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I got to the max Shield possible with these assassin daggers and Structures build


Found a bug with the cursed whetstone, it forces you to keep choosing a weapon to enhance after declining to take the curse it generates, eventually your inventory will be filled or you take curse damage until your energy runs out. It killed my run because of the bug.

isn't that what it's supposed to do?

Deleted 2 years ago

It's more like it locks you in an inifinite loop of using the item so that I can't use another action

i think you gotta tap/click the cursed whestone to unuse it.

p.s. had a cursed whitestone and cursed sword run before unless a update bugged it.

u just need to click on stone again to take off buff choosing

I see, might try it again next time

The way the item currently works is: 

"On use: enter a buff activation mode. While in this mode, clicking an adjacent weapon gives ALL adjacent weapons a +125% damage buff and generates a curse. This does not end the buff activation mode. Click the Cursed Whetstone again to end the buff activation mode and return to normal backpack interaction."

If I had to guess, the whetstone is supposed to automatically select each adjacent weapon for the buff automatically, but something in the code is borked enough that it doesn't finish the "activate on X, end string" part of its sequence on its own, leaving it to the player to do those steps manually.


Got to floor 14  then died to spikes


really enjoyed the game so far, cant wait till full release, though i noticed the game starts to get a little laggy when mana is used with this many conductive items

I noticed a similar and significant decline in FPS while running my Archer's Wand/Broken ring fit with probably 14 mana across 6 mana stones.


Cleaver build, is quite OP if you get the right items for it (made it to Floor 16, could have gotten further. Kinda got overwhelmed in the end without too many consumables. And didn't have too much luck without getting any.


Quite an update this was. The nerf to bow is definitely significant, the stages are significantly harder and a bit more difficult to gain xp at the start due to the new cowardly mechanic but probably would make endless a bit easier.

I think having king with 3 regen might not be a good idea with how difficult he already is, now he can easily softlock you if you do not have anyway to scale your damage or remove regen due to bad luck. Oh well, I can only adapt.

A funny picture of me getting softlocked, doomed to endless torment.


Welp...finally made it to floor 17, where I was immediately stomped completely into the ground so hard I'm still trying to figure out which part is rock and/or rodent.


Hey, question. How much HP does the fox have, and do you get something special from defeating him? (or is it impossible to?)


i dont know how much health he has but you can beat him and you'll get a legendary sword called the fox rapier

Idk if it varies or not (it might based on level or floor...) but I started the battle on floor 4 and he has 380 HP.

Reporting a bug:

If you find this setup and click in the door stuff without a key, the rat retreats to the normal stair icon, wich gets unclickable and you get permanently locked. The setup in question is Stairs -> Door -> Stairs


why not?

Got to floor 16 with this, unfortunately died to a snake since I couldn't counter the poison.


It doesnt save correctly, it also bugs out to where it doesnt load, when you refresh the page.

There's a bug with the shield potion, if you drink it, the shielding effect gets removed before the opponent start attacking, rendering the potion and any other shields useless.

did you have ninja armor in your backpack?

Second run and I got a bit into endless with it somehow.  Didn't think to take a picture, but I had 10 mana, the relic that replenishes three mana per turn, the relic that gives an extra energy, a book that converted two energy into four mana and increased damage of surrounding weapons by 2 per use, a crown that restored four mana when a wand killed something, a ring that gave four block for one mana, and a wand that base dealt 7 damage for one mana that I then buffed to like 16 with gems.  So I had 18 mana first turn and 11 every after that.  Free space was then just armour and roses for spikes.

Even the king at the end wasn't a threat, considering I had enough mana to just block everything and nuke summons, and my spike generation outpaced his regen.  The run only ended when endless threw a pair of enemies that generated 21 spikes per turn at me.  When your strategy is unleashing a bombardment of mediocre attacks, that enemy surviving one turn make them sort of unstoppable.


man those fire lizards are consistently run enders. curse, high damage, and fire is a little much. that and groups of 3. thats the only part that has felt unfair

welp hercule pavise dosnt activate adjacent weapons with shield spirit


I did a strange bow run but it worked so...


Are you supposed to be unable to save?

Died on Floor 9 - King with 3 Regen / Turn is some kind of soft lock at some Point, if you cant remove. Got him to like 500hp before he heal more than i could do Dmg. Spike wasn't a problem until Armor Cap 999. Sad i did not got somethink to increase my DMG (just 19 with all 5 cleavers)

But it was fun to play with Bricks :)

If you're generating more than 3 spikes per turn it sort of outpaces the regen.  Not perfectly, but enough.

Well, if you generate more than 1 spike per turn you eventually should oneshot the boss:)


Very true!  Just have to block him for 750 turns.

Or more, depending on how far you are into the endless run :D

whats that one cleaver doin?

It wasn't good enough to hang out with the other cleavers...

fun soft lock

This is pretty funny if you managed to get all these items on floor two just to be softlocked like this:)

how did you even get softlock here? I mean it's floor 2

forgot i could reorganise

Died again at Floor 12 Queen Bee with Poisen and Summoning Lil Bees with Curse - this scaling is to hard, to counter it at all - and a lil bit unlucky to find purple/green clever. But I'll try again :)

It'd be cool if the shopkeeper didn't steal from you when you move your inventory.

An undeniably fun game to play. Ended up going through at least 3 playthroughs in the span of 2 hours straight. Looking forward to seeing the final build!

That's the farthest I've made it. Floor 22... there was nothing I could do, the enemy dropped 30+ spikes on turn 1.

That 'gold axe' whatever it was called, would get proc'd by my shield/relic combo but still cost gold... not sure if it was a bug or not. 

