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This is such an interesting idea that's open to so much complexity, and I love the style of the game. I became really OP though early on, might expect some balancing later or maybe I just got super lucky **Shrugs** Love it all the same, great stuff.


the upcoming update this sunday is a huge balance update along with tons of new content, so be sure to check it out!

(1 edit) (+1)

Bug Report: 

New game wouldn't work for me. I would click new game, but no text would appear in the dialogue box, and "done" just closed the box. Continue on in endless mode worked though

Sorry! The new update should have fixed this! please refresh the page and let me know if you have any similar issues!


Got the Curse build going!

Beat the final boss with a lot of healing



Typo in Axeman description: "These *are* lizards are known for..."

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Really had a blast!

Are they planning a steam release?

We are! We want to fix some bugs, add some more content and then we'll be releasing on Steam! Please follow me on Itch and join our Discord and we'll let you know when!


Keys are key...

Strong build, the thorns ground down the King and the key sword easily took care of the spawned enemies. In Endless Mode lvl. 12 the lack of health regen became my downfall though. If I had found a Haste item which could have multiplied my Armour, then this build would have taken me very far.

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I really want to play this game, but I am playing on a chroombook (maybe the problem) and can't get past: "Click me" to get the map up after you get your first things.

Do anyone have an idea what i can do?

EDIT: I have a stationary computer, it's just that I want to play on breaks to.


I like this game. Takes quite a bit of thinking and is just hard enough that a few wrong moves and you die, but if you think carefully enough with what items you come across, there is always a winning set of items. I won on my first and third time I played this, but died on my second run.

The winning picture is of my second run. That hood gives so much mana. Poison and thorns may also be a bit too strong. I use thorns and armour to deal damage while getting 5 mana per turn, along with stacking poison. Then I shoot them with the damage wand or use the regen wand accordingly.

Also, I killed the final boss using just thorns  plus blocking while having more regen than my own health from saving up mana since the end of act 1. Even after defeating the final boss, as you can see, i still have tons of mana.

All in all, fun game, but the hood should give more like 3 mana instead and thorns and poison should maybe be nerfed a bit. Maybe every three turns, poison shouldn't trigger? For thorns, maybe just make the thorns items do less, because with 4 of those helmets, it becomes really strong, really fast. I would also still get 23 armour naturally from all my armour total, even with so many helmets and one of them not touching the top.

Very nice game. I do have some thoughts though: I don't know why "gain mana" gives different amounts based on the item. On the one hand it makes me try them all out, but on the other i would really like to have a displayed number.

Cursed whetstone is still active after using it and needs to be clicked again to use anything else. I even lost a +lvl15 game because i accidently used it on an item instead of attacking with it. Kinda frustrating but could be a mechanic. As in: if you do cursed stuff, be carefull.

Now the thing that made me actually write this. Please make it so that you get a window when you want to leave and have items hovering over your backpack, which are not inside it.
Or only make leaving possible if you drag them outside the backpack, or have them slot inside the slots they hover over automatically upon leaving.

Over ~4h I have lost at least 4 high value items, that looked as if they where in my backpack, but were actually just hovering over a free place. (Starelixir->Shiny stuff) Yes I know the background-color is slightly different, but that is only usefull if I pay attention to it. And now I just lost a +lvl20 run, because I somehow managed to trow away my main weapon(wand), during opening a locked door, no less. In terms of infuriating stuff, this is by far the biggest offender each time it happens. 
Anyway, very good game.

This was the worst thing to find on a slow day at work. I have accomplished nothing today, and I couldn't be happier. This needs a full release on steam.  

Cool, and very addictive!

P.S.: I think weak must work onto vampirism too...

Ik I should join the discord to suggest this. But it would be cool to have a sandbox/free play mode where you can test/mess around. You can make the first floor a level select. One exit leads to free play/sandbox. One leads to the normal base game. And one leads to maybe a custom mode (modifiers like a slider to multiply monster health from the start to add a challenge.) Ik suggestions like this would take time to implement. Would be cool to see.

