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(1 edit)

The Chronno Trigger vive of the music is amazing !

It wont load.

I cannot get this game to remember any setting for sound or save and load. Is this a known fault or am i being dumb?

Walked into a boss floor and got a boss item and still got a boss item after fighting it


Just wanna say if you increase the damage of an weapon the damage that damages you, it will increase damage taken. Found that out the hard way by one shoting myself while I had 45 health. 😂😂😂😂



send help im not even in endless mode.


I'm having a little trouble on floor one. Does anyone know what I could do to beef up my build? uwu

(2 edits) (+1)

Get a hourglass, this will permanently decrease the damage of your weapons by 1, but the slime sword is disposable/recyclable, and the screenshot showcases this very clearly.

Alternatively, the bombstone is pretty cool, but it might be a little too much for this item. Hope that helped. ;)


Absolutely nothing this is the strongest backpack I've seen ever

(1 edit) (+6)

I've been seeing a lot of issues with people getting soft-locked at sage toad, and I think an easy solution would be to have them and other similar units classed as "cowardly" or something (a bit like "minion" in StS), meaning that they run away if there are no non-cowardly units remaining.


Love this idea!


So sadly I ran into an unplayable build. I was really excited about the pacifist build as well. But I found myself in an inescapable loop I couldn't scratch my way out of.

balanced game


I can barely get into floor 7 anymore, anyone have any build recommendations for surviving the fire?


You need either HasteForge event, and some kind of +haste item, or, you need to kill them really darn fast.

Do not be affraid to trade health. And prepare some free space. Their curse rotation will kill you either by direct curse damage, or ramping regen and rage.

Best fast-kill canditates are archery, and burst mage.

If you are not running a status build [haste, rage, regen] you can make really good use of Cleansing potions.

What's a burst mage build?


something incredible like this bastard


Lots of armor. 

Tower Shield + armor sets or just a Haste Set should do


I love this game, but the curses just kill all the fun imo :(


I had made a previous comment pointing out the issue clear as day about the curses and was told by the developer that they were added to force the player to 'destroy' their perfect build.

While I understand that, this implementation has only made the game slower-paced since the player has to figure out each time where to put the curse. This is bad game design.

Funniest part of it all is that an otherwise pretty weak weapon called the cursed blade is made tremendously powerful because the player can put all the curses near it if they want to and there are builds specifically to take advantage of that fact.

What I think the developer should have done was to add a thief enemy that can steal the player's items and aim specifically for legendary/rare tier items or money.

Along the thief enemy, the developer should consider reverting back to their original idea on how curses should work: the enemies put the curses for the player and then the curses don't replace any item from the backpack, they are instead added on top of those items which are then either disabled or weakened.

(3 edits) (+1)

I'd prefer the last option of disabling or weakening items. Regardless of the Dev's wishes for a build breaker function, the entire reason I play the game is to have a fun set of weapons and gear to play with, having to throw that away constantly or just die to unavoidable damage because of some arbitrary mechanic is annoying as heck.

Edit: At the very least there should be an option out of combat to remove curses. Or just have curses exist during battle only.


Great game, really fun. IMO rotating items is not really necessary (almost never used/needed it). If you can add some sort of permanent/persistent upgrades, that would be super awesome - I can’t get past floor 5-6, and would really like to be able to grind through to completion.

(1 edit) (+4)

Math quiz: Calculate the maximum total damage that can be dealt on the first turn.

its about 1353 damage per turn


The metallic wand uses mana not energy so it can have far more uses than just the 3 that you calculated.


450*13*5(the large manastones)+450*16*6(The HUGE manastones)=72450

72450+161*162/2(from stopwatch)=85491

 + about 200 from warriors spellbook depending on when you have to use it, (ancient tome would be higher damage for sure because it would allow 3 more uses per manastone). If I did any of the calculations wrong or miscounted something feel free to correct me.


the answer should be multiple of 5, and approximate 42K damage.

the answer is 41,955 damage in first turn!!!!

how did you get 12 golden whetstones


cant tell u. Developer might remove it. 

