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Robot toy kills you on spikes, thanks game. Glad the item is entirely useless because the only way to disable it is to reorganize and trash it

Btw in the steam version will it be easy to make back up saves? I've ran into a few problems with my save file getting corrupted.


Gold Cleaver got +3 rage from forging +12 rage each turn thanks to windmills +1 energy floor 18 addition was the spikes for +3 damage for each adjacent weapon used from 145+ damge on 1 energy to 250+ damage and rage ramp just crazy

candle from 21 floor boss,should i continue the run feels unkillable but damage scale gonna pass the armor per turn i get.

all in all love the game and the builds still havent managed to build a haste/endless armor or a successful mage :(

There is some interesing builds out there lol


This is the most active comment section I've ever seen. I- I don't even think that youtube has such an active and wholesome comment section. either way, What's the highest you've gotten to? what was your loadout/best item? (if you can remember..) Genuinely curious about what the "best" loadout would be aswell, Any synergies I should know about? 


Hourglass + Berserker's Club has to be one of the best combos, as it allows you to essentially use Berserker's Club infinitly often without any downsides. That paired with poison on the club and maybe Cleansing Flame to counter spikes can kill pretty much everything.

One of my best runs.

Jesus.  That build looks like a - Imma hit you with the wrath of god in the first turn build if I ever seen one. 

Snake moment :(

definitely the wackiest build I ever played

your backpack is very similar to mine!!!

I have one more position arrow


Despite the Archery nerf, arrow build is still pretty sick! Dealing 100 over poison damage

I don't see anywhere to post suggestions so feel free to delete this if needed.

Not sure if this has been suggested before, but I feel gloves in this game are a bit underwhelming. What do you think about a extra benefit/buff to the gloves if there is the other glove on the same row. So like left glove on the left and right glove on the right, but same row.  The buff could be something as simple as say +2 block (same as an iron helm, maybe more if its one of the more rare gloves). So for example the right glove could have added: "Adds 2 block if RIGHT GLOVE on the same row to the left". That way the gloves at least have some benefit early game when you have a small backpack.

Love the game btw, over 90 hours in and still my go to for when I want some chill game time.

Great suggestions! And thanks for being a fan of the game! Hope you'll support us on Kickstarter and join the Steam version :)

This game is super fun! I can't believe it's only a demo! Anyways I did a video on it. Hope you enjoy and thank you to the developers for making this game. I will probably do some more videos on this game but for now here's my first one. 

I think the frog shopkeep should give you something if you give him a Tasty Fly.

Like the discount that he already gives?

He does, I believe its a discount on all the items in the shop.


just casually one shotting floor 18 boss, also bugged stats.



So sad to let this run go :(


Just look at this thing it's too damn good!

Nice Cleaver Build - but I'm still to Weak :) -> next one :p

(1 edit)

you have 14 cleavers and only 14 attacks. none of your cleavers gets used more than once. The idea is to have your rare cleavers trigger each other and buff these ones (and save space), not to have so many common cleavers that do next to no damage.

for example, if you do:


C C K C 

   Q K J

C    J

use the bottom jack cleaver and this formation will trigger 15 attacks for only 10 spaces, with both kings triggering twice and bottom jack triggering 3 times (so you can concentrate your buffs on the jack) with more kings and queens the chain quickly gets out of hand

e.g. with 4 kings stacked in a square pressing any king will trigger 9 times, same with 4 queens in a diamond

Thanks for the explanation. I thought they did not trigger more than once each cleaver. This opens up much more potential :)

This new doru weapon is so op especially together with the ring of doom, it's my new favorite weapon I hope it doesn't get nerfed!

Got to floor 27 with this build, but then die to the boss.

There is something viscerally addicting about doing absolutely silly pickaxe builds.


I manage to make the arguably the worst relic work.

that bomb breaks every weapon. But this staff recreate it's self. So it now only goat mana to support it's self and get a 500% multiplier. This shield relic let me use the staff sword at the cost of losing 1 damage permanently. But I just get new swords. 

double angle armor lets me ramp armor  so it ends up with me dealing 500 damage and 500 armor per turn...

Then I die to poison.

Died floor 18 running an archer build. I had a turn 1 damage of 4,110 before consumables, and with 3 water-skins or meals in the arrow slots I could have swung for 16,002.