Using Golden Whetstone cause error, cannot choose weapon and cannot do anything.

I've been playing this game on lunchbreaks for most of the week, and have had a wonderful time figuring out good patterns. Today, I finally managed to beat the king, with this build! It took a lot of nerve and patience to simply sit there and let my armour and spikes build up, but I got there in the end!

gg my last floor is 17

Found a softlock with the spinner game. I played once, closed out, and I couldn't do anything afterward. 

I think the Game still thought I was playing, so I couldn't interact with anything or leave. 

Same thing happened to me. 

Ruined a good run with a fully stacked fish sword. :(

Made it to the king at the end of the magma, but stood no chance against his rage and spikes! Next time I'll bring a bunch of status removers.


Suggestion- Add different backpacks you can upgrade into. Upgraded backpacks start small again, then you have to resize them up again. Maybe after beating special bosses you can choose one. There could be various packs, each with their own quirk, like weird layouts, segmented sections, "holes" to pack around. The upsides could be things like powerful special slot multipliers, specialized build modifiers like half mana cost, gold for every kill, double potion effects, large max size, etc.

This could build upon the depth of the game mechanics, while offering more progression, and keeping the challenge of fitting things in a bag.

If you go to the discord there is an area where you are able to post your idea

It would be nice having a backpack that has holes as its end result. As long as there isn't a space above a helmet at the current moment, it has no downsides from being lower from the actual top, so by having spots that are naturally blocked on some backpacks, you could have some pretty funny builds where you have like 6 or seven helmets

This game is so smart !
I'm looking forward for even more content.

This game is great! It puts a really interesting spin on the roguelike genre.

(1 edit)

The king beat the shit out of me D,: . Amazing game, love the music from the deep caves and magma core.

In the current patch, I cannot start a new game after beating the final boss.

just refresh

Great game! Took me while to realize the font makes the 8 look like a slashed 0 (a 0 with the line through it). That bluefin  item I kept getting had to be for something tho. I finally compared it against items that I was able to test had 0 values and determined it was an 8. In other words, my only suggestion is to add a typography dent on the sides of the 8 so it doesn't look like a slashed 0.


fun game, always stuck on the king. Annoying both his rage and thorns go up if you attack it. makes it even impossible to kill him before he can attack (had the weapon that you can use gold to use it. and buffed it up with the stone.)

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current set up has infinite mana due to the shirt and infinite armor due to the ring

Was enjoying a fun pacifist / thorns build (the axe was just to sell), which was going great until I ran up against a snake. Kinda stinks that I had no answer to that guy - perhaps make him do a small attack along with the poison?

У меня получилось пройти 2 круг. На 3 я решил не идти. Как вам пассивный билд (просто ждем пока враги умрут от старости)

what is that shield and lightning bolt thing?

The lightning bolt is a wand weapon that passively does 4 damage to all enemies at the start of each turn.

The shield drains 2 spikes (and I think 2 regen or rage or something) from target enemy as well as give some block.

queen bee fight broke for me fun game 

This game is so much fun! I played it three or four times before commenting. There were a few times when some text repeated itself. like "give 3 health to all enemies to all enemies" and stuff like that, but the gameplay is amazing and addictive!

Sad Why Is Endless Mode King So Hard


I don't like the new look for the text and button thingies in v0.09.1, but it might just be that I got used to the old one

Died cursing myself lmao

Do you think this is enough armor?

I just think that curses are too hard to deal with right now, maybe an altar event to purify w/money. btw if im missing anything pls tell me

you can remove curses at the medic person if im correct


Great game. i'd love to utilize those side pockets to toss the items the love to be isolated

(1 edit)

Genuinely a good game. Good mechanics that are fun with art to support it. 

tried to do a cleaver run, ended up with a spike carry, luckily wasn't many damn fire geckos on my path to king



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