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(1 edit)

This was my build. Ring of Doom+Stopwatch combo is insane.

Maybe could've gone further with a better weapon, but never dropped anything better. Also paladin sword seems bugged - forever anchored.

This Image hurts my finger

Longbow, 3x arrows, stopwatch, glass bottle, Token of Energy, Mouse Wood, Barbell

Once enemies health got too high, my build wasn't able to keep up

This is definitely my messiest build since I accidentally stumbled upon a loophole with the Hourglass Relic when trying to do a magic run. Despite the +200% Bonus Damage, the main problem with the Hourglass is that my weapons will become useless over time due to losing -1 Damage permanently every time I used it.

That is until I found out that the Eternal Shiv from Eternal Staff and Eternal Blade from the Blade Summoner doesn't permanently receive the -1 Damage after the battle ended. 

Also even though the Eternal Blade uses 2 energy per attack, I've gotten Shield Spirit Relic as one of my second drops and found out that if I use a shield with the Eternal Blade next to it, it would use that weapon for just 1 energy. And since the Windmill increases my energy from 3 to 4, that means I can technically use Eternal Blade 4 times in a single round. Which is how I immediately blitz through the King before he gets to summon anyone.

Another Relic that I got from the King that help me get through a few floors in Endless Mode is Sandwich combined with Old Log and Seasoning, which let me heal up 15+ HP with every Herb, and even more with any other consumables. Shame that it didn't last me long enough since I don't have anything to continuously prevent Poison Damage and it ended my run when it went over my Max HP.

(1 edit)

King fight is poorly designed. There's no counter play for mass attack builds against infinitely stacking thorns, save taking the candle which otherwise is pretty useless. Lame way to end an otherwise face-roll run by hitting that kind of a wall.

if you're using cleavers you can just use one at a time, it's a bit of a pain but it's not an absolute brick wall

(4 edits)

Yeah, but you're still dealing with the fact that each swing is stacking thorns indefinitely. That also assumes you have enough mitigation in the build to deal with his amplifying basic swings that he's throwing out most turns.

And to edit my initial gripe I found cleansing potion worked well in the absence of candle. It still feels lame to need to assume you're going to fight a mechanic present on only two enemies in the whole game, and lame for builds that are scraping by up to the point because it's a massive, arbitrary difficulty spike that requires a very, very specific solution. It feels like lazy difficulty tuning, and little would be lost if the spikes fell off every turn.

Absolutely agree! My strongest runs have ended due to me basically killing myself from hitting him too much then not having enough armor to counter the 35 damage swings he’ll build up to. He forces people to play a specific way every fight and makes a lot of builds useless, hopefully they balance him out 

Got to the toad wizard boss in the enchanted forest thinking my armor build was unbeatable and then got stomped by poison, that sure was an eye opening experience lol! This is an amazing game, I backed on kickstarter seconds after finishing playing!

First win running ring of doom to pump up weapon attack. Instant killing everything!

Haha I stomped everything with this:

Woah! You made Guncho. That's an awesome game!


Fun! And Challenging!...Start of with a small inventory then grows as you progress, but mindful on what you carry in your inventory...think think think


This was definitely my best run yet. Got to magma cave in endless. endless. I was able to generate up to 200 poison and weak on an enemy and got out of all fights with max health but these dudes are just too strong. There's no way to generate enough block to block the burn damage, weak doesn't affect it and there are 3 of them generating 20 to 40 burn each turn.
I suggest adjusting the difficulty for endless if that isn't planned already cuz even the fights before took forever even though I basically couldn't lose. It got kinda jarring. Other than that it was really fun!

1. Ninja Costume didn't dodge/activate on blademaster boss at all, meaning I died lol. Is this intended? Bc it kills 0 armour full dodge/rage builds (I was an archer).

2. Sometimes saves continuously fail at random.

what are the items on the left side?

what are the items on the left side?

This game is so fun! However, before you add more items or zones, it would be great to see a revamp to the save system. I know you have plans for a Steam version, but it is really hard to play test the demo when the save files "fill up" with no way to clear the save to continue playing. Other than that, this is an amazing game and I am so glad I supported the kickstarter so i can see where it goes!

(1 edit)

This is the farthest I've seen anyone make it. I have a "perfect" cleaver build. Somehow found 3 chefs hats and was able  to beat the end boss a second time.

1 use the wand to add 2-3 energy for the subsequent turns

2 start building weekness using the dark wetstone

3 use the broken ring if additional shield is needed

4 mirror shield with +2 haste lets me build up armor super quickly. also stacks spikes due to relic

5 because of shield spirit relic, it also activates all of the cleavers.

6 stack rage since the gold cleaver has +2 rage on it and due to belt of knives, the middle king cleaver gets over 200 damage by the last use.

