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you know those times where you decide you're going to push for a pacifist run, but then the second room hands you a pickaxe?I might have gone a bit crazy on the gems...


Plus I somehow magically picked up 2 golden whetstones and 2 weapon smiths...

Game broke for me after refreshing the page multiple times:

 It would also be very useful to add an indicator/glow for when the red curse stone in the screenshot above is active. I accidentally created more curses instead of attacking, which is why the browser refreshes were needed.


My first win after 4 or 5 tries. Super fun game! 


My first good archer run & the first time taking the mouse log.

Huge negative effect but even better positive effect, up until a certain floor. 

Had lots of fun with this build, don't think it'll go very far into endless unless I get a book or somehow get more consumable item support, I'm too split


My backpack at the end of my first run:

I got the Wizard's Robe and Broken Ring on the first floor, and the Ring of Doom dropped only about two floors later.

Got down to a single HP on floor 5 or 6, before I figured out to keep two Seasonings and use whatever consumables drop to keep healed^^

The Warrior's Spellbook rounded out my build late in floor 7... 13 stacks of the Ring of Doom in the first turn of every fight (40+ Damage for both Machetes and the Shiv, without consumables), and six more stacks every turn after that unless I need to block something big was really silly, and really satisfying :-)

Nice build for a first time player.

I would recommend a halberd over the machettes. It takes an extra space, but unlike the machettes it does not have reduced effects (Or as the game call it, a multiplier of 0.5x), therefore, you can take full advantage of your ring of doom and your spellbook.

This is wonderful!

Very fun game, but I broke something on the third area after save scumming about 10 times to avoid a curse from the lottery drop.  I cannot interact, even after restarting my computer. This is after clicking continue.


dont save scum noob


infinite pawer


a yes, better version

What's the new blue cleaver? Haven't encountered it yet. 

use the cleaver above it


Realised the attacks were doing no damage and had over 400 weaken. So had to resort to claw attacks.



omfg! healing archer tower build lasted to floor 12


If anyone wants advice on a fight or a strat, I can probably help. I'm 20-3 on my runs and have had all sorts of builds, with screenshots of all of them after the final boss.


Slight bug, when you have dodge and get hit with a lifesteal attack it still heals the enemy even if you dodge. Lost a run to a bat because it just kept healing even though I was taking no damage.


Must be most recent patch because I know it didn't do that a few days ago.


Iron Helmet: Adjacent clothings get +1 block
Red Hoodie: Does not get +1 block

Hoodies are not clothes confirmed.

For some reason hoodie is armor but not clothing helmet or footwear.

Died on 1st loop but still, this clicker build is very fun. Also knife belt with wand generates shitton of attack on arrow


Tried a no weapon build using coral's spikes as my main damage, worked against everything until I fought a Snake that never did a normal attack and stacked poison until I died.

thats when you go for the eyes with your tiny little paws :P

(2 edits)

Pro tip: If you play the current update, please avoid the Enchanted Swamp, go to the Deep Caves instead.

I am aware that the Salamenders needed a change because they were very simple and could be exploited due to lack of any action other than bluntly attacking, but the fact that they got the same treatment as the red slime (Which is already a threat despite having only 36 health) is horrible.

Every turn Salamenders will deal about 15 points in damage and give Purse a curse. Yes, it happens every single turn, and it is not just a mildly annoying curse either, it is one of two curses, either the spikes curse or "add 3 poison per turn" curse, the latter appears to occur more frequently than the former and the fact these 100 health monsters can appear in packs of two worsen the matter.

Even the pre-nerf Fire Geckos (Added poison in stead of burn) and the Olms were not nearly as difficult to defeat. I somehow survived two battles back-to-back with these Salamenders from the skin of my teeths, but still succumbed during my third consecutive encounter. I went from 55 health points all the way down to 0 and it is in spite of having healing and a potted aloe to counter the poison too!


Yep, those enemies are pretty OP. I'm surprised I managed to get past the swamp the first time I went there.


Finally pulled off a decent cursed sword run.  Made a mistake in my 2nd to last fight that had me low health coming into this one, but I doubt I could have made it much further anyways.  Still happy I finally did it...


Yeah, that was pretty lucky.