Small hint: use save and load

I found out while messing around before your comment, but your original pic gave me the idea. Thank you:)


The boss item which doubles damage to arrows is broken, it does double the damage of all arrows, but no arrows are shot.


Mouse Wood also disables arrows if the arrow has any items adjacent to it


Frog healer to op


Love the game! Quick recommendation: the whetstone feels super OP to me. I would consider either limiting to once per turn, or maybe only lasting for a turn, or reducing the effect. 

(1 edit) (+2)

It is OP but not super, there are crazier stuff out there, its just too easy to use so you saw it easy. It becomes less and less usefull in infinite floors because it doesnt give insane burst like mage build can neither can it do enough exponentiality as it is limited by your energy. I can only see it go brrr if you fill your inventory with berserk rings realy haha. 


To expand on Toranet's original comment, the Whetstone is quite frankly meh as an item. Each time I do get one in my inventory, it is usually there to take space. I almost never use it due to the marginal damage bonus it provides.

Additionally, there are better items to use over the whetstone. The ring of doom provides +2 damage points to weapons near it when used, but given that it is a magic item that costs 1 mana, I can use it a lot to ready myself up while keeping my energy in tact. The poison whetstone, in spite of being usable only once per turn, deals way more damage to the enemy because that gives the weapons +1 poison which stacks and not only that, but the poison takes a while to go away, so the player is constantly dealing damage to the enemy while the enemy can not do anything about it.

There is one occurence in the game where the item does get pretty broken, it is whenever the player has a shiv/hatchet/cleaver build because the whetstone affects every weapon in its row and column, so you can get +30 damage worth out of one whestone if you have 10 shivs.

Hey! I have a question, when i try to put my gauntlet up after it shifted down when i got a new space to the left on that row, it won't let me put the gauntlet up that space. Why is that?




There are heavy objects, they all go to the bottom, they would only stay higher if there is another heavy below them. Structures, several weapons and these gauntlets are heavy

I have just thought of a build... ethereal blade staff+bomb=125 damage per 3 mana... you can also add hourglass and weights to the mix for extra spice... Gona try to do it if I get the chance, post it if you manage. I wana see it :D

(1 edit) (+1)

This? (I mean it was when the Archery update came out but still I posted this a bit ago)

What does the herb do?

You can sell it for 1 gold and there is a weapon that gets stronger when something near gets destroyed, also an item that can spawn herbs, while you can use this to make strong weapon there are less convoluted and more efficient methods to make super weapons

Has anyone ever used the Chainmail? I think it's the worst...

(2 edits) (+2)

I got no idea why its not common grade item, could have been rare if it got to keep that armor forever, actualy it would be legendary then but as is its less usefull then tunic and breastplate because of neighbour bonuses.


I have a bug to report. Whenever I have the sound muted, both music and sfx, and I return to the game, the sfx is always on, I have to go to the options again to twiggle the slider a bit and then it gets properly muted. The music doesn't do that, only sfx sounds.

(1 edit) (+4)


You monster xD


may I make the one requested of this game, for a form of special defense against poison and curses so that I could go past Floor 14.

There is already an item to remove poison per use of nearby weapon and another that lets you delete all near curses for 5 hp, not ideal cus you need to allocate space for curses but still

(1 edit) (+2)

Bag of Knives? More like quiver replacement. I love the new archery btw. Alright its basically infinite


32.3k Health points?!! That's sooo hard

holy sho, how did you deal so much damage to him? do you have a sword that deals 100 damage?


coz I am the greatest cheater with tons of patience. PS: use save and load wisely

Loving the fish sword, 61 damage when I died on floor 12.

Curse sword can go there too without gold stone

i have no clue what to do now


Common softlock. Enemies with constant defence, constant heal, or constant Dodge <armadillo, sage, cultist> can, and will outramp their defence compared to your offence.

