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Absolutely love the game. Can we get a color blind option perhaps? My friend couldnt tell that the rotate effected text was light blue, it looks the same as the rest of the text.

level 27

good work patching the heavy items in same slot bug, lol non even half an hour to patch it

Level 15 boss vanquished but man level 16 is nuts hard

this is the same bug as below but using the steel boots, literal only  a battle of diference

found a bug, when using the mana arow wand and placing the arrow over a structure or a heavy item and this has another heavy item up, the higher heavy item goes down 1 slot, but when i cancel the mana arrow placement the first item goes to the original slot, rigth in the same slot of the one over this, this bug can be repeated so this is an code bug

I had a fun yet predictable build. I used the Assassin's Dagger and just scaled it as much as possible. Ended up doing 405 damage on hit, although it does take two energy every time.

Here is my death inventory:

I got two Golden Whetstones that I used for 25% permanent damage each as well.

Before I got the relic to give me one extra energy, I had a Dagger on the left. I got rid of it once I could use Assassin's Dagger full time.

Here is the final damage I could muster out of the Dagger with all of the mana stones adding +2 each used time. I had also killed 100+ enemies with it, so it scaled nicely because I got it early in the game. I also find it hilarious that my armor was very early game at this point, but I got unlucky with all that. I am also a beginner so I most likely missed a lot of good synergies and important armor pieces.


bro thats alot of damage




got an epic cleaver build but lost because of burn damage. belt of knives with a bunch of cleavers makes a lot of bonus damage happen

Same build here, died on the second round of endless in fire caves. The boss have too many hp

thx for telling me that a boss has too many hp

(1 edit)

Lost on Floor 15 with all-in arrow-wand build, belt of knives is so strong with arrows, unluckily i had 0 sustain/damage/mana after the all-in combo

Bro how do you find arrows

Mostly RNG, but in most run you get a bunch of "normal" arrows, and they work extremely well with a lot of synergies

(1 edit)

What happened to this? Is this a bug?

(2 edits)

Great run using stacked buffs on 1 single cleave. The chef helmets multiplier got the cleave to 100+ damage. OTK the final boss in 1 turn without using any consumables. Hope to continue in endless mode.

Could definitely use a "Use all connected energy at once" option, as mentioned by someone else. Maybe by holding down shift key while clicking. The item background may flashes to indicate I'm using all the energy at once.

Not having any healing abilities caused my demise.

(2 edits)

Lost to the boss on floor 9, Was going very Multi-hit Offensive so the Spikes stacking up just annihilated me.

(Ethereal Blade did less Damage than the Brutal Spear, that's a Gold Whetstone and +5 Damage Forge for you. And costing 1 Energy instead of 2.)

Very fun!

You can get softlocked by kicking the fountain - once the big one is dead, the other two will infinite heal stall you!


Another floor 14, this time with Rage Cleaver build. Not sure how it would be done, but a "use all connected energy" option would be lovely. That way I don't have to click the Rage ring 13 times every fight. Anyway, a ton of fun!
As always, I didn't get a stopwatch or candle, so I got spiked to death on cleavers

(1 edit) (+2)

fun first run but the weight was so limiting starting endless now


Expert Bow is fun, I needed more electric arrows, I think that the "archer" build would be pretty fun with just a load of short arrows as well lol
Before the end:
After I died to Armadillo + mouse gang:
I should have compromised some damage to find some sustain, but alas.

(1 edit) (+2)

I won my first run with amazing luck. I got 3 letter (mostly using 2) Piggybank + Orksork ax, wizardstaff + conduit + broken ring + Splint... ahhh!

Either way this game is neat. Excited for more content and to to play more still.



Last boss beaten sword was doing 103 a swing at the end


3 legendaries on floor 1

Spikes is pain. Dunno why the Newt spikes decided bows are now affected by it.

yea ,my last run really kills me. cus spike now really anti archer

(2 edits) (+1)

You might've had a vampirism stone vampiric crystal- vamp damage doesn't count as a projectile, even if it's applied to an arrow.


