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Nerf Ferret King. Reasons he is op: Damage pretty much forces you to block, thus adding rage to him. He summons 52 hp enemies, which have about 15 damage, which is literally impossible to kill in one turn without good items. So you have to block even more with meals to prevent dying. But then the ferret does even more damage. Before you say "just git gud", I know he's possible to kill. But he's easily the most difficult tier 1 boss. Queen bee is just a worse version in almost every way. Perhaps make the spawns small ratwolfs or ratwolfs instead of rabbits.

the thing is...

its not get gud

its get lucky

i got a wapon that deals 1 dmg but EVERY TURN IT +16!!!

soooooo after a couple turns you can one shot pretty much anything

(1 edit)

i have a build where i do 500+ dmg in 1 turn


I don't think I have enough space for so many items 🤔

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Found a bug: On PC you can right click usable items and select "use item max times", if you do that with the Letter you're in a endless loop of using the Letter; the only way to get rid of it, is by exiting to the main menu. This also completely deleted my run (haven't had the chance to test it a second time yet).

If you hold down right-mouse it will stop using it. But I am going to make a proper "Stop" button at some point

Ohh didn't know about that, thanks! But in that case I'd personally prefer a message displaying that info, since it actually makes the gameplay really smooth. But either way, I have 100% trust that you'll definetly make this already amazing game a masterpiece :)

I have a question.

What is the most profitabl ? The bramble or the cric ?

Thank for the answer ! 

(I'm french so I problably mistakes.)

Both have most of the same enemies, save for the bramble.
The Crow (That's not the actual name...) is a harder enemy and, if that route is chosen, it would be your first encounter with an enemy that can dodge.
In the full game, judging by it's sprite description, The Crow will be able to 'steal' items in your inventory.
 There are 2 unique bosses on this floor(two for each floor, I belive.) but I've yet to reach it. I'll reply again once I've gotten the names of the 'new' enemies and bosses. 

There're is one unique item in the bramble, there's probably more but i havent found them yet. It's the ramming sheild. It deals damage for each AP/SP (armor/sheild point) you have, at the cost of you losing half of your AP/SP total. 
Now you have a reason to use hercule pivase!!

I would like to add that there is a very slim chance you encounter a special event in the bramble that will allow you to gain an extra 5 HP or heal your health. The Bramble (or at least for me) has been fairly easy to take on mostly due to crabs. they don't do a whole lot of damage and all you have to do is block for those first few rounds and then it's quick from there. BE WARNED sometimes The Bramble will throw 3 hermit crabs and one of those mice at you and that can be hard to take out if you don't wield a proper weapon by then.

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I have probably put in 300+ hours into this game; it is addictive and fun! The RNG is so great that I keep playing to see what I can do next, there is a lot to experiment with. So many facets... I play it so much that my arm legit hurts and I have to take a break from it until my arm recovers. I can't wait until the full version comes out on Steam!

*I have made it to level 16 many times and sometimes I die on level 2. It is such a great game!!!!!! Thank you for creating this.

very addictive

After playing or a while (this is an amazing game with great replayablility!) I noticed even more errors in Polish translation. There are some dialogues (namely-Badger smith and potion bat) that look terrible, the grammar is all over the place, sometimes it looks like someone put these lines into google translator and didn't read it afterwards

(3 edits)

Persistent bug where the "any items left outside..." textbox stays up. Anyway, I'm going to win with this build where I got unlucky and didn't get the bomb relic, wish me luck because I won't give up until it works.

Update: I figured out that the bug occurs when your first action is reorganizing. I'm getting good RNG on the reorganizing items rn so thanks for wishing me good luck.

Final update to this: I won, and got through the endless first boss, and then immediantly died because of the tooth necklace, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I made a great progress with loudout that damage 100-500 damage per turn, Then this green mf showed up. I died because of his spike.Now I learned that I need ranged weapons. I died at floor 8 :c

In that build a shield instead of those two jugs would have been enough. It's a bit tedious but you can just block for 7 turns to reduce those spikes to 0 and then attack.


Elder mage boss needs rework. With a poison build it's trivially easy, and with most other builds it's not hard, just time-consuming. My takeaway is to never play enchanted swamp on endless unless using poison build.