One constant way to beat them is to have at least 2poison damage per turn. At certain point you WILL stack that poison higher than their max HP.

Other way, working on Non-Cultist, is stopwatch or whetstone. You can, and will get more damage than they can defend for. Each use of whetstone is at least +9 allout damage. More if you got bonus energy.


My first time trying the cleaver build at it worked and I beat the game

Prey to Jebus not to run into King with it, that thing gets stacks of spines for each hit it takes making you kill yourself


Did a bow run one turn killed the last boss

I used two water sacks and a dodge potion, I love bows now


Game is great, new Cultist and Sable give a new and different ways to approach battles.
Although cultist is annoying

Also, it is way overtuned on Endless, there are only handfulls of builds that MIGHT deal with this, and that is basically either Mage, or King Cleaver, OR, you need 1k damage burst on turn one
Bows might deal with it, they might not.

The only other way to deal with NG+ Cultist is poison. A lot of poison.

The 16 stacks of dodge on turn one? Good luck if it is Cultist Snake.

This is such an awesome game!

This is the 5th time this has happened to me when reloading into a saved game.

The icons on the map are frozen and the backpack is well, you can see. As far as I know it is simply an issue with loading a save file, nothing to do with particular events or items. Sometimes if you reload the page it fixes itself, other times it just stays like this.

I am improving the save feature, but I believe these errors are from one of three causes:

1. Mouse moves over an item while it is loading. I will fix this, but in the meantime keep your mouse outside the frame until the game is fully loaded.

2. Save your game with your inventory displayed. Don't save when pressing buttons, moving things, or viewing the map.

3. WebGL gives us a lot of heartache when saving and loading. We will be switching to local builds around the time the KickStarter comes out. Hope we'll have your support! Should be in the next week or so

Aww, but I'm too impatient for that ;)

Thanks for the info, good luck fixing it.

The shady trader can trade you exactly the same item, which seems odd.

ya but, at least he did not give you a worse item

i really like the game. didn't encounter any bugs. 

Description on the Hawkeye's Bow is unfinished/ missing text.

Does anyone know what it does?

(1 edit)

Sorry! Seems like a glitch related to the wheel!

I still don't understand what makes it different from a regular bow.

It fires arrows from 2 sides, letting you stack them more/different from usual. 

(4 edits) (+2)

Someone mentioned that golden whetstones stack additively (e.g. one whetstone = 1.25x dmg. two whetstones = 2.50x damage). And I wanted to see how well it'll work with the assassin dagger and barbells. After tons of tries, this is the result. The dagger is too weak normally. The only way you can pull this off is if you somehow have scaling infinite block as you try to get kills with the dagger. In most games, you die before the dagger ever begins scaling. Finally, by the time endless dungeon starts, the enemy's hp scales faster than the dagger can scale. I might be doing 900 dmg a hit, but enemy has 2000-3000 hp each. The game above I was super lucky in getting 4 whetstones by floor 11.


I'm loving to see the game grow in depth. Kudos to the entire dev team. I think it would be interesting if certain items had interactions with other items. Such as the piggy bank breaking if a heavy item is dropped on it, cute things like that.

(1 edit)

How deep is the dungeon? And how much time, approx., does it take to finish the game? Asking as the game won’t let me save my progress.


at the moment the core run is 9 floors. Which can take 30 minutes to an hour to complete 

Thx for reply.


If bows aren't affected by spikes, I feel like wands shouldn't be either.



I agree. I mean unless your beating them with the wand...

(1 edit)

I reciprocate TheRealAskz's opinion. Spikes discourage players from whacking enemies with their wand(s) and stacking up damage early each battle.

The trade-off for realism would be balance. This suggestion would make wands more powerful than they are now, and yet, players still manage to exploit them in spite of the downgrades they received recently.

If the developers ever consider excluding wands from spikes then they must add an effect that blocks magic damage (e.g Magic Protection) and unlike dodge which can be decreased by attacking the enemy, it should last until it has used up all its turns.

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