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so uh i finished the game but my character's walking infinitely to the ? at the end. first time finishing, i reloaded the boss fight like 3 times if that does something

I got so lucky this time :v

bug report: if you beat king ?area the character just continued endlessly.

btw first time i kill him


Feature request: Hold down 'R' for at least 2 seconds to reset game.

This game is awesome! I love playing while updates are rolling out to keep me engaged. There was a definite difficulty spike when status effects dropped every turn! I love it!

Pets and things land on keyboards all the time, holding any key to reset everything would be a disaster.

But, putting a reset game buried in the options, with a confirmation window too, might work. But just reloading the page/game also resets it...?

(2 edits)

Bug report: just got my max health upgraded from the healer. Left her spot to go to exit then I find that her symbol is still available on the map. Clicked it again and the character just continued endlessly to do the travel animation. Luckily I can just click away to another location and character successfully moves. Still healer symbol is available on map


bug report: if you save game and reload it if you go to the healer you can use it again 

Bug report: selling an item removes all ability to move items (both in and out of the bag) until you exit and reenter the game

Just posted a new patch. Please refresh the page. Sorry!

Bless, thx



incredible game and a very interesting take on a classic RPG game, but I don't like the fact that you restart the entire game if you die, I would just rather that it would restart the area. like the little areas that have three stages each. aside from that, great game and it doesn't have enough popularity with how good it is


the "permadeath" aspect of the game is a function of the genre (a roguelike)

yea i know when i wrote this i was just raging that i made it REALLY far into the game and then died towards the end


the more i play this game the more i am genuinely confused on how people manage to make it past the lava zone without being massacred by neither the olms or the fire geckos. 

fun game, i just continue to have absolutely horrid luck.


I've done it twice.  In the first one, I had a keg, a golden shiv, and a piggy bank, and I essentially bought as many free turns and as much healing as I needed.  In the second, I built wands, orbs, and tomes, plus some armour.  Both builds were difficult to manage, and took some luck to assemble.  I screencapped the second one, I'll post it here if it will let me.


I love this game! I've been putting hours into it, and there's items and strategies for every kind of player. 

My only real complaint is how strong the fire geckos are; with their high health & curses, I'll end up in battles that last a really long time and burn through all my consumables, and even then I end up doing zero damage at the end with all the stacked weakness curses. 

It would be nice if there was a little guide as well, some of the effects and weapons have to be figured out through trial and error, which can lead to death pretty easily when the only way you can use weapons is in battle. Maybe if there was a training mode, where you could practice using your items against a dummy?

All complaints aside, this is a great game that I really enjoy.

For some reason when I downloaded the game, I got some error about needing to start Unity in dev mode or something like that. I don't even have Unity, how am I supposed to play?

(1 edit) (+2)

potion that removes status effects on self doesnt apply to burn

how am i supposed to fight those geckos that burn me down in 2 turns ? :<

edit.: btw, forge is fun - need more


Handful of feedback points:

- The forge should be a regular, predictable event that occurs every x floors. It radically effects the viability of a run and making it non-random would also help with scaling.

- The presence of the healer and shop should be non-random. It's annoying to go several floors without encountering healing or shops and that some floors have multiple healers/shops.

- The 25 heal for 5 gold doesn't scale; it should be a full heal. It's enough for the trade off just to be between increasing your health cap vs healing.

- I would consider making the shop and healer remain on map even after a player visits. It's annoying to discover you don't yet have enough gold to up your HP or buy the item you want when you could potentially go back after a few more fights.

- Let me click while the mouse is in motion on the map to redirect it. At the moment, once you click on a fight, etc there's no way to cancel out of that action.

- The Matthew options could use a re-think. Is the archer option even viable given that you don't have the inventory space for a backup weapon and can run out of arrows in a few fights? Should the rare/uncommon items pull from a limited set of options? The current mega-roulette just encourages restarting until you get a viable item(s).

(1 edit) (+2)


As of: Backpack Hero Relic Update Hotfix 2

I should start with that I cheated to get to these areas as I already completed the game normally and wanted to see what kind of scaling would be going on Post-Game to see if it was even something worth wasting time on.

Endless Mode Dungeon Section(Post Game):

The Player Receives no buffs per cycle of the dungeon.

The player's Bonuses do not scale and yet the enemies become Damage sponges and do End-Boss Damage/DOTs.

There is no special loot that I have found.

Loot/Equipment does not Scale.