I beat it by doing nothing because my build included robot toy and too much armor for any of his attacks to break through.

The attacks of his allies are easy to deal with if you have at least 4 energy per turn (you need more in endless mode). Given the nature of the elder mage, armor and dodge are actually completely useless during boss fight. Robot toy seems like a great way to kill allies, so I guess that about covers the entire fight. Does robot toy trigger dodge?

Yes, but if I remember right my fight was bugged and he dodged everything but robot toy, and I had more armor than he could damage solo at the time. Probably not a good strat in endless unless you somehow have triple the armor I had at the time.

(1 edit) (+2)

Decent build with 8k dmg on 1st energy, around 100k dmg on 4th energy(unfortunately not a single boss can sustain the 4th attack in this cycle :) ). Still enough space for more tapes and cleavers. When your dmg becomes outrageous there is no need to defend.

Why no king cleavers?

there's one

Only got one xD    Also jack cleavers would be the best in this build

What do people think is the best build? I personally think archer, maybe hawkeye bow + 2 arrow wand for lots of dmg per turn.

If you can manage to get the right items or be lucky, I'd say cleaver start with ductape would be good, use one energy for 100+ damage (Not counting modifiers, upgrades, ect.) x3 on its own is great, but coupling that with a few energy items and upgrades you could do like 700+ damage a turn! ofc this is all estimation cause it's alot of work to get the cleavers themselves, not to mention the surplus effort to get the ducktape.

Yeah but cleaver builds are just 100% luck-based... I tried them so many times (probably more than 50) so far, but my luck just sucks.. sure you can cheat by quitting and redoing a floor if you don't get what you want, but that's most definetly not how I want to get my builds.

Yeah cleaver build with lots of cleavers seems OP. Just thinking about what hawkeye bow shooting 6 ethereal arrows can do tho... and you can also orient the arrows so they can use empty spaces on both sides (one way to do this would be to put bow in the middle 3 squares on the top then put arrow wand in bottom left and bottom right corners, then rotate arrows so they face inwards, and have a black manastone fueling it all). Seems a bit overcomplicated when cleavers are prob just better, but I'd like to see it done.

Black mana stone? I've never seen that before.  Is that like a legendary/rare verson of the manastone, or is it some sort of condition to be able to get it (I.E certain enemy defeated has a [insert percentage]% chance of dropping black manastone)

black mana stone makes it so you can merge mana stones with the black mana stone to where you can have up to like 100+ mana in one spot

(1 edit)

Cleavers/Assassin's Dagger

Edit: For endless mode. If you want to win easily, mouse wood+reroll for a 3 long bow at matthew's blessing.


I may or may not have encountered a bug on the steam demo. Whenever I use anything in my backpack during a fight, a portion of it disappears and I get softlocked. I cant do anything, whether it be reorganizing, scratching, using my items, or even ending my turn. The map button and options button work though. The only way I can get out is by exiting that game and starting a new one. I would have sent a screenshot, but for some reason my computer wont take it while i am in the game. If this is a bug, please fix it. If it is not, then I am so sorry for wasting your time because of my computer problems.

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couldn't outheal the poison. slats shield had +2 haste and club had +1 rage.dumb bats...

Died to 2 sables and the bunny guy with dodge :(

Was hoping to use the frog totem on the shady crow guy and get something better.

Shortcut to a Secret Passage?

I keep on trying out new playstyles (archer, magic, etc)

and they keep turning out very powerful. I think I saw the merchant selling an axe that has an activation cost of 1 gold. Either this is a bug or insanely op. Also, the hp rings say that they inccrease your max hp when you remove them. This is a typo, I assume.

somehow i ended up stuck behind a locked door with no key. after clicking "no thanks" to open the lock, the mouse moved slightly to the right, the footprints went off the map, and then I was soft-locked in the room. funky :0

been in the game for over a month so far, i posted the same exact thing a week ago. 

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Floor 7 with 2 bosses, 1 with 400 hp and another with nearly 200...that's insane, only achievable with archer build

By floor seven you could have over 100dmg a turn. i just had a cursed wetstone run with the fire axe. could hit for over 125 plus burn


When did Anchored Items still get effected by Heavy/bouyant?

got so far with archer build then died on lv 13 :(

9 Energy Poison Arrow Build! So Much Poison!!

try to use the crossbow with many poison arrows face down, all of them lined up, and you will still have 4 or 5 ofspace left for energy items or consumables

I always die to poison :(

Question: why can't I take items if I have room for it?

