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Really nice idea and execution! One nice aspect Is that it is amenable to be played as a coffee break game which I enjoyed :) A few comments: Some items and combinations have pretty strong scalings and it felt like unless you can find the necessary items for such combinations you are doomed to fail in the magma level. I only had three runs, though. In my last run, warrior's spellbook, wizard cap, assassin's dagger, multiple shivs, ring of rage, broken ring, my first wand, two spiked helmets, and a whole lot of mana stones had awesome synergy and was basically unbeatable. I believe all relics boost the damage of items which is not very different than drops that boost damage. In Slay the Spire, I kind of enjoyed that the Boss relics changed the way you played greatly rather than just increasing damage. I'm not sure if it is running the game as a web application, but fighting got slower especially with many conductive items in the inventory. It felt like the connectivities were calculated only when items changed place, but still for some reason spending mana slowed the game greatly. Overall, even at this state looks and feels great! Keep up the good work!


Great game! First play and got super mage build that helps me win the game.  I'll upload gameplay in Polish at my channel, so please check and subscribe PL - KRUCZY KANAŁ YouTube

ez cash + Mage + Cleaver = this

My 5th run and i finally got it going

Deleted 2 years ago

The barbell adds the property to weapons. So, weapons cannot be adjacent to anything. Read the card for your hatchet now

I got some screenshots from my latest playthroughs.

Very strong build, despite being swarmed by enemies in Magma Core, I defeated all of them effortelessly. Although I lost against the final boss, I already had a maxed out backpack. The final boss was the massive fire gecko. It is very annoying to fight because you need to play extremely aggressively or Purse will eventually get overwhelmed by the flames.

I know this looks out of place, but I got the Earth Sword from a trade in exchange of a Ragged Sword and I would have used the structure items to keep it on top of everything, that would have made this weapon the most powerful one in my backpack.

Lastly, I finally managed to run a successful Berserker build:

And with that, I have some more balancing suggestions in relation to this build.

Starting with the elephant in the room, the splint item really needs a brand new coat of paint. It is a rare item that gets disabled if any armor is present and takes 2 spots for +1 healing after each use of a nearby weapon.

Compared to the heart gemstone and the vampiric gem it is very underwhelming while taking so much space. I think one of two things could be done to this item: Firstly, it could be ranked down from rare to common which is perfectly fine by me. Alternately, the item could be improved either by increasing its healing output from +1 to +5 or by giving it an additional buff. The buff that makes the most sense in my opinion would be rage with regen being my second recommendation after rage.

It is really difficult to run a Berserker build since this game is a roguelite with permadeath and a finite amount of resources, healing consumables are not very common, so the player's best bet is a very defensive and highly tanky build. All my most successful playthroughs were thanks to hoarding from 3 to 5 armor pieces. In this sense this Berserker build was only successful because I had a broken ring, an item that is not considered armor, therefore, it is compatible with the Berserker's ring, but provides a hefty amount of defenses given the player has manastones.

Further, I would be interested to hear the developers add more items that stop working if any armor or shield is present inside Purse's inventory that would make a build like mine's more attractive. Currently, the only 4 items that do act this way are the ring that I mentioned earlier, the splint which I also mentioned earlier, the hatchet and a relic that disables weapons if they are near shields and/or armor.

I could never make use of the dumbells because disabling items if they are near other items at all is not very convenient. Ironically, this can be combined with the mouse wood to get very powerful arrows because they have intertwined effects: the wood affects arrows exclusively and the dumbells affects all weapons which the arrows are considered to be, but both disable the item if it is near anything else and each adds a multiplicative amount of damage to the affected item(s). Because the effect of the dumbells is not only redundant but hard to work with for most builds, I thought about nerfing its effect from 3x/2x (Cannot remember exactly what bonus it gives) damage bonus to only +12, but all the weapons add +2 slow to Purse if used.

The best part of it is that makes perfect sense. The dumbells is heavy, so it should slow down anyone with it on themselves and it would make Berserker builds much more viable since no armor. Hey, but it is still your game, so if you have a better idea to improve this specific relic then go ahead I would definitely like to try it out one of these days.

Good luck on the Kickstarter!

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Floor 40? I find that hard to believe with a layout that only does 500 damage a turn. How did you manage to kill the Fire Geckos before the burn stacked up and killed you?


- What does Luck do?

- What does Anchoring do?

- What are the exact details of Conductive items?

Game could probably use a bit more explaining on certain terms, and a character stats page.


I agree! These things are coming! Anchoring means you can't move it. Luck increases your chances of finding uncommon, rare, and legendary items. Conductive items are labeled as conductive. They work with mana

(1 edit) (+3)

Is luck a permanent stat or temporary for the rewards of that combat?

(& when a way is added to see your current luck, % for each rarity would be nice!)


This game is an absolute blast! I feel like burn may be a little too strong, though. Those fights with three fire geckos were tougher than any boss fight but the final one.


