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(5 edits) (+1)

IMO, enemies becoming HP sponges in endless runs is not fun at all. It invalidates a lot of builds and items except the highest damaging ones (Cleavers, Assassin's Dagger, spikes stacking) and for others that still work it takes way too long to finish a single encounter.

My suggestion is to add items or weapons that let you deal percentage-based HP damage, maybe a gem like Whetstone that upon use makes your weapons deal 1% HP damage to enemies. That would help with the infinite scaling

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I mean... this is a super early version of the game. I'm pretty sure Endless mode isn't the ideal.

Of course it's all subject to change, but player feedback helps the devs improve the final product.

Mouse wood is way op


sorry if I'm just pointing out the obvious but recently I managed to get 2 copies of hercule pavise and found out it interacts well with itself (3 triggers from 2 shields) and can give insane block (2 hercule, 2 slat shields and  li'l buckler were giving ~60 block per use of one pavise)

it let me breeze through floors 5-8 with just a wizards staff and take no damage but I died to the fire final boss

so yeah, any ideas on how to use this for an insanely lucky infinite run or somethin?


Died to Badger boss, Great run though! :D

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look at this died

Finished it with this LMAO 

Fire Geckos are annoying as hell!

regular pickaxe run


i dont think im dying anytime soon. this may be the strongest build ive done.

this is how the build ended up. it is without doubt the strongest build in the game. 9 energy per turn is 72 attacks each turn. i havent come close to dying at any point, i think the last time i took damage was 172 dam from a curse on the spin wheel. luck rings were for trying to get more gold whetstones. only issue is that it gets boring all i do is click shield. weapon gains 7 rage each use, and one energy gives 56 rage.


fun pacifist build, but died to snakes as they dont attack but poison

hey is there a way i can buy the game? i want to play along as the updates come out but the kickstarter is finished now

Is Etheral Arrow with Bombstone bugged or works as intended? Its tagged weapon/arrow but when I kill an enemy with it, it doesn't trigger Tooth Necklace or Dodge from the legendary bow. When I kill without Bombstone, they both trigger.

if weapon breaks on the hit that kills necklace and other "when weapon kills" don't trigger at all

prolly a bug and it made me lose a run once but if it is a feature it seems too hardcore to me

I've only done a single two-hour run of Backpack Hero so far, but I can already see a ton of potential in how all of the items interact with each other. I can definitely see myself trying out all kinds of strategies to see how different item combinations and layouts work.

Two Bats with (~15-20) poisen each round is still to OP if you could not got a single cleanse :(

But Doru is really fun to Play :)

Grandmaster finally toke me out with all those flames...

4 rage wand and 2 haste shield :). Mana animations are a pain thou, all those levels clicking so much...

Deleted 2 years ago

loving the videos you’ve been making!

(1 edit) (+1)

Berserk's Club's damage to oneself can be permanently reduced to zero with the Hourglass relic, which can be removed from the inventory afterwards. This allows for some interesting exploits, for example if you pair the club with a gem that makes weapons recover HP upon hit, you can heal yourself indefinitely at no Energy cost by striking repeatedly. You can also build infinite Rage this way if you reforge the club, and if you have the gem that makes your weapons inflict +1 Weak, you can debuff enemies with as much Weak as you want.


doing this with the candle could theoretically create an infinitely lasting build, although time consuming.

interesting idea, i'll update later on if i get this combo

No... It will start at 0 but gain +2 self damage every swing. I had a reforged rage berserker run the other day. It was very op once i got splints/heal gems but soooo tedious in endless. 

Yeah I just checked and it does eventually start dealing self damage after swinging enough times in a turn

The more you lower the club's damage with hourglass, the more swings you'll be able to make until it starts dealing self damage. May not be infinite but it can still be a great source of healing and inflicting debuffs without spending energy. Only problem is how time consuming it is in endless mode


it does decrease it permanently as well, so it actually eventually allows for nearly endless procs, you can however use it in a poison build for a truly infinite poison build combo, as the permanent decrease in damage will allow you to eventually poisons for damn near infinite amounts, eventually truly infinite lol. you just can't deal actual damage with that kind of build, or you'll have to keep getting more weapons.

just spam the peridots with a pickaxe, and use the hourglass to get its damage to self to be nearly zero for like 60 or so hits, and you've got yourself infinite poison build

Crazy poison/healer run, get hard walled by first mandatory enemy set on level 16. 8 seasonings + sandwich + old log is 120 healing per energy, and with a max hp of 237 the build can tank a ton of damage. Poison damage is just inherent scaling, but unfortunately not fast enough for this fight. w/ forges I was inflicting 16 poison per arrow. I somehow got 2 hoodies pretty early, which let me scale my hp. Lot of fun, but ended up w/ really long battles.

old log and tons of seasoning seems to be a pretty cool combo, what does the herb do btw other than be fodder for things that get increases when something is destroyed near it? and of course seasoning healing?