Can I use items (eg healing items) out of battle?

I thought the game was broken from the menu. If you're going to make a demo, make the unusable options.....unusable. Or tag them as such at least.

What option wasn't working for you?

When you click on the blue outfit for Purse or Tote or Cr-8, a prompt comes up that says "New characters and costumes are available in the full version..." and clicking "Go Adventuring" does nothing.

Those options are there to show you what the full version can do, so you can wishlist and later on buy the game. A lot more people will want to buy the game if they see it has new characters... Jaspel did a great job doing it this way.

Loved it, but I can never get healing items during the deep cave and it sucks cuz i keep dying

Loved it! Really fun. But I don't know how to get money, and the money I have disapear for some reason, so I can never pay to get healed or buy items... This aside, I really love the puzzle feeling of making the most of my items in their positions. Will definitely play again! 

you have to put the money in your backpack.



I love it, the format, the style, the mechanics. It already feels very well done, can't wait to see what the future updates will do with it

QUEEN BEE SUCKS! also how is my setup for this early in the game? 


its overly weak. you need to hard focus on one build type. you have the makings of a great swordsman run you just needed a little more armor and some roses

thanks for the response this is my first ever comment on itch, and thanks for the info, but i died in that run.. queen bee is annoying for my play style

The electric wand should not be there. I see that you were trying to start a magic build, but without any book or the robe, that wand only exists to take up space. The staff, however, is fine. You could only wield it 3 times per battle, but at least it hits every enemy and deals 11 points of damage.

Using it once and then hitting the bees with the club would kill the Queen's summons immediately and thus you would have had an easier time dealing with the boss.

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To be fair, I think he just took that wand with him because he had free space.. I for example always fill empty spaces with "junk", just in case I get some items later on that make that "junk" useable.. if not you can always just throw it away or sell it for some extra coins^^

Or he was waiting for books or the robe and he just didn't get them yet. Happens constantly with every build..


Got a etherial shiv by disabling it with archangel wings. It did not disapear after the battle. 

paficst ring and besreker ring in the same backpack is possible with...

  • teddy bear sword or that one poison book with other things to help poison or maybe scratch builds
  • bricks and broken ring
  • maybe blackmanastone

teddy bear sword and brass kuckles can be buffed via duct tape for maybe endless runs


Your post explains why it is nearly impossible to combine these 2 energy rings for those exact reasons: 

  1. Other than the bricks and broken ring all of the items you have mentioned have an uncommon, rare or legendary rarity including the energy rings themselves and regardless this is not a viable strategy in the long run due to endless' scaling.
  2. The scaling issue is particularly true for the Teddy sword because the Teddy sword cannot be upgraded at any forge and ignore useful items like the gems since it is not treated as a weapon by the game, but I think you are aware of that already.
  3. Out of the entirety of your comment I think the brass knuckles strategy could eventually be the most fruitful if paired with multiple "wolverine gloves" to quickly kill all the enemies simultaneously and much more quickly. 

Ideally you would want the broken ring too, but still the issue of mana management could make it more of a shore to use against enemies that deal 20 damage per turn, or enemies like the fire geckos or the repxecutiors which will break down your defenses making it pointless. Though, I do recommend the candle and the My First Wand coupled with a Necronomicon for this build to alleviate the issues posed by those enemies if anyone will ever be attempting a run using this build.

I know that rage increases the damage of non-weapon items. It did with the broken robot toy in a run of mine.

Correct, but the most reliable way to give the player rage is via the forge. In fact, passing by the forge twice will make that every hit the player makes gives him +2 rage, and if he really is that lucky he can increase this number again to +3 and then +4. The forge upgrades are almost a must-have for endless and the fact that only weapons and shields can receive them is why this is not a good build in the long run.