First Post Game Loop:

Fire Gecko: 2160 HP, 31 Damage + 25 Burn (up to 3 Per enemy Group)

King: 15000 HP, 47 Damage. Gains 1 Spikes per turn and 1 Rage per Hit.

Second Post Game Loop:

Fire Gecko: 4080 HP, 47 Damage + 42 Burn

Grand Master: 32300 HP, 61 Damage + Summmon(Fire Gecko: 4560 HP, 52 Damage + 44 Burn). Second Round- Grand Master: 48 Burn + 52 Armor.

I had 93 MAX HP at that point.

Third Post Game Loop:

Slime: 1120 HP, 48 Damage or 44 Regen.

King: 42000 HP, 82 Damage.

I had 103 MAX HP.

I had a 1166 Damage Assassins Dagger(5x Golden Whetstone).

It would take me ATLEAST 36 attacks to kill it alone.

The Scaling is clearly Broken.

Curse Damage taken for ignoring them scales with each curse encountered so you can be 1-Shot with Damage or have to Dump items which are likely the only reason you aren't dead yet anyway. Curse Weapons Suck, if they consumed the curses on use maybe less so.

Post-Game you get a Curse you can't slot in, you are Dead.


Add a golden Cheese Bonus. Some sort of Buff to the Player for completing the Game each Time that improves survive-ability Post-Game.

Extra HP? Scaling Damage/Buff/De-buff/Healing Values? Increased Luck?

If you are going to scale the DOTs then you need better removal methods than 1 Potion and 1-2 Point Removal Items otherwise the only thing that matters is how quickly you can kill the enemies who ALREADY scales if you take too long killing them.
Makes for Boring Gameplay.

Damage Sponge Enemies are not fun. Even with infinite Energy and a 420 Damage Weapon(Assassin's Dagger with 2x Golden Whetstone) it takes an amazing number of attacks to kill these enemies so why bother with Post-Game/Infinite when I could go and play another normal balanced round of the game but lose the build I was enjoying.

5-15% Boost to the enemies each Dungeon Cycle so abit harder but not insane. It'll extend the gameplay and make Post-Game more interesting as a build is refined or replaced.

Post-Game needs some tweaking to actually be fun.

Side Note: Why is the Electric Stone and other Gem-Accessories not Conductive?

I should note I LOVE this game and have played it far too much. I would gladly pay for a downloadable version.


Awful bug/glitch that can end a run for no reason, i was on endless floor 14 mindlessly hitting enemies with my wand and that axe that uses gold, when i just die for no reason, i didnt even hit end turn and i had full health


It's a pity you didn't get a screenshot of your inventory etc so they could look into your specific example.

my browser does not support webGL, i lost my favorite browser game

(1 edit)

ninja mask is really bad for a legendary. It gives 1 haste and 1 weak every turn. This effect will sometimes be applied after other armor has blocked so it only gives its buff to Sheilds. Not that bad right? But if you think about it, it's worse than giving haste to a sheild at a forge which is free. If you were to find a ninja mask at a shop it would cost 35 coins. And it also adds weak and that's bad enough. 

In my opinion making this item a rare and making it give 2 haste instead of one. That would fix it in my opinion 


the point is the ninja mask is passive and doesn't cost energy

Man, what a fun game! My first Floor 16 run. From floor 12 on, it's just more of a grind and loses a little bit of the fun, because you don't have that much variance on enemies, mechanics and it turns into an endurance game of beating up damage sponges.

I would recommed the author to develop more boss variety, instead of new items and make so each run you go against a different mesh of 3 bosses, with scaling levels of difficulty. The floor 9 boss doesn't fit that much into the lava pool environment, so maybe a red lizard/dragon with burning powers would be awesome!

I'm impressed with your consistent updates, and keep up the good work! Pretty fun game, i hope you make a heavy weapon that uses the bricks as a source of power, or maybe a shield that does it (or both!). <3


Glad you had fun! I will work on new Boss and enemy types!


Feature request: Show the TOTAL ARMOR you'll start a battle with somewhere on screen! Would be so much easier than checking & counting 5 or 10 different armor items, with every reposition.

Barely got to floor 17, the previous floor boss (floor 15 or 16?) was TOUGH!, new 1200 health enemy every 2-3 turns. After, managed to defeat that Fox and get his fox sword below (on R outside).

Still almost impossible to find the exact items you really want, maybe too random. Would be great to have a wider variety of items available to buy, and for a little cheaper.

