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it was fun while it lasted

My New Favorite Meme Build!

badger boss

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Never thought I'd beat king without the Doru, but this crazy build did it with more ease than the Doru. I was very sceptical due to the complete lack of defence but I made it through. The pick did 63 damage with a +8 each turn.

edit: The lack of defence got me at floor 13 with multiple Sables.

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Doru is OP for sure but good cleaver builds, rangers or spike, and potion tanks are also broken. also if you are ever having trouble with defense good subs (for me at least) are mega vampiristic, or mega healing buffs (sandwich, soup, and fish combo super OP) side note: wizard staff centred builds can be good as well but i never lucked out with mana or mana regen stuff

I haven't tried a cleaver or archer build yet but I could never luck out with the mana stuff either


the reason on why rocket gives permanent damage to enemies is because B A R B E L L

rocket run anyone?

up past floor 700 now. decided to ditch all the shields in favor of more energy (not that i really need it yet).

Old setup: 19 x 3 = 57 attacks
New setup: 9 x 9 = 81 attacks

Plus, I can trade energy for keys and luck ring storage to try to find more golden whetstones! I've decided i'm going to try to get to floor 1000 before i call it quits.

how do i get the new update



Someone took this version of your game and turned it into an Android app on the PlayStore, it might be nothing but figured I mention it here anyways.

did they change the name or something

It's a straight rip of this webgl

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Club Build


that's actually really smart when against enemies with spikes like king, but maybe think about or try getting cleansing flame to help against the reprecutioner and king

i got a hercule pavise on floor 1 :D

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teddy bear sword and guardian ring can be affected by rage and haste

do not spread this message


finally a decent cleaver run, 6 rage and 6 haste so far

Best run so far, 13k+ damage first energy. need moreee!!!

20 floors ahead of you I do 1340 dmg on first energy. Probably because i have no duct tape.

keep searching for the duct tape XD

you might do more damage if you put the red cleaver (third one line 2) the row below and the same with the fifth one too

i'll try, thanks for advice :D

Swap the left-most chef's hat with the gold cleaver from row 2, and see the difference in damage output. xD

eu tinha items muito bom e eu morri por causa do morcego e o veneno dele fiquei muito bravo

Tote's Flowering Cleaver is SUPER POWERFUL!!

You should implement a report bug feature, or some other way of reporting a bug.

Here's the bug:
The peridot that increases poison by 1 and reduces weapon damage by 1 increases self-poison on vampiric axe to 4 instead of adding 1 poison damage to enemies.


I think I probably got really lucky.. that last battle was crazy difficult though D":


I should probably start a new game, but I really want to see how far i can go before things just totally break down...

hot dang

bro what

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I should note that the assassin's dagger killcount is bugged; every tiem you pass 1k kills, it starts incrementing by a factor of 10 instead of just 1 (so 10 per kill at 1k, 100 per kill at 2k, etc...) at least i think that's what it's doing. the actual kill count is the +damage it's getting.

and yeah, i got lucky early by getting the dagger and shield spirit to keep things rolling. had plenty of room for lucky rings as well, so i found more golden whetstones. Also at one point hit a wheel-game with golden whetstones on it and blew through 1k gold trying to get as many as I could. think i got 6 or so off of it?

anyways, still playing this same save, i'm up past 600 floors now. I also hit another wheel game with whetstones, though i only got 4 out of it this time. I'll probably post another screenshot later :D

worth starting the game from Matthew or starting normally? i did both and each looks to have its own perks but i need somebody who has played longer to tell me 

i'd say it depends on what kind of build you want.

starting normally just gives you a lvl up, 3 out of 7 items (of your choice) starting from matthew can give you 5 things

  • 2 uncommon items (could be bad)
  • 10 extra max hp (a little extra safety)
  • 1 rare item (could be the poison ivy(bad) or either key sword or teddy bear sword(both good)
  • become an archer (gives you a bow (not 4 wide) and arrows the bad thing is that you could get 2 short arrows and a crossbow but you can save scum or just not pick it)
  • nothing via ignoring (its just nothing)

anyone know what I should pick here for cleaver build?

consider that I have to verse king on floor 9 btw

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the candle is a must-have for almost any run as it will get rid of thorns and thorns are a menace to cleaver builds. but the belt is kinda OP with cleaver as well

don't worry, I chose cleansing flame/candle

I DID THE TRICK, luckily though, I didn't get put up against king.

although, I died, but I quit, so I can try again against grandmaster Xd

Hey u said there is a discord server i have a discord how can i join the server?