You can attempt a run with a ring of rage, but you will need mana and a way to recover it consistently. The most common book type item has a rarity of uncommon (with the Necronomicon being Legendary and the best book to pick) and the most common item that gives you mana automatically at the start of each turn is the robe which has a rarity of rare, but because it is an armor type, it cannot be used if the player is holding a Berserker's ring, so the only item in the entire game that gives the player mana automatically in this specific set-up is the frog totem, but because it is a relic you can only have one of them.

You may also consider getting a cap (+1 damage to wands), and the magic necklace that adds +4 mana whenever you kill an enemy with a wand, but it is all really cumbersome, speaking from personal experience.

Whoever made the Polish translation made a terrible grammar error...

Any details?

(2 edits)

An obvious ortography error on fire lizard translation, and there's some issues I personaly have (like male-gendered dialogues when your primary character is Purse. Some dialogue and comunicates could easily be switched to genderless forms) plus I get it's beta and the translation might be incomplete but I'm not sure if the translator just didn't miss out a few things (like "gerbil ruffian" where "gerbil" is translated and "ruffian" is not, olm and skink are unstranslated too).

can someone explain the Dumbbell and Glass bottle to me? i keep trying to do what it says, but it still never works.  like it says " if there is an adjacent item, this is disabled"...but i literally moved everything away from it so there arent anything adjacent or even diagonal but it still disables.  

am i doing this wrong?

this is what i get when i start a fight. so im confused with the wording. Google fails me everytime i try to figure it out.

any item causes weapons with any adjacent item to be disabled?

The dumbbell and bottle's effects are added to your weapons, so you need to have nothing adjacent to the weapons to get the buff.


not the barbell gets that effekt but the weapons itself! so in this case no weapon may touch anything

the barbell itself doesnt matteer wheere you place it... as long as no weapon touches it

oh! that makes a lot more sense! thanks guys!

(1 edit)

you have to remove all items adjacent to the weapon

The "If there is an adjacent item, this item is disabled" thing is for the weapons, not the barbell. You cant have any of your items touching the weapons themselves, not the barbell. Having items touching the barbell wont change anything if your weapons have something touching them.

Yes, you're doing it wrong. The effect of the barbell is all the weapons need to not be touching other items for them to work.

It seems that i cant play this on my phone again.. this message keep on popping out... sad :(


Leaving door without opening it often cause me to take weird route

The Strongest Bow in Backpack Hero! Tier-S!!


The game's difficulty has had a massive kick. Now it is just hoping that you get a good build going. Or you just get stomped by enemiies. Everything has just dramatically become harder.


there is infinte money expoit with the yummy fly



buy something while the fly is active and go to another shop for profit

Please don't deliver whole game, I'm already addicted :D


The game is great. You can going back and re-visit some of the random events, especially merchants which are important. You will know how to spin right at floor 0. The instruction of buff and debuff is clear.

Yet the update is also making it notoriously challenging.

  • EXP: 
    • The experience gaining is much slower, I don't even have a full backpack when reaching floor 9, which will not happen in early beta.
  • Merchant: 
    • They now only accept a certain amount of selling (and they do not show the quota), which limits me from changing playing style. This also means you need to take the gambit of "high-value item consuming space" and "lose money because you didn't keep the rare item".
  • The mobs:
    • The final boss is much much harder than the boss before. (High HP + spike + rage) means you can only go a full burst and kill ASAP or endure and grind the boss's HP away. Even having ~70 HP by buying 5-HP boosts and a rare herb (+3 HP), you can still die in second attack.
    • I often die at floor 4, mobs can stat to deal 20+ damage at floor 2, much earlier than old version.
  • RNG: the biggest enemy
    • I faced a run which I see my first merchant at floor 7.
    • In another run I met 2 forge, only to find out that they only provide shield upgrade when I had never picked up a shield.
    • If you cannot get healing consumables in a row, you are going to die very soon, especially floor 2+.
    • The archer kit  and uncommon items from Matthew are ... sometimes horrible.

the exp part might be because you didn't eneter the brambles

The first two points are correct, you do get less exp (or less enemies) meaning you'll fight the end boss with 1-3 less spaces after killing everything, and yes, the Merchant now only accepts 3 items (I think).

The other two points existed before the update, meaning it's been like this for over a month. The boss you speak of isn't new, you probably just haven't seen him yet, since the boss is chosen randomly.

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