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I miss when you could skip the tutorial and start with a rare item. It made it a whole lot easier to get invested in a run from the start, since instead of just going through the motions and waiting for something to replace your boring wooden sword and shield, you're already visualizing what kinds of builds you could do with your starting item.

Press M on the title screen!

Is there a way to use a save from one device on another device 

First pickaxe run. Pretty fun. Strong when you lean into it but falls off immediately in endless if you don't switch out and pretty hard to switch out with the space/item investment, unless shops increase in amount of rares/legendaries in order to cash in and swap in mass.

dueling sword used once per combat but currently just has a 1 turn cool down

If you take damage it refreshes. There is a lot of info you need to read on every item.


The 'Scratch' attack option is clearly put there as a last resort when there's no better way to spend your Energy, but it's nigh useless as is. It would be more interesting if there were ways to ramp up its damage, for example a permanent +1 bonus everytime you increase your max HP by 5.

Magic in general is OP given how mana stones recover all charges at the end of combat. It would be more balanced if you only recovered a fixed amount of 1 or 2 charges, maybe more with the help of items or a relic.

Asides from these nitpicks, this game is looking really promising so far.


The randomness of receiving just the right item is what makes OP Runs.  The whole point of playing is to hopefully get an OP run; 90% end in failure before Floor 11/Endless.

(2 edits)

An OP run means winning all encounters by repeating the same combo over and over, like stacking Haste and block so you never take damage. There's no fun in OP builds.

Recovering all mana charges at the end of a fight means you can use wands carelessly. That's OP. Limiting the recovery to 1 or 2 charges would incentivize managing their use strategically.

The Scratch can be increased in damage with the glove of knives so it will deal an additional 2 damage to all enemies.

this is super helpful when building a pacifist ring because scratching is not a weapon so it won't break the ring.

Nice. Does Rage increase Scratch damage as well? I'm thinking of Endless runs where enemy HP gets so bloated you'd need a higher damage output. IMO it'd still be cool if scratch was also affected by your max HP.

Scratch is for when you have no weapon to prevent you being softlocked. 

Wow. 2 health left. Idk how I won with this bad single damage. I just realized I underestimated structures so much.


        okay. this game is borderline unplayable to me anymore. the fact that cleavers now take 2 energy and the amount of new enemies and difficulty spikes are so bad, i haven't gotten a run past magma core in 13 different runs.


idea: don't use cleavers.

they were nerfed for a reason, they were busted. archery is still pretty good despite also being nerfed, block/spike is still pretty good for getting past magma, and there's still plenty of synergies.

i have tried both archery and block/spike and nothing works for me. i even had the gold lil' buckler shield and knight's shields but i just die to poison.


We'll be buffing the base damage of cleavers soon! Hope you'll stick with us!

(1 edit)

Cleavers are still very usable, all you need is a shield and the shield spirit relic and they're effectively back to costing 1 energy! I have a run rn with a cleaver build at floor 41 and still going strong

edit: floor 56 now and no signs of stopping

You can still win with cleavers, I just had a cleaver run that made it to floor 18 and only died to my internet cutting out and the page reloading

The RNG on this game is nutty. I've been trying to get a cleaver build going to push past the first boss of Endless but haven't had any luck yet. 

But then stuff like this happens, +5 energy per turn + pacifist ring on the 4th floor.

I feel like trying to force a build results in many losses, but going with the flow restricts access to the late game. Some game states feel like they can't be converted into anything good no matter how good you do but then again, idk all the builds and how to adapt wisely. 

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole

♪ Diggy Diggy Hole



I don't know how this isn't a common issue, but poison is incredibly unbalanced. In the earlier floors its manageable, since its not spammed onto you, but in Magma Core snakes are essentially a death sentence to your run, since they add so much poison to you. The worst part about poison is really the fact that there are next to no solutions to poison other than "kill the enemy fast!!!". Yes, there is that one potion that clears all of the effects you have, but it's a one time use, and if you don't get several of those or a god-like build before Magma Core, you're essentially dead. My solution to this problem would be to add items that defend you against poison. Their luck doesn't matter, they could even all be legendary, but at least that means we'd actually have solutions to poison.


                        Cleansing rag ;l


Cleansing rag is too weak. you would either need a whetstone item or a ring to effectively counter poison. Also another good change to poison would be that it damages you at the end of the turn so you dont just take damage that is completely unavoidable. Regenerative Whetstone will also only be viable as long as the poison doesnt just kill you instantly and the same goes for regen

I actually agree but the original comment said that they wanted something permanent to protect against poison and there is already an item that does this even though it is definitely too weak.

If you can't find anything else, seasoning is a pretty good counter to poison. But mostly you need to be able to 2 turn kill snakes by the time you have to fight 2 at once. That's 40 damage per turn, which should be achievable. 

very good game, i like the slay the spire like gameplay

Wand is so satisfying to play, just spam mana & deal huge damage. I was extremely lucky to get 3 rogue's mask as well. So I was invincible for most part of the game.


Welp, who needs relics anyway(got the last one after boss), also helmets only lose armor but not the spikes.