The Ring of Doom still can be really powerful, with a Wizard's Robe to keep increasing it. Combined with a Golden Whetstone x1.25 bonus, and the Barbell x2 bonus together. And a weapon like the Tilted Sword and the Stopwatch that both increase damage with each use. Ended up doing about 200 damage per hit after 3 or 4 turns, eventually ramping up to +1000 per turn.

2x Forges adding +2 haste to the shield kept defenses high enough, almost.

Made it to floor 17 before getting a little beat up and poisoned (as usual, it's almost always poison if you can get your armor and attack damage increasing).

Interesting that the Barbell takes precedence over the Shield Spirit, a disabled weapon won't even activate with a shield. And those pink "wall" defenses don't seem as strong as regular armor, until the impossible task of finding 9+.

Still great! I can only imagine how hard it is to balance with so many moving parts.


I agree with this guy


Balance is still a work in progress! Glad you're having fun! Total Armor counter is planned :)

keeps exiting the game when playing and restarting >:


Saving should be implemented in the next day or two! Sorry!


I got a bit of an issue when using the Elven Wood Relic. From what I understand, the relic is supposed to disable the bow you use to attack with, but since the bow is selected until you deselect it, you can just spam arrows until you run out or all enemies are dead. It might behoove the Bow to force a de-select after each arrow. It would make a turn full of shooting arrows a bit more tedious, but it would prevent this type of cheese from making the build I've got in this run too powerful, instead having you stack up more bows (like I think this is supposed to encourage?)

Small other note, but I like the interaction on this one: I was running right after killing the final boss before endless, and they gave me weights, which makes weapons deal double damage, but you can't use them if anything is touching them. I also had a shield and Shield Spirit, letting me use adjacent weapons to the shield with each use. The weights didn't let me use the weapon itself as expected, but it *did* double its damage when using it through the shield. I wish I had a screenshot of that build, I might have been channeling a bit too much mana into the Doom Ring lol.

Umm, just used the golden whetstone on the bow. I probably should have guessed, but that just wasted the whetstone instead of adding damage to the used arrows... might want to restrict the whetstones to weapons that they can benefit (I don't remember all of them at this time, but bows, in particular, don't seem to themselves do any damage, so most probably could do with not working on bows...)


In previous versions, bow's were tricky to figure out total damage. A jewel or stone would indicate on the bow that it would do extra damage, and it would, but selecting/activating the bow and then highlighting an arrow would not indicate the total damage. You'd have to count the enemy's health and watch for the "double attack" numbers. It might still be doing that?

Or maybe a plain bow with zero additional damage would still really do zero times 1.25 = zero additional damage. Definitely needs clarification.

A bug related to the "double attack" was, IIRC, using an arrow would make you get hurt by spikes TWICE. If anything, arrows should be immune to spikes, they're a long distance weapon after all...

this setup is extremely good, too bad i didnt get a better shield

this setup is amazing, earthstone blade did 56 damage with the energy stone that resulted in 200+ damage each turn, too bad i didnt get a better shield :(

Really cool! Love seeing a backpack with so little in it!

(2 edits)

yay i got to floor 4 on my first try not bad.


Just experienced a weird visual glitch: I paid for a max health upgrade from the healer, and I had EXACTLY enough gold to get it. The gold disappeared from my inventory, and so did the slot it was occupying! This seems to be a visual effect thankfully, as I got the slot back when I tried to move another item to where I remembered it being, but it was still concerning. I thought a MUCH worse glitch had happened.


I will work to fix this bug!

slime sword is op for each 2 empty spaces you get 3 gold if you sell the slime swords + slimes before their regen nerf was more stronger than 3 fire geckos (cuz if you can't defeat the slime before regen activates you are ded) so you have the bl**d of an once was immortal enemy fused into a sword

Will this game be downloadable at some point?


Managed to get to Floor 16!
Cleavers are the best.

(1 edit)

Hello, does anyone know how the new mana works? Thank you

mana = wires

connenet them to the nearest mana source or create a mana "wire" towards it to give it mana

(1 edit) (+3)

I love the addition of relics and the possibilities they open up, but I wonder if balancing for them has ended up making run-of-the-mill builds totally non-viable in the final three floors (looking at you three fire geckos). I remember Terry Cavanagh saying something he discovered when balancing Dicey Dungeons was that it can just be fun for players to get OP builds on rare occasions and fixing those or balancing for them wasn't always the best approach.