Yeah it also triggers on-hit-buffs so against axemen or the king having vampirism is worse than nothing

agreed spikes are pain because I died 


Found a bug that happens in firefox: When you click "finish turn" it is active indefinetly. After the enemy finishes its action the player turn will end immediately, so the enemies will attack repeatedly until death. Just as if you clicked "finish turn" again and again

(1 edit) (+1)

EDIT: The softlock has been patched. See the original message below.

I have found a bug/softlock.

TLDR: don't do Spikes stacking build.
I got stuck on the 2nd boss because of two reasons. One, these enemies do not attack you directly, so spikes don't proc. Two, the enemies have nerfed my attack power so much that my sword deals 0 damage. They just keep debuffing and I can't continue nor suicide. 

Otherwise, incredible game, love it!


It IS a softlock and a bad one at that.

Jaspel has received feedback about it a month earlier and I think he will consider giving this enemy an action to turn tail if there are no supporting enemies, which should prevent the softlock from happening again.

(1 edit)

I found a new bug.

Pro-tip: Do not use the poison whetstone on the vampiric axe because you won't like the result.

I am sure it is a bug because this weird behavior occurs with the mirror shield too.

Basically, the issue with the mirror shield is simple: whenever the player adds a spike effect to it at the forge or with a spiked scale, it overwrites the shield's spike removal effect.

edit: Added a strikethrough to one statement. (The spiked scale acts independently from the shield, I believe)

This game is Amazing
I found the best build for endless mode here :

I am sorry for being a downer, but no.

Definitely not the best since I have found screenshots here where players have managed to reach floor 100 with cleaver builds.

I think this is as far as you're gonna get with the pick.

(2 edits) (+1)

The top Queen Clever has poison 2, this applies 6 poison plus the damage it gets from the other things to an enemie

The cauldron I got for fun and has it's uses

Also as I imagined this does not work against a self spiking enemie

First time getting to the final boss after like 4 hours. I thought I was finally ready.

Pictures taken moments before disaster.

I was not ready.

King is tough with cleavers. A stopwatch could have helped defeating him, but I am not completely sure of it.


First king kill. Shiv did 30 damage and the sword did 45. Ninja Armor for protection, with two seasonings giving me an absolute boatload of healing on demand, and with a ton of frothy drinks, energy on demand. If I made the backpack more streamlined could even throw the empty mugs. Also, I don't know what the tasty fly is for. 


You give the fly to the shopkeeper and they reduce the price of whatever they are selling.

(1 edit) (+1)

Pretty good run, died to fire damage though.
Also Log + Sandwich + Seasonings is infinite healing items for 45hp as long as you have energy

Nerfing Made It Stronger /j

bow + haste stacking (+1 haste shield and guarding band)

bow op


What the heck si this bug? Came back to continue my run and the game is unplayable. Can't move items nor open the map. I was on floor 38 so this really hurts    


I met the same problem too :(


Oof sorry! We are working on fixing saves!

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't realize someone did the same build, but this build is broken just before endless mode

first image is my build where I one-shotted the king. Idea is to charge up the arrows to do mega damage (around 250+ per energy)

2nd photo I died to the panda.... I got too arrogant with my build. At this point, my arrow could do 400+ damage per energy but the boss kept spawning so frequently. I tried to look for the ring of rage but oh well

At this point, it was super laggy to charge up the ring. idk if it's because it's in webGL but overall super addicting

The save state starts to fail for games after you die. Hence I wasn't able to save this game.


looks like a furry made this game....

but do you like the game?

it has promise


Second time making it to floor 7! I got killed by some snakes.

(1 edit) (-1)



defense is the most powerful attack, so is poison

Although I agree, just be careful in endless. Poison does not scale well because the enemies have way too much health to tank the damage.

I just dead in endless, enemies are way too strong, lol.


I made the most annoying archer build possible.

I have to use the Ring of Rage 21 times each battle.

how much damage did it do?

exploding arrows seem to work better imo
they scale better with no spaces in front of them

But they only get half power from rage, which also means it scales slower.

They would also be weaker against bosses.



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