(2 edits)

i just found this game in kickstarter, i came here to play it and it's awesome.
I played it 4 times until i win it once... i think i found a "bug", i made an archer build with manastone bow and the lighting arrow (the floating one... i used the conduit to give conduction to adjacent (and diagonal) structures but it didn't worked, the blue manastone isn't connected with the arrow.

Finally i went endless but a unexpected bomb item +500% dmg destoyed all my build because i didn't readed correctly.

I skipped over this gem far too long thinking it was just another inventory management game. But this game is amazing!

The one thing I'd like improved is negative connectivity. My most promising runs all ended because I disabled my carry item either directly or by breaking mana connectivity. Those were some real tilters.


I think they should use some kind of visual indicator to show connectivity.

So far im loving the update! Stuff got harder, but for me in a good way. Ive encountered a few more bugs than before, but thats to be expected. Also what are the rules for the mouse at the beggining to appear? Sometimes it appears, sometimes the tutorial gets reset, and sometimes, like in this current version he doesnt appear no matter what, weird stuff. Oh yeah, and im glad the Grandmaster got buffed, now the final boss actually feels like a challenge, got shut down by him my last run just now, meanwhile before this update he never managed to even get me close to dying

(1 edit)

you press m for the mouse that gives you items (on the starting screen)

Second win, against the uh...  Quartermaster was it?  Well, not the King, either way.  At the VERY start of this run - literally after one or two fights - I traded my weapon for an archery kit and got this arrow.  I was stuck dealing four damage per hit for several fights before I got any mana stones, cursing myself the entire time, saying I'd take the next arrow I found.  Well, I found a lot of mana stones before I found any arrows, and learned that it was actually a blessing. 

39 damage per energy, and then a LOT of mana for gaining rage and clearing buffs.  Nothing was a threat.  I've seen people talk about archery getting nerfed, and if this is after the nerf I have concerns.

if you had the doom ring it gives 2 dmg/per use base as well. Which ends up being gross

If I exchanged one grey cleaver by the second green one. My Question is: would the two green cleavers trigger each others infinitely?

no or else you could deal infinite damage with two cleavers

actually this was covered a few patches ago, cause it used to. now they only trigger eachother once, so green cleaver (gc) A is used by player, gc B gets activated, which activates gc A. But that 2nd activation for gc A doesn't reactivate gc B.

(1 edit) (+1)

There is a bug with the legendary pickaxe and vampirism. If you kill an enemy with the vampirism tick of your pickaxe attack, the pickaxe actually gives you the gem twice. Pretty fun bug. Encountered it a couple times on a pickaxe run where I had two vampirism stones. The amount of times enemies dies to the final 2 vamp damage and I got to pick gems twice was noticeable. Encountered it a couple days ago so not sure if fixed, but haven't seen anyone else mention it when scrolling the comments.


That's what that bug is? I've had it generate 2 gems for me several times in a row. I thought it was a bug with endless mode since it happened on the 10th floor, but it must've just been the enemies health lining up nice with my damage.


Cleaver nerf and tougher monster is so annoying. Makes the runs much harder and one cannot go for super lategame. Please revert back to 1 energy.

Generally I propose an update to the coin system and randomizer system. It would be great to have higher prices at the shop but more choices. Thhe game becIt


wanted to share this foul thing. stopped scaling cause bored


Oof had to work then come back to nerfs. This build was still ongoing. Ended up finishing floor 30 when I had to stop. Probably could have made it up to floor 34-35 with no problems and maybe could of gone floor 36. Those Salamanders scale way too hard with their stacking fire application. Even on floor 16-17 they are terrifying.

(Pic from floor 25 or 26)

Multiple Pringleman shields was op with Coral relic. It had too much sustain and ramped up damage as time passed. Could put up 400+ armor in a turn if needed while getting 800+ spikes in a turn to beat anything that attacks you directly or applied fire. 

Cleavers dealt with anything that didn't ie poison snakes, debuff enemies, and boss that gains rage by shielding. Only feared slow debuffs from a certain boss minion.

This build could:

-Cleave to remove self poison, enemy health regen and spikes, self heal(not much but some), and grow damage over time with the Stopwatch.

-Shield up to add 800+ continuous spikes per turn, gain 400+ single turn armor, remove some enemy rage and spikes. The more times you shielded in a turn the more spikes it gave you as coral gives 2 spikes to a shield for current turn on use but with multiple uses it gets exponential as it stacks. Early on in the build I had 10 energy turn 1 of each combat through the curse circlet's +4 curse energy for turn 1. You could put up 3k+ spikes in one turn(had to change for more sustain).

-Had space for up to 2 2-tile curses from those pesky salamanders, but only ever needed space for 1 2-tile.

Enemy death guaranteed over time.

Possible bugs:

At one point I tried connecting the two using shield spirit but something limited the amount of interactions and it just ended up breaking the game giving me only a few procs of anything. It could be intentional but I'm very recently new so I don't know all backend interactions. Clearly some hidden limiters are in place and rightfully so otherwise double king or queen cleavers would go forever. 