Floor 12 Boss Queen Bee's poisen & summoning two Lil Bee's with Curse every two Round killed this beautiful build :(

Maybee Poisen & Curse need some kind of a re-balance? There is no way to counter this, if you did not find any "anti-poisen" like i did.

How about this Idea? The Value of Poisen gets half after each round and curse will deal some percentage Damage instead of increase with every taken curse-dmg.? Just an Idea.

But never the less, thank you very much for this nice game :) Really like it.

You could either out damage the bees or get cleansing items to beat posion easily.

I know, but i did not find any cleansing in this run and to out damage the bees i died to fast :)

(1 edit)

Ring of Rage is kind of dumb for a rare without a downside. Got greedy and thought that 1 meal would be enough to 1 cycle the boss and kept my gold over a consumable hoping to find an energy relic or Short Arrows in a shop later. I wish buffing items would use all the mana they're connected to if you right clicked them or something because clicking 30 times before every attack is a little much. Belt of Knives working way better with archery builds than shiv builds is a bit ridiculous too.

On an unrelated note the damaging potions should probably scale with the new game+. 12 damage to a group is completely irrelevant at that point even if it's free.

Played a lot of the game the past couple of days and have really enjoyed it. Keep up the great work.

If an enemy has the spikes buff, and you attack with a weapon that causes both regular damage plus vampirism, the spike buff will damage you twice.  This may be intentional.  It pretty well clobbered me.

Nifty game!

(1 edit)

This run is so fun, using ethereal staff to make magic dagger beside poison stone, spam damage wand (forge skunk gave it 1 rage every use) then using dark whetstone to set weak on magic dagger, coal to reset dagger, the staff and whetstone, made another dagger next to poison stone, dark whetstone again for double weak on enemies by the time they've been weakened, thorns and the poison will have stacked up and they'll kill themselves if I just block. 

But the rage just makes it so much faster, at this Floor 14 it takes only 1 turn to kill an enemy with say 200~ hp and because of dark headband, I get 4 mana back to use the rage staff more, and it just keeps stacking dmg, along with the 2 hp I heal every hit it seems nearly invincible.

I might quit this run and restart just because it so much clicking to keep going with this setup. 

Just getting into this game but damn it is really fun, want to get a good archer build because I've seen some good comments of them here.

why does the picture show that u can stack arrows but the game wont let me... i would love it if i could stack them i think it will make the build much better te play

Originally, in an earlier version of the game, Arrows would stack, and be used up as fired. This led to Archer builds being unreliable, as you typically used up more Arrows than you received per fight.

was gonna make a long over complicated version of your reply but it would be a waste of time

there seem to be a bug where the enemy wont attack on its turn and i cant even do anything

(1 edit)

(Game reloaded so I didn't get a chance to note the exact item names, sorry)

Accidentally thumbed the back button and saves were failing for this run so never got to see the end. This was a very lucky run with a +5 haste shield (5x forge) and very few poison enemies. Usually I encounter many more poison enemies around 15-17 endless but this run was mostly curse based so I got lucky. Would've loved to push 20, but that will be another day.

Energy scepter with variable empty spaces deals well with curse enemies and the +5 haste 1-cell shield hard carried. 9 energy = +45 haste and ~80 spikes each turn. Alternate with Whetstone to crank up damage, the passive on this legendary sword works well with high damage. Unless you need to attack (specific enemy types) it's usually more efficient to stack 999 spikes/block and let the enemy attack you.

Next steps would be getting rid of the heart for +1 hp per attack. Although it is helpful to regain health when I made an error, once the forge haste hit +5 I never took damage. Maybe good if I saw more poison - same with the white rag. Thought about getting rid of the energy relic but it's nice to have +1 on the first turn to get block/haste up. Would have loved to get that mage helmet that is -1 energy/turn for +4(?) mana. Those mana shirts take up too much space. 


For haste + spike builds the biggest problems are:

1) Fire Geckos - their burn is additive and your block caps at 999. They will out scale you. 

2) Poison - goes through block. 99% of my runs end due to enemies stacking increasingly large amounts of poison I can't clear. Had a run last night with 3x rags and 6x energy and I still died to poison. 

3) Dodge Enemies - Specifically the enemy that grants increasing amounts of dodge to the other enemies. Very difficult to keep this under check without an energy scepter and a lot of "hits" to get through the dodge. Focus it and hope they don't summon another.


I've played this about a hundred times over the last few weeks and I enjoy it. Solid game, especially before the endless (where it can get unpredictable), and item synergy is a fun puzzle. Active development with frequent updates and new items to play with. Appreciate the demo and can't wait for the full game!

(1 edit)

FYI, you can get soft locked in a fight if you are up vs an enemy that creates armor turn and you have haste and armor with block. If you don't have enough to kill him once his armor per turn passes your max damage in a turn there is no way to end the game other than quit. Might be part of the design but thought i'd throw it out there.