(4 edits)

very nice arrangement. though would have been much better with mouse wood instead of belt of knives, using only 2 arrows in the1st and 3rd row diagonally touching doom ring.

both belt and doom ring give raw damage but you are lacking multipliers, hourglass on its own isn't enough

also with huge multiplier from mouse wood, conductor would be useless and could be replaced with stopwatch or energy/mana stones

for reference 18 energy (6 +3 meals) with mouse wood-doom ring 2 arrow combo with 25 mana does ~45k damage

Coal doesn't interact with Rogue's Mask at all. The description of Coal doesn't specify which type of item it is meant to interact with, and when you hover over Coal it even highlights Rogue's Mask but when attempting to actually refresh Rogue's Mask with Coal it simply doesn't interact.

From what I can recall of coal it does highlight every item in its row, even if the item has unlimited uses. So it would highlight Rogue's Mask even though it activates once per combat and so coal wouldn't work on it.

If it is actually meant to work only on weapons (or only specific items) then it should state so on the Coal item itself. Given the density of decisions you need to make, and the impact on any given run each and every decision that you do make can have on a run, there really shouldn't be any ambiguous descriptions.

I do not have the item description in front of me at this very moment but I am fairly certain that is says something along the lines of "refreshes all items that are in the same row". Nothing in the current description gives any indication that it doesn't work on specific items.

Actually, you're correct. It says it refreshes all items in this row and the items can be used again this turn. The description implies that it can refresh any item.

(1 edit)

I feel like the game needs some items to prevent/remove fire condition. There are items that remove poisons but I haven't seen any that remove fire. Fire Geckos and Grandmaster are such a pain in the ass.. An option to load a saved game after death would be nice instead of having to refresh the page.

I don't think they will because you can counter fire with block at least. 

(1 edit)

this is the first time i've seen this item, is this new? and is this the first item that references another game?(slay the spire if you are wondering)

p.s, is it just me or is this item a better thunderbolt?

it is new, and idk if it's the first reference but yes it is better than thunderbolt but thunderbolt is better if and only if you have no manastones but conductive items to connect everything (diamonds, conduit etc)

ok thanks!

It pairs with a Metallic Wand build exceptionally well.

infinite health glitch

Cleansing wand didn't work to remove spikes or regen from boss on floor 15 for some reason. Loving the game though - so many cool power builds. Can't wait for more!

There used to be 2 of them and I didn't do enough damage before they stacked too many spikes

if only magic didnt proc spikes feelsbadman

(1 edit)

Been running an alchemist build, pretty fun so far

Some observations:

1) Dunno if it's a glitch or not but Rage doesn't increase Berserk's Club damage to oneself, while other sources of dmg buffs do.

2) It would be nice for QoL's sake that clicking on the cauldron / old log when there's only 1 row space available automatically created a potion or herb there instead of taking you to the 'select where to place it' screen

for number 2...please no.  there's actually an interesting interaction for some items.  items that have "when other item is destroyed" can be procced that way...

finally i did it atfer a very very very very very very very very very very very long time

next time don't forget your teddy ;)

oh your right

For a while there, I could only get hit if I wanted to... seven energy + legendary shield (forgot the name) + coral = ridiculous damage and block (228 spikes and 266 block I believe). Technically, I was a pacifist... but poison destroyed me... Fun run

when you accidentally soft lock yourself on floor 1 RIP sword that can only be used after you get hit+ninja armor+1 enemy=ruined run before it even began 


you could scratch tho...

damn i have never used that even once. does the game even tell you that that option is there? cuz ive seen it up there but never bothered to see what it was

well...there is an item about scratching...

(1 edit)

If I only I was a little luckier, might've made it to floor 100 lol

Died to king cuz the candle works after the spike does dmg to you 

Lmao, I just had the exact same run but I had the gem that makes weapons heal on hit (so the spikes didn't matter). The only reason I died is because I accidently drank a cleanse potion that took away my dodge and ended up getting one shot. 

once i stack enough haste i could survive any poison using the vampiric stone and then that slow curse broke my build

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too late bud the last update (for the web version) released yesterday

the only thing you need to know is that I just wanted to do a vampire blade run for a while because......well...because I wanted to...

not as bad as expected really...

Poison focus run, like 160 poison each turn (had 2 double poison potions


I hate living shadows with a passion

fun cleaver build i had. died to king due to not having candle. actually one shot myself with one click of my shield.

btw don't sleep on rings of luck they help a lot with finding rare and legendary items.

Nice game!

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