, you can’t get the extra damage from it being adjacent to your weapon and you also can’t get it by trading in a consumable for a rarer consumable in the event

When will there be Chinese

Pls add a dowloable versión for Windows , i don't want to lose this beautiful game

You should checkout our Kickstarter!

Backers are guaranteed continued early access to the game. And we'll be moving to local builds once the Kickstarter ends.


I now cannot save my game, I keep getting "Save failed" and can't progress at the start of the next floor. This bug persists even if I start a new run. What a shame.


Yes, there is only so many saves/loads you can do before game cannot save anymore, and can even corrupt your last save like it happened to me when i loaded game with half of the inventory shown and being unable to do anything.

I was able to run new games though, no problem with progressing the floors normally. It just keep saying "Save failed" so I kinda have to do it in true roguelike style :D


First of all, congrats on getting past the funds that you guys wanted on your kickstarter. This is an amazing game with lots of potential and I'm happy to see it grow. Now to the image, this is the longest I could go. I don't know if this was intended but heavy items can't fall if an anchored item is below them.


anchors are heavy (yes i didn't know that too) so heavy items won't fall if there is an anchored item + if anchored items didn't support heavy items they would be able to be removed by squishing them

Welp, guess that couldn't be any better of a start lmao. Got soldier's buckler floor 1 and everything else on floor 2, build is almost online for beating first 9 floors :D


lol, to get that and meet 2 snakes at the very end of the magma core. we really need something to deal with that poison bs, beside the potion that removes everything from you (also i'd need 3 of them because there is 3 snake fights on the floor).

legit just ran into that fight with a pacifist full armor no weapon build. It went fantastic as now I'm in the comments asking if there was a way to beat it weaponless.

I found a really interesting stalemate today, The boss cannot summon any more minions and I cannot do any damage with my spikes. If I wait for a weapon I might be okay but I think I have too much weak by now.

Think its never good to only rely on spikes, just because of couple bosses like this and magma core snakes with poison. Well, ignite might be a problem without haste too.


This was a fun build 

(1 edit)

the manastone bow remove three cleavers from my backpack. please fix it.

Its nice! I like it

Deleted 346 days ago

Buildings are absolutely BROKEN with Haste, due to Haste adding to each individual instance of adding block. 

Curse power (blade does 98dmg)

It can be better to stack honey curses but I realised it too late.

OP build!


I've ran into a problem....


this is a stalemate... or is it? it is actually not a stalemate you are just both refusing to die but when you stop attacking the enemy wont be getting weak therfore you will die when you attack... or do you? if the mole somehow gets enough dmg to surpass the weak you might lose

Haha I actually died because the mole surpassed the weak and I wasn't paying enough attention to my armor. I was laughing the entire time since to me, it was an endless loop that I probably couldn't get out of without dying (which I did )

(1 edit)

Will floor 13...

Look at the end.

If you want to have it, you must wait bee's cursed in first Boss.

Remember to prepare the inventory, Because the cursed con't to move.


(1 edit)

This game is incredibly sticky; I've sunk a frankly embarrassing amount of time into it in the past two months. I've tried a wide variety of builds, including using the cauldron to farm for golden whetstones. Floors 16 and 17 always end my run, all thanks to Status Effects. Poison and Burn scale SO HIGH, SO FAST that they're nigh impossible to counter. That said, I only run into this problem so often because I play the game so much, which I keep doing because it's pretty dang fun up until that point.


It's so interesting but some diffcult.

It will be more playability if every death got a little bit stronger like other roguelike.

Hope more items and builds. 

Welp there goes my key weapon. Darn. Thank goodness I'm tanky and spikey. On a journey for the ultimate weapon now. That can withstand more than 1 swing from my mighty hands!


So you probably want to look into the code that handles status affects when an item receives half of the effects of buffs. I think I just managed to apply 0.5 weakness to an enemy with an explosive arrow and a single use of dark whetstone on it, and when the turn ended it went to -1 weakness. Didn't seem to increase the enemy's damage thankfully, but still weird behavior.


I absolutly love the game but hate the fact that the save isnt working. after your first run if you dont win the game then it never registers that you do. even after beating the first boss. the third floor is way to hard for you to be able to beat it your first try if you dont know what your getting in to. have beat the game a number of times but still am not able to have mathie at the beginig of the game do to the save glitch


This is the farthest I've ever been, love the game and love this build. Unfortunately even the candle (weapons give -1 to spikes) wasn't enough for this fight.
Overall I think burn and poison effects scale waaay too hard and it's hard to counter it.


Amazing game you got here. I love this game more than anything I've found in years, I can't stop playing it.

Few minor things I've noticed in my playthroughs.

Shopkeeps disappearing once you visit them is a little strange, it would be nice if we could go back to them, but I understand if you're doing that for balance purposes.

Magma core seems a bit... rough. Your build has to be pretty juiced to get passed it. It just seems the first two levels are easy to medium difficulty then magma core is nightmare mode, all of a sudden 150hp enemies that hit like trucks. Maybe another level in between the swamp/deep caves before the core? 

King feels like that too, he seems much harder than the other potential bosses.

It feels a bit bad (especially late game where space is always limited) to open a chest behind a key door and find it's just all garbage. A slightly better guaranteed reward would be cool.

Anyways love you guys, great game, I backed your kickstarter and can't wait to see where it goes!

(1 edit) (+1)

Excellent game, really good work! Was able to do a double endless whit the build shield activate weapon! nice build Haste on shield + Rage on weapon OP :).

Wanted to try a spike build... was nice but then i got to third zone .... got hit whit 18 poison stacking each turn ... when you have 50 HP kinda abusive ... its 54 unblockable dmg turn 2

EZ Clap


I need a bigger backpack for endless :V

i think i'm little strong

watch item is funny but it destroys your build.  0 base damage 

welp guess flowers aren't a good idea to put in your (magical) backpack

first immortal slimes which are no longer immortal after getting a few nerfs but immortal mage(s) now exist and they are much harder to defeat since they also get shield

Coral doesn't seem to be working in this update


Bats are really hard to counter.

(1 edit) (+1)

First time I got slightly far into floor 3 area 1 but then some fire geckos killed me.

Please add fire removal items to the game.Also am I an idiot or just unlucky with items that I get.Because how do you people win so much.

Deleted 2 years ago
(3 edits)

my second relic was connector but I didn’t have room for it later

Also I do have bad luck in this game and I’ve tried thorn builds. They are pretty good.

P.s. could you send the link to the discord server

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