The only viable build I've had on that floor is the shield-spirit + soldier shield + bag of knives whirling dervish of destruction, which absolutely melted enemies and only met its match with a spiky Axman circa floor 16. But none of my aggressive normal builds have made it through the gauntlet of fire geckos. I'm fine with failure in games, but it's best when it's because of a decision I made or a miscalculation that I can correct as I get better at the game. The present version of the game has shifted the balance to a place where I need to get lucky with equipment drops in the hope of entering the final three floors with an OP build.

i remember the game was ez before the nercomonion was nerfed was able to beat the game easily with berseker's ring, pacifist's ring, broken ring (witch was broken before new mana system showed showed up) and a ton of rose of thorns was easily able to beat the final boss with those items the only problem was triple fire gecko since they are still unbalanced and hard to beat

vid of me beating final boss with old nercomonion


Any run where you can get the weight relic is viable using even common weapons and a whetstone, but the game now is definitely RNG dependent and lost its strategic element.


3 fire gecko boss in the beginning of the map. This fight is unfair unless you get really strong build. Strong build rely on RNG a lot.

3 fire gecko should be always and only blocking the path to the door or atfer the king boss fight so it can feel hard enough that it is a boss

Greatly enjoying this game. The Relics really changed things up. So here's what I've been playing with for the last few hours now... Bit of a mess, but it's been working.

Basically, archer build, got Rage on the bow from a Forge event, so the arrows and the bow both build up damage the more of them I shoot, the Vampire Stone ensures I heal up with every shot, and the Elven Wood lets me keep shooting as long as I have arrows. Thanks to the Elven Wood, I can basically build up my Rage to pretty much any number as needed, then finish off the target with the shivs. Prior to getting the Rage, though the process took MUCH longer to kill anything with a large hit point pool. 

The rest of the time, during easier fights, I turtle up, and keep using the quiver to stack up the arrows so I've got them ready for the tougher fights. I'm on Floor 20 right now with no issues so far.


this game was so much fun - and most of the updates have been really good (i like the new mana system, although larger mana should be more common), but the latest magma core hp jump on the fire geckos breaks the game for me. if you're not outputting crazy damage by the end, it's basically unplayable, as their curses and poisons will kill you after 4 or 5 rounds, meaning you'll need to be hitting for >150dmg per round to realistically survive. One of the things I loved about the earlier iterations was how nearly any run had a chance to at least get to the final boss as long as your backpack optimization was on point. Now the number of viable builds is super limited and makes the whole game basically dependent on RNG rather than your organizational skills.


Last time I got to level 28 with mana before nerf, however there is always a golden cheese.  Shield spirit and elven wood will 100% be nerfed with how it is right now.

The Dumbbell locks out weapons with anything adjacent to them now, so the Shield Spirit doesn't work together with them anymore...

Was able to reach LVL 28 but browser decided to reload on phone went I went AFK. Most broken build I made. I made adjustments to this later on as I never needed to heal and only needed to continuously damage the enemy.

Was able to get the forge event twice to add haste twice to soldier shield. got the shield soul relic that let's the shield use adjacent weapons but -1 damage, but due to the soldier shield innate +1 damage, no damage loss. Then got the candle relic to remove enemy Regen/Rage/Spike. Then got the elven wood that let's bows return 1 energy when used then disables the weapon used. But somehow the shield using adjacent weapons doesn't trigger the disable debuff thus being able to infinitely get energy to use whetstone several times before again regaining energy. Rinse repeat and you get infinite scaling. Then got the final piece for the perfect build. The bag of knives. When weapon gets used, adjacent weapon increase by 3 damage.

Basically just need this items.

- Soldier Shield 

-Shield soul relic

-Candle relic (cancel the spike scaling enemies)

-elven wood + 1 any bow ( infinite energy with shield relice and shield. Use)

-Bag of knives (to scale your damage)

-early on need whetstone to increase ramp up speed of damage but once bag of knives is obtained, damage will scale eventually

First time I got to F7... Rage on!


That final boss is so tanky and so much poison damage it's unbelievable.

Not Shown Here: Big pile of Gold Coins that barely killed the boss.

I had a bug where curse of poison weapons added poison to my enemies, rather than me.

Beat the game with 72 damage per hit. Got lucky on the wheel event and got 2 " Gold soap" (Did not remember its name) and used them to multiply the damage of the weapon.

This is the farthest I've gotten so far; I'm pleasantly surprised by how well this build worked for me. I got double rage-upgrades on the cursed sword, but sadly no upgrades on the shield pictured.

Guardian ring doesn't seem to detect diagonal shields.

no it does it just doesn't show that there is a diagonal shield it still works

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