Herb does nothing besides activating items that have destroyed nearby abilities/used consumable abilities. (however I had two of those here, the seasonings obviously give the healing for using consumables, and the spice bowl gives 3 rage for using consumables).

What I meant was specifically things like the saber and chainmail which gained armor or damage for the combat based on things destroyed next to it, you could combo this with things like fish, and the cauldron to make pretty heavy builds to fight on endless with.


Behold: the duct tape chainsaw!

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I am headed that way at the moment but need more Duct tape haha, also need a Weaponsmith for poison for that annoying Elder Mage.

I find that explosive arrows only add 1 damage for each empty space to the right, but in the description, it says +2. Is this a bug?

It's the "This item gets all modifiers multiplied by 50%" which is kinda silly.

Thanks! I didn't realize this also counts as a modifier

Can anyone test if attack an enemy with spike using arrows cause damage to trigger or not?

Deleted 1 year ago

lovely game , spikes are kinda broken

Teehee I basically cheesed some floors by spamming shield and then using 0 energy cost weapons

was a cool run

that's pretty sweet, lots of defense, some more energy and the weapon that gets stronger per turn with the dumbell, seems like it was a pretty cool run

I haven't paid attention to a game in a while and this finally made me get out of my comfort zone to try something new.

Even in such an early version it's really fun and surprisingly relaxed

I expected an inventory management game to be CBT but this is genuinely well handled, i also like how there's very little luck and unlike other games of this genre, you can actively avoid enemies that can hard counter you at the cost of loosing out on XP and rewards


this was a very hard meme run playing with curses + the basic shields with hercule pavise, the old log carried me tanking curses, and the lgendary wooden sword of 150 of damge, the items out of my inventory dont were used i dont recommend play this "challenge" requires an very big luck

the final boss was grandmaster

it suddenly stoped working on chrome anyone know why :(

Cursed blade is so bad now

Awesome game :) IDK if it's intentional, but attacking a spiky enemy with a pickaxe affected by a vampirism gem causes the spike damage to trigger twice per attack, which was unexpected and pretty brutal


Vampirism is an extra attack, different from say...the heart gem that just gives +1 hp per attack. So you attack once then do a vampirism attack.

Yeah, once it happened I figured that. I expected it to be equivalent to +1 damage and +1 heal on the weapon rather than being a separate attack. If the extra spike damage is intentional, I hope the tooltip gets updated, because this makes a couple of bosses way more deadly

I got bored with my run and decided to end it

I got really lucky, floor 1 pickaxe and 2 golden whetstones

When the game teases you with cleavers in every other drop, but you never get any of the ones to activate them, seriously there are several times when i could have dropped my setup to go for something else, but i just kept getting cleavers. :|


could we get a use all mana click option, gets tiring clicking 20 times per fight lol

is there a chance that we get slime arrows? (just thought about it, and the devs even said about another slime itens

poison op

Fun run, but I have met my end at the hands of fire geckos

Pity that this build doesn't work because bows aren't weapons

(1 edit)

Just found out you can use shields to fire arrows lol

wait, you can? DX

Yeah, the shield spirit can activate arrows, although the mousewood would be inactive due to adjacency bonuses. So probably just best to use normal weapons and duct tape to get even more weapons

not necessarily. you can still use arrows to bypass spikes, and other than the bow bonuses (including mousewood) using shields to fire arrows is basically the same as using any other bow...and just as viable...

Begs the question, is the best bow a shield?


i think i need more gems

For some reason the game's no longer saving?

If I close the window then come back the save is gone. It's still there if I quit through the menu but I still can't shut down the pc so there's no point in that 

The Hatchet build is actually pretty effective but slow at early game

Is it possible to stack energy over turns?

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