Most of this run I was using a 'ring of doom' and 4 or more manastones. Got rid of it because my rage was OP and I wanted to try that Gold Axe. Died 2 fights later. Unrelated though, I would have died anyway.

I had +3 rage forged on my Queens Cleaver and +1 Haste on the shield.

Great Game! Already told my buddies about it. Thanks!

I present to you Cleaver Frenzy the best build I've ever tried. 78-79 Dmg. I reached the 14th floor pretty easy. This screenshot is the result of gradually removing pieces, below there is another screenshot of my build at the end of floor 9.

Floor 14 setup:

9th floor setup:

I noticed that superior Cleavers that didn't get the +2 bonus from the ring became obsolete. and all gems were replaced by simple mana. Since the ring for every 1 mana, gave +6 damage. And finally I was finding bricks and taking off all armor.

(1 edit)

Pick axe might be the easiest to play & strongest build that will get you to floor 10 and higher! Check it out!

(1 edit)

6 attacks per turn, +1 per kill, -1 per attack.


Did over 52k damage turn 1.

Holy shit!

(1 edit)

I think I like the Halberd/letter combo the most it's just fun.  Left side of my inventory got ruined when i used a bombstone cause I didn't understand what it did and lost my halberd for all of floor 10 and I bought alot of fish to survive until I got it back

Edit: Also Tusk sprite is cursed

(1 edit) (+2)

Another report, in case anyone cares: either duct tape is not working, or I'm getting it wrong.

Where A is Accessory, B is teddy Bear sword, D is Duct tape and O is irrelevant cell. Teddy Bear Sword's text states, that it gets +1 per adjacent accessory, and Duct Tape (which is an accessory, for the record) claims to make every item adjacent to it, adjacent to each other. This way I should get +8 to my sword, while I actually get only +5

Also, should Charcoal refresh only the items which say "can be used X times each turn" or any "can be used X times each Y"? Currently it doesn't refresh Dueling Sword, which can be used 1 time each combat. Even if it's not a bug, I don't think it'd be too busted to refresh this item by Charcoal, too

(1 edit)

It should actually be +8 but it may only be counting the top half of the sword or just the duct tape not working at all

Okay I did some testing with bricks and duct tape. I've found that some items just aren't working properly with duct tape. Most of my bricks work fine but a couple just refuse to proc it. Seems like a bug and you and I just got unlucky with it.

I thought Duct tape just nabs the "effects" from nearby accessories.

With the new update, the bow says "the first arrow to the X will be used" was this supposed to say the "adjacent"? as any gap between the bow and arrow will mean the arrow is not used.

Maybe the arrow not being used is the bug. When I hover the bow the arrow gets highlighted, even though it is not being used

My best run so far.

This build was surprisingly strong! Got unlucky with nothing to give me bonus energy each turn, but my luck balanced out by getting three guardian bands. Died to poison from the snakes, hard counters this build cause it kills through the shield. Not sure how to counter in the future, in endless mode anyway. Didn't face any fire in endless mode so idk if it could handle that either. 

Tried out the ninja and haste combo, I feels like this is the best one to pair with mana build to climb endless. I hope this will be kept as a feature instead of getting removed.

A metallic wand with at least +2 rage and a stopwatch is needed to get a kill in the first all out turn (2k+ damage). A mirror shield with at least 1 haste like I have here is essential to activate combo and deal with spike & rage from axeman, king and ohm (the candle is not needed). A mana hat (with windmill to keep the energy to 3 minimum is important) and a frog relic give you 7 hits every turn.

The dark headband is nice to quickly refill mana and potentially kill the next target immediately with all the built up damage. The wetband is needed to heal yourself up, especially against poison. It also allows you to not waste shields against king since you can attack him until the spike is beyond your heal then just shield up.

I believe I can just keep going until I make a mistake or die to the build up curse. The only way I can see myself getting any stronger is through forging for more rage, block and haste. Unfortunately I cannot save the game at all so once I quit, it is over. Hoping for a local build in the future.

The only thing for me to say is that I love this build. It does not have the kill power that a chef knife build has, but provides back and forth struggle (especially at the start) against your opponent that also build up overtime which is just my taste.

I reached the 14th floor and I already thought it was an incredible feat. My respects. I will definitely try that build.

How do I start from Matthew? Every time I die, it takes me back to the tutorial without giving me the option to start from Matthew. I was able to start there a couple of days ago, but since then, it's all been tutorial start.

Also, Despite saving, upon refreshing my browser, the game restarts for me at the tutorial


press "m" on your keyboard at the start screen

If i could give you 100 upvotes, I would! Thank you so much

same. I would give you all the upvotes

(1 edit)

I'm pretty sure the cause of the bug that completely messes up the backpack and disables every button is related to loading a save too many times, since it remembers each time you do, in the stats screen for some reason. So in case that's true, maybe try not to reload too often

I hate to report this as a bug but Ninja costume is giving me max armor every turn because each haste stack is 'removing' 100% of my armor which is uh, multiplying it positively. <3

The save function worked my first run but now every time it just says "save failed". Anyone know how to fix? I cleared my cache and cookies and that didn't help :(

You have to be in an empty Room and Just try a Brunch of times, sometimes the Game doesn't wanna save Instant


in my case, everytime i got died i click the retry and if the save failed i just refresh my browser and start the game from matthew

furthest i have ever gotten with this load out

Axemen and this boss ruined this build, I could barely get past them but spikes is too op


Cleaver builds live and die on getting the candle relic early


i mean then again you can just save and reload until you get it

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