Belt of knives i think

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Love this game so much cant wait for it to be on steam! keep up the great work👍

You have to pay 12 $ to pay with the update on the kickstarter

I wish I could play this I heard good things. Is there a downloadable version?

Theres one on steam i think

i cant get te new version?

started as an archer build but... ductapes

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im on floor 51 and have seen 9 golden pavises but no duct tape. Youre lucky.

Cursed Vampire Axe is Underrated! 100% Health Always!!

still waiting for another duct tape

im slowly losing hope in getting one as the last one i got was like 100 floors ago...


OH holy RNGsus gods, bestoy great luck upon thy *ftbgamer*


at least he has duct tape

pacifist run


I did a full pacifist run after getting a shield scale from Matthew. Eventually you run into snakes that never attack, just poison, and so don't take damage from spikes.
Maybe it's possible to replay until you get lucky and don't encounter snakes? Maybe there's another pacifist-ish way to kill them?


teddy bear sword but its very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very inefficient in endless even with 12 duct tapes

So I've noticed that when I play this on mobile(I know this game isn't intended to be played on mobile), when I exit the game and click continue for the second time, it bugs out and stops working, forcing me to exit & re run the game. I've been resetting for a few hours now so I can get a conductor from the boss, but I haven't gotten one after dozens of attempts - This on top of me having to exit the game to re-run makes it very frustrating. Is there a specific requirement to get a conductor from the boss, or is my luck just terrible?

u have to click different spaces or patterns on thr map otherwise ur rng is same iirc

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Any better placements? I have no duct tape and the bricks and the coral are temporary. circled pavise has 2 haste circled cleaver has 2 golden whetstones and 4 rage

Im at floor 37 for a cleaver build i have seen 8 golden pavise but no duct tape.

How can you get the new version of the game with Tote ?

yeah, you just have to win or SOMEHOW get an early access steam key for the game, it's not that hard

but how can you get a steam keY?

join the discord server and you'll find out on announcements and contest announcement, reply to me if you don't have discord and I'll tell you how to get steam key, because discord server is SO much better then backpack hero chat/comments

I dont have discord

okay, so basically, there are contests everyone now and then, like every week or so, which the top 3 or the top results/players get free early access steam keys. 

I'll notify you when the next event is on, and what it is :)

i beat floor 9 so now what lol

i had all these luck rings but only got 1 legendary

i had 6 energy per turn but rude roosters rage got out of hand and killed me

are there any tips someone can give me for an archer build

dont use the 2 wide bow

Starting out as an archer is rarely a good idea, because of the limited space; start with boring ol melee and blocking, then move on to archery when you have more space and hopefully more arrows. Focus mainly on horizontal expansion first, since you can go further that way and send your arrows through more empty spaces. Note that the arrows can all go in different directions, and don't have to make sense with how the bow is facing, if that makes arranging things easier. Make sure that you actually are firing all of your arrows; arranging them in certain ways could have them accidentally block each other from the bow. Archery works well with either of the extra energy items, since both benefit from empty spaces. With things like Belt of Knives or Stopwatch or to give you Rage or otherwise boost the power of all your attacks, sending the arrows through empty spaces becomes much less important, unless you are using the Poison arrows (those would do increasing amounts of damage like any other weapon, but the Poison amount only increases with empty spaces). Keep in mind that one of the Rare arrows Floats to the top, but also has special requirements to boost the damage, rather than benefitting from space. Things that increase in Rage when hit are dangerous if you can't kill them in one turn, since you will be hitting multiple times per energy, but Spikes are completely harmless to you, since your attacks are projectiles. If you are in the endgame but not Endless mode, if things go well enough you will do so much damage with each energy that you won't really need Block anymore; everything will just die before it can do anything dangerous. If you are in Endless, accept that you are probably gonna die in the first repeat of the third area, or maybe even the second if you get unlucky; very few types of builds can survive the Poison in those, and Archer is not one of them.

Fear My Doom Magic Arrows!

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so this is my cleaver run i need more chef's hat what do you think

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how does one get so many duct tapes ;-;

im here sitting at 2 

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i had more but had to let em go cause no space :/ i need hat's and king cleaver or queen just got a shop with 2 duct tape xD

you gotta be kidding me =-=

wait i think you would do a lot more damage if you were to put the shield in the heart place.

And only put the heart in whenever you need healing

switch the shield with the heartstone, and check what enemy your versing before charging right in, so then if your versing king, you actually have a chance to switch out your heartstone before battle, meaning you use no energy to rearrange during battle.

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