Kickstarter last day

The Kickstarter ends in less than 19 hours!

If you're a fan of the game, please consider donating to our Kickstarter! Not only will you get your name in the credits, but you'll get a copy of the game on Steam and you can continue to play the game as we push updates!

If you don't support now, there will be a period of time where you cannot purchase the game. So if you want access to the newest content, the Kickstarter is the way to go!

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Well, I would had like to pay if I had money to spend..

At least it is in my whislist.

did I the first Vietnamese Know this game?

yes you did. Aren't you just the most special boi now ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)

you're a Girl, Aren't you?





Really sad I barely missed the Kickstarter. Already wishlisted, ready to play Early Access! :)


I am a roguelike nerd and this has everything i want from one. really sad I missed the kickstarter


Have you wishlisted us on Steam? We may be doing an early access soon ;)


This is excellent news because I missed it and am running out of exciting builds on the web version.

I, like many others, am now trying more and more obscure builds.


Is there a chance that since i missed the kickstarter i can still support in some fashion and get the Steam Key too?

Please wishlist us! The game will be available on Early Access soon!

Wishlisted before putting the comment ill be waiting! In the mean-time ill play the current version here


Is there any chance you'll release the full game either here on itch or on GoG? I don't buy games bound to Valve's subscription service and I'd love to buy this for my son.


Yes! I think it is very likely that we will be selling the game on Itch and GoG!


Excellent, son is really enjoying the beta version on itch.

Can't wait to buy it in 2023

Congrats on the kickstarter finale! I'm dissapointed I was unable to donate due to my fairly busy scedule (and the rediculous gas prices atm.), but I am extremely exited to get the true/final draft going! (I say that like i'm working on it, calrification for other readers; I'm not.) I was wondering if you guys have a *hopeful* prediction of what the final game will cost, and if you do whether or not your going to be sharing it soon. 
Happy programming!

Sorry for the dramatics yesterday, it was a very stressful day for me with projects due and studying for finals. I must've just felt the need to release my built up stress on something so i commented here like ten times, my bad.

Now I wish I bought a whole bunch of those friend packs to help those in the comments who missed it but I dont have the money :p


If there is a way to get a copy of early access still I’d love to donate. I didn’t realize it was on kickstarter. I love the game and I’d hate to have to wait so long for updates.


Is there no ther way to donate?


Why did the kickstarter have to end?

so the game can increase in value

I guess so, still dissapointing

Sorry! Please wishlist us on Steam! We just did a standard Kickstarter length and had no expectations it would be so popular. We are trying to get ready for an early access :)


Crap, I would love to have a copy, is there other way to donate and get access?


steam early access is a possibility. We can’t make promises as to when that would be though. We hear all the people who missed the kickstarter and want a copy! We’ll do what we can!

dude I totally missed this
oh well guess I'll wait :P


Ahhh gosh dang. I missed it, wouldve donated tho! Wish you success

Congratulations on all your success!

Thank you!

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