Es un juego increiblemente adictivo (cuando le agarras el truco y se aprende rapido).

Su mecanica es super simple y muy entretenida, sus sinergias estan muy bien construidas. La dificultad del juego esta balanceada pero al llegar a un punto se vuelve algo frustrante por los enemigos capaces de invocar a otros.

En resumen es un casual muy bueno con el que vicear unas horas pero si deseas una prueba mas fuerte tienes que ser paciente para lograr superar su curva de dificultad creciente con las herramientas que hayas elegido, y si es que las has elegido bien, por su puesto.

Espero lograr superar ese invocador molesto algun dia :D 

coral is broken it will not add spikes to knights shield. Love the game th

This game rocks! Great game, I lost hours and hours of time playing it.

But there’s a pretty major bug: in Firefox on Linux Mint, after maybe ten minutes or less, the game will eventually stop redrawing the screen. Sometimes the screen goes blank, but mostly it remains frozen on a frame. The first few times it freezes in a single session, a few repetitions of clicking out of the frame and either scrolling away and back and clicking back inside the frame, or toggling fullscreen, will force the screen to redraw and show that animations are continuing in the game logic. With some luck, after enough repetitions of this cycling of focus/screen clearing, it’ll return to normal function.

However, it takes longer and longer to get the game to return to playing every time this happens in a single session of play. Sooner or later, it eventually results in every Firefox tab crashing instantly until I close all Firefox windows. Also, I can crash all my Firefox tabs almost instantly by changing the zoom level while the game is running with focus.

The most common way that this freezing behavior triggers is when I hit the Save button (and also when the game attempts to save automatically!). Since that’s the case. let me note a graphical glitch as well: the more times I hit Save, the farther down the screen the “Saved game” or “Save failed” bubble shows. Saves failing is, obviously, its own kind of problem. However, when a run starts throwing “Save failed,” it doesn’t freeze as often on attempted saves.

It also happens during normal gameplay, though, such as when clicking on things during combat.

While frozen, music and sound effects continue to play, and I can even interact with the game state as if the screen was continuing to update. It can nevertheless be difficult to tell whether I have successfully saved, so that I can reload the tab.


save failed like several times ;-; just lost my run

here is the last you will see of it

(1 edit) (+1)

Really incredible game. Gameplay is incredibly snappy and satisfying. Innovative idea that works really well. Recommended if you're into deckbuilders. Strictly speaking, this game isn't one, but it gives you a similar feeling to playing one.

(1 edit) (+1)

seems cool, could you put this demo on the steam page?

ferret king is brutal btw.

(2 edits) (+1)

I hope this gets/is successful! I will be sad when I need to pay for full, This is one of 2 offline games (you can click start game when connected to internet and then play offline) I like to play on the way to/from/during school.

edit: to be honest I would love to buy it but the real problem is with downloading it so if you had something you could pay and play full version on a browser I would love it.

another edit: just checked the kickstarter and am surprised how the full game will be and now would 100% buy if full game was accessible on browser 

get a steam deck

tis a bit expensive

and like 90% buy if not on browser anyway

What's the other one? I'm looking for recommendations.

Fantastic! ❤️

Unlocking the 7-3 tile kind of messed the build up from how it was at the final fight, but first try win!


I wish that you could put the new backpack slots anywhere you wanted, so that instead of the final product always being a square it can be any weird shape that works with your build

as someone who is new to the game i am expected to not understand much for my 1-3rd run. But what tf is the mirror shield for?? I have a slats shield that  is better and its common??

mostly to remove rage from Olms and King, I think?

its better in the later levels 8+

Very boring but very effective. Dark whetstone -> spam wand -> 0 attack enemies. Stopwatch (damage up per use) might have sent endless to the moon, but I don't have the patience to click that many times. Love the build diversity in this game.

I guess archer really is as good as people say it is, just no-hit the floor 9 boss

Phenomenal game!

I found a strange bug / interaction with the pickaxe: If you have vampirism and regular damage on the weapon and kill an enemy with the vampirism (dmg activates first) then it gives you two gems.

Shieldless tanky build worked out pretty well for a while ... but then I ran into these nasty lizards and couldn't keep up with all the damage from the burn and curses. Definitely looking forward to the final game!

And here is a summary of how I finally beat the game a few tries later.

I really hope they overhaul the way curses are handled in the game. It's a creative idea, but either there needs to be a limit to how many you can get in a single combat or they need to change it so enemies don't spam curses every turn.

Got to level 14 with the pickaxe


nice, pickaxe is really good.

Welp, this got me through new game ++ :D

sadly save error so cant keep going

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yarg why wont it let me post my screenshots with explanations

I got the same error when I pasted the image with Ctrl+V, but was able to post after saving the image to my computer and then clicking the "Add image" button at the right side below the text entry box.

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