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Curse power (blade does 98dmg)

It can be better to stack honey curses but I realised it too late.

OP build!


I've ran into a problem....


this is a stalemate... or is it? it is actually not a stalemate you are just both refusing to die but when you stop attacking the enemy wont be getting weak therfore you will die when you attack... or do you? if the mole somehow gets enough dmg to surpass the weak you might lose

Haha I actually died because the mole surpassed the weak and I wasn't paying enough attention to my armor. I was laughing the entire time since to me, it was an endless loop that I probably couldn't get out of without dying (which I did )

(1 edit)

Will floor 13...

Look at the end.

If you want to have it, you must wait bee's cursed in first Boss.

Remember to prepare the inventory, Because the cursed con't to move.


(1 edit)

This game is incredibly sticky; I've sunk a frankly embarrassing amount of time into it in the past two months. I've tried a wide variety of builds, including using the cauldron to farm for golden whetstones. Floors 16 and 17 always end my run, all thanks to Status Effects. Poison and Burn scale SO HIGH, SO FAST that they're nigh impossible to counter. That said, I only run into this problem so often because I play the game so much, which I keep doing because it's pretty dang fun up until that point.


It's so interesting but some diffcult.

It will be more playability if every death got a little bit stronger like other roguelike.

Hope more items and builds. 

Welp there goes my key weapon. Darn. Thank goodness I'm tanky and spikey. On a journey for the ultimate weapon now. That can withstand more than 1 swing from my mighty hands!


So you probably want to look into the code that handles status affects when an item receives half of the effects of buffs. I think I just managed to apply 0.5 weakness to an enemy with an explosive arrow and a single use of dark whetstone on it, and when the turn ended it went to -1 weakness. Didn't seem to increase the enemy's damage thankfully, but still weird behavior.


I absolutly love the game but hate the fact that the save isnt working. after your first run if you dont win the game then it never registers that you do. even after beating the first boss. the third floor is way to hard for you to be able to beat it your first try if you dont know what your getting in to. have beat the game a number of times but still am not able to have mathie at the beginig of the game do to the save glitch


This is the farthest I've ever been, love the game and love this build. Unfortunately even the candle (weapons give -1 to spikes) wasn't enough for this fight.
Overall I think burn and poison effects scale waaay too hard and it's hard to counter it.


Amazing game you got here. I love this game more than anything I've found in years, I can't stop playing it.

Few minor things I've noticed in my playthroughs.

Shopkeeps disappearing once you visit them is a little strange, it would be nice if we could go back to them, but I understand if you're doing that for balance purposes.

Magma core seems a bit... rough. Your build has to be pretty juiced to get passed it. It just seems the first two levels are easy to medium difficulty then magma core is nightmare mode, all of a sudden 150hp enemies that hit like trucks. Maybe another level in between the swamp/deep caves before the core? 

King feels like that too, he seems much harder than the other potential bosses.

It feels a bit bad (especially late game where space is always limited) to open a chest behind a key door and find it's just all garbage. A slightly better guaranteed reward would be cool.

Anyways love you guys, great game, I backed your kickstarter and can't wait to see where it goes!

(1 edit) (+1)

Excellent game, really good work! Was able to do a double endless whit the build shield activate weapon! nice build Haste on shield + Rage on weapon OP :).

Wanted to try a spike build... was nice but then i got to third zone .... got hit whit 18 poison stacking each turn ... when you have 50 HP kinda abusive ... its 54 unblockable dmg turn 2

EZ Clap


I need a bigger backpack for endless :V

i think i'm little strong

watch item is funny but it destroys your build.  0 base damage 

welp guess flowers aren't a good idea to put in your (magical) backpack

first immortal slimes which are no longer immortal after getting a few nerfs but immortal mage(s) now exist and they are much harder to defeat since they also get shield

Coral doesn't seem to be working in this update


Bats are really hard to counter.

(1 edit) (+1)

First time I got slightly far into floor 3 area 1 but then some fire geckos killed me.

Please add fire removal items to the game.Also am I an idiot or just unlucky with items that I get.Because how do you people win so much.

Deleted 2 years ago
(3 edits)

my second relic was connector but I didn’t have room for it later

Also I do have bad luck in this game and I’ve tried thorn builds. They are pretty good.

P.s. could you send the link to the discord server

(1 edit)


Great game, stopwatch is so strong with wands


Since I haven't seen many structure builds, here is my contribution. I killed king by stacking the shivs up to 80 or so damage and stalling with haste. (Yes of course the shield had haste.)

A little thing you may have noticed that far too few people know, is that a float object can hold up a heavy object and a heavy object can hold down a float object. Consider a balloon for your next earthblade(runeblade?) I don't remember what it's called but it does more damage depending on how much space there is below it, maxing at 17. So you can just hold it up with a bubble or balloon. Just make sure the sword is already supported on the top in some way so it can get up there and once your balloon/bubble is in place, feel free to remove other support!

Fluffy Cotton bugged.

it just disables your wands. there's no benefit. Does not add to manastones. Oopsies

Damn, after mining for 30 minutes, the pickaxe disappeared.


That is so silly.

Do not add the dumbbells into your inventory if you're gonna run a pick build.

It is one of the worse relics because of things like this.

Damn, archery is so op in this game. Tried it once and won the final boss. 

I was doing so well, but a certain cultist ended my run. This run was starting to get really good too, I got lucky with both the relics and the drops.

This time I tried out magic, mainly using the uncommon wand with 1 rage forged. If I got the one that increase base damage with mana stones first and forge it, I could have gotten a bit more damage. It's a bit unfortunate that the belt of knives does not synergize with lightning, but warrior book definitely does. The biggest problem would be how laggy the game is when using magic.


So much fun! I played an old version and there were lots of ways to just cheese the game; this time I had to think even about when I should attack.

This is my final backpack to defeat King:

For the first many round use the whetstone to buff the assassin's dagger (which has an attack of 53, 2 energies) and use the manas to get +4 blocking from the ring until we have enough blocking. See that my mana doesn't recharge, so this is tricky.

use the extra weapons to kill any minions.

once the assasin's dagger has been buffed to over 100 and we start running low on mana, start attacking with it, initially 1 per turn and then twice per turn.

Once we can kill him without dying to spikes, attack with what is necessary.


I absolutely love this game, been def putting +20h already on it, can't wait to see it on Steam man! I'd like to report this bug: the ninja armor DOES not remove your whole armor IF you have haste active. 180 armor with 1 shield?


noooo wheres matthew

press m


Latest version seems to freeze very frequently. Hope it gets fixed soon!


Just updated it! Hope it works now!


There's a glitch with the Ninja Costume. If you have haste it causes you to gain armor at the end of the turn instead of losing it.

true! I noticed too


I am running into a bug where I go to the next floor an am unable to click any of the UI buttons. The buttons darken when hovered over/pressed, but nothing happens, and I am stuck in my inventory.


Welp, I finally made it passed floor 18.  I ruined the run by forcing a fight I wasn't equipped for (bat and slime, the poison did me in) but other than that, I must say I wish you could get the smith more often, because they're the single most useful random encounter in the game bar none.

(1 edit) (-1)

every new week games feels better and better )

i think there is a bug in thi boss floor generation


The second exit is intentional and leads to a different area


game brokey it no work :(


Loved this game. The backpack mechanic works very well. Had a lot of fun playing it


 i think this is a world record for thorns


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