Who needs fancy weapons when you could endlessly sharpen bat *BONK*


Fun cauldron+Regen build when I got a Red Hoodie from Matthew. 121 hp at the end with double seasoning healing for 30 hp base consumables and I think 60 for the 10hp drinks.


10/10, didn't expect such a fun mage build (armor wasn't allowed)

(2 edits) (+2)

The New META Do it all Build

10 energy initial turn and 6 energy for following turns. Ramp that Scaling!

Just add Haste to shields and/or Rage to initial cleaver when finding the Blacksmith.

First game of the new patch. Still on going run. Just need some sleep.


how is loading the save supposed to work? because every time I go to the game page it just starts from scratch.

(1 edit) (+1)

So I'm not the only one^^

Tried this game out today, and tried to make sure it actually properly saves before going further than the first point where it lets me save - and opening my browser again, it just starts over.

Already allowed cookies, explicitly made Chromium not delete any cookies from this page, even accepting all 3rd-party cookies... no dice.


man curse damage is unreasonable, that would be okay if the enemies that caused it didn't appear in multiple groups and have lots of health.

its all just a math game with curses

do you take the curse or lose backpack slots and/or items?

is it worth to lose the slots over 13 damage or take the damage over losing a critical item

they're not that bad unless it's the fucking fire geckos

Salamanders are now Fire Geckos 2.0


Fox Rapier + Soldiers Buckler + Archangel Armor is a deadly combo. Whenever you defend, you also boost attack. When you attack, you gain defence and boost your shield. Win win.

Very cool combo! Fox Rapier + Haste is great, I had a run with haste on a shield and it worked out very well.

Looking at your screenshot, you would've gotten 50 block with every attack, that's insane.


First run, killed King with a Ring of Doom powered Empty Cup. I'm going to go support the Kickstarter now.


Found a build that has good damage, defense and healing

(1 edit) (+1)

Having 3 regen and spikes each turn seems kinda broken


Just found out you can get free energy from mana stones to buff shield, and haste with archangel armor can get you multiple hundreds of block

Deleted 2 years ago

Good video. But you're not Naruto until you do it with Kunai. :P Or Maybe I was Tenten...

My weaponless run:

I reached farther into the dungeon than I had originally anticipated, died to a Sable.



Tooth Necklace and the Guarding Band Synergy was a nice surprise.

3 Tooth Necklaces doing 3 Damage a turn for 3 Haste kept my armor at pace with damage alot of the time.

(1 edit) (+1)

I completed this game by solely relying on this item:
in combination with those bowls and the barrel. In the end i hit my bottleneck in the endless mode cause i got jebaited by this ninja costume. It should have given me dodge but everytime it got canceled. Anyway it was really fun. (I fought the boss with av. 90 dmg)

I'm pretty new this was my 5th runthrough, so i might misunderstand the mechanics of dodge. Don't blame me ^-^

(1 edit)

every 1 dodge dodges 1 regular dmg attack.  as far as I know anyways...someone else can correct me if it dodges burn, poison, or otherwise as well.

It can dodge burn if you'll have dodge at the start of your turn when you supposed to take that damage. Poison deals damage through dodge and block from what I remember:)

Update: I beat the boss again

This time with the pickaxe. Maybe I'll try a magic build next time.
I've seen someone fighting the final boss with 5k health. Concluding he beat the game several times in endless mode.
It was a conductive Spear or something.
Anyway I'll stay updated and try other op tactics in near future ;D

Ended up getting chain attacked with no defence and chance to heal my hp back. Was. a good run tho


Think with the current wording, Elder Mage boss in The Swamp shouldn't receive Dodge from the hits he is dodged. Because his description says "on take damage, get 1 dodge", if he dodge the hit he doesn't take damage and therefore should not get the dodge. I know he was working like this all the time, but either change the wording or the mechanic, please:)


just because damage is negated doesnt mean it was never taken in the first place, the wording is fine

Well either you or me do not understand the definition of word "dodge". In my mind, dodge means that the hit that should cause damage, and, as result, the damage it should cause, would be avoided, aka not taken. And I'm having hard time trying to word what is happening from your point of view to consider damage be taken but also not:)

(1 edit) (+1)

what do u think of my latest 2 runs?

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