*Was reworked but haven't placed since* Duct tape also at the time didn't always work as intended in some cases.

Randomly I could get more or less armor in combats rather than being consistent all the time. Something limited interactions.


Been having loads of fun and can't wait for further implementations and that Steam release. 9/10

bug report?

Shield spirit adds this effect to all shields: ON USE, ADJACENT WEAPONS GET USED. and also. ONE USE, ADJACENT WEAPONS GET -1 DAMAGE THIS COMBAT.

Hercule pavise (small yellow shield) also has the effect: ON USE, ADJACENT SHIELDS GET USED. 

When activating hercule pavise in this situation, the club and the knights shield both also get used once. the earthstone blade does not get used at all. -2 damage is applied to the club and -1 damage is applied to the earthstone blade.

This feels like a bug to me because at the very least the earthstone blade should also be being used. additionally it would be nice if either the knights shield proced the club use again or didn't apply the -1 damage from shield spirit. as applying 1 of the 2 on use affect to adjacent weapons when used seems counter intuitive.

I have encountered this bug with the hercule pavise as well.


cleavers my beloved, what have they done to you ;-;


Right? Nerfs are a sign of developers who are bad at balancing. Buff weaker stuff to even the balance, don't nerf good stuff.


well the problem is that that would make the game easier as a whole which might not be the intent of the developers

Hello? has anyone seen this item, the red hoodie. i have no idea if its rare or its new or something like that. it gives you plus 3 max health every time you take damage, but it get disable for a combat?!?!

i have died with this run after getting zero good items

I used Matthew to start the game with a rare item as a challenge run (keep it no matter what) and got this item. Ended the run with over 120 hp. Not even sure if I used the healer to increase max hp or not. Cauldron+Seasoning for regen and ninja armor for defense otherwise.


The mages that add stuff your backpack feel very unbalanced


Yeah those Salamanders. They went from being a joke in the previous patch to being a little too strong.

Especially when they are in a group of two or if there is one Salamander and one healer they can overwhelm you pretty quickly with their curses + damage dealing every turn.

Immune to everything, except poison :( 


Is there a reason you made the game so much harder early on with the last update? Seems unnecessary.

(1 edit)

My poison arrow suddenly stopped working in the swamp and I died. From what I can tell, this is a bug, not an error on my part.

I have noticed significant performance improvements with the latest update.

(1 edit)

If I just did 6 more damage with each use, I would have survived... :(

Idk how I never managed to get a king cleaver, I even had a bunch of extra cleavers waiting to get one

Managed to get a win on the first try.  My build was an uncreative "hit stuff with a stick and chug food" build, but it worked.  Don't mind the pointless mana; I replaced the ring of Fury it was attached to with the candle.

Hi, great game! But all the curses destroyed the game a bit for me. you have a great built and then you get 2 Enemies with big curses. Then you can decide to destroy your built or to die. That's no fun...


If you actually had a good build you wouldn't have to worry about curses. I.E get good bro


You sound like someone who hasn't played the game. the point of curses is to ruin builds. so if you have a good build. it ruins them. there is no getting good with curses.

I don't think this is exactly a solution. Because yes, curses, poison and burn are not a problem when you have a "good build" (op enough to kill enemies in one turn). But that feels a bit wrong, to purely rely on glass cannons only as defences are pointless for certain fights, specially when you continue in endless (I mean it makes sense for endless to eventually trade defences for more damage, but not feeling the need to start without any def right away). So you both got some point, you can play around bad mechanics but also "playing around" as for now is mostly restricted to get as much damage output as possible:)

IDK if it's only my experience but...having only beaten the current final boss one time, and having what feels like 40 failed runs otherwise...things just aren't balanced. Enemy damages and all get too high too fast, chests/merchants suck for the most part, and unless you get a godly backpack setup in the first 3 floors, you'll lose by floor 4. I like this game, don't get me wrong, but it's got balance issues.

(1 edit)

You probably missing something then, because first 6 floors are pretty easy to beat even if your setup is far from being any strong. You may experience problems in magma core on many build that found not enough power on the way, but also it isn't that hard to beat magma core as soon as you get some experience with the game, items and combinations. I'd say I was beating 9 floors on about 80% of my runs, then usually dying to magma core+ on the most of them:)
EDIT: Admittedly, game received an update recently and people say it became harder for the main part. Have to try it myself yet, as I was a bit busy lately:)

Yeah the game has definitely gotten a bit harder but overall it wasn't that much harder, I was still able to beat it pretty easily.

curse from boss lizard end me i will get my revenge!

damn this build was fun a couple of good cleaver and it would have been perfect! 

the grandmaster just got like soooooooooo much stronger. It's good for some and bad for others.

Finally got a strong magic spell. Interestingly metallic wand, an uncommon, feels stronger than the rarer wands I found. The fact that the more mana rocks you connect the more powerful it gets AND you can attack more snowballs quickly. Paired with ring of doom I was able to simply wait out spikey enemies while buffing to the moon, then one shot away.


so, 16+ levels are unreal=) 

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