I don't know is this a bug or what, because of the unit mechanic I wasn't able to finish my run. It was stacking evade endlessly and had no poison or method of clearing that. 

This weekend's update will remove haste scaling


Backed the Kickstarter, this game still remains awesome. Cannot wait for it's future.


Great game


tried myself in endless, got to level 14. The Pickaxe is an absurd weapon, I was still killed be an Axeman because he had better spike scaling than me


Fantastic game, I got addicted to it right away! Just two questions - will the full game be available for Linux and eventually for the Steam Deck as well? And second, what system requirements will the game have, in terms of hardware? Thank you for investing your time in this, respect for your work!


"Wizard builds are all about using different effects at the right time and managing mana" - The guy with 22 mana and a wand that deals 46 damage

(1 edit) (+1)

My build up to endless 2, should update in the future since i don't use most stuff


Olms are the bane of any good run I've had so far..! Can't wait until they get nerfed. Had a really good barbell run w/ Lizard King Sword. Can't wait to see what the upcoming patch entails!


This weekend's update will improve balance further! Hope you will try the game then and rate it! :)


Just backed the kick starter! Looking forward to the future changes, I so many suggestions but I also would like to see the scratch feature get a viable build like monk claws, stuns, or strength to improve it's dmg, just throwing it out there because I've never really paid it mind since it all about the weapons. You've also got to nerf the stacking spikes, it's a downfall for most players new or unprepared players especially when using wands, cleavers, shield spirit, etc. Thank you in advance keep up the great work.

Pretty fun build. The sheild had haste on it so I got a ton of block.

Thejaspel is the full game going to cost money like one of the dev logs said or will it be free?


The full game will cost money. But we are continuing support of the free version for now. If you back our KickStarter for $12 or more, you will get continued access to all versions of the game :)


great run, made it to endless levels, screenshots were from the start of endless 1 ; the hourglass wound up screwing me over, my spear was doing 21 damage without using the whetstone but the hourglass debuffed the heck out of it and even when i removed the hourglass from my inventory, the debuff stayed. Unfortunate, because i prob woulda beat the boss on endless level 3 - really great game, can't wait to see more, gonna throw some money at the kickstarter


Had an absolute BLAST playing this game! The core mechanic sounds so simple but...then you actually play it. And you get so lost and want to bring EVERYTHING! I JUST WANT A BIGGER BAG!

Looking forward to where this GEM goes! Already sharing it with friends and hoping the Kickstarter absolutely kills!

(1 edit)

archer update made it fun to use bows..
maybe even a little to much
final boss died in 2 turns

p.s. got to floor 17 in endless, new pb


First... this game is awesome, but... i don´t get these relics! It says it gets disabled when there is a adjcent item. But in my way it was in the corner, all alone, 2 tiles awy from any items, but i still can´t use my bow. And another round it said adjcent and diagonal to a armor or shield. It wasn´t, but again, i couldn´t attack. Everythings just black. Can someone help me, please? TY 

(1 edit)

I feel you, the description on the relics is too exclamative rather than informative. 

I got a conductor relic and thought it was gonna give all my connected weapons +25% damage, but it turns out that unlike every other relic it needs to be physically connected to the weapons to work which is confusing since most relics in the game do not behave this way.

Likewise for you, it appears you thought the relic had to be near no other object, but it is not that at all. The weapons it affects must be near no other item in your backpack to work.

That means there are relics where the items are the center of the relic's effect and other relics where the relic is the center of its own effect. It is really hard to put this into words, but trust me when I say that I think more work needs to be done on each relic's description.


really loving the game! having fun with a block build

(1 edit) (+2)

feels a bit frustrating that when you level up helmets get worst


I agree! We're going to make it so that there are more options when leveling up. You won't be forced to expand your inventory. Hope you'll consider backing the Kickstarter!


hey what does the tasty fly do?


if you click it in a shop the frog will eat it and give a discount on all his goods, however he'll eat it no matter what makes the fly move including moving it by dropping an item on top of it. the only way to prevent him from eating it accidentally is to avoid interacting with the tile it's placed in entirely while in a shop

thanks! dont regret upgrading it to a +1 vamp accesorie then lol


please nerf on olms, they are like bosses and they come in pairs, its insanely hard to beat them


They are tough! There should be a balance update this weekend!  Hope you'll consider backing the Kickstarter!


i will for sure, this is already my favorite game and i play really often, you are doing a great job, thank you for make this game real

(1 edit) (+1)

good game, but i hate the font, it is hard to read.. 

suggestion: add non pixel art font for easier readability

suggestion: popup takes too long to open, and the color for the description blocks is too similar to the background, need better color palette imo


Good ideas! We will add more options in the upcoming updates! Hope you'll consider backing the Kickstarter!


floor 91


Wow! That's further than I have ever been. Great job! Hope you'll consider backing the Kickstarter!

wow, should try this

holy crap lol amazing

How long does it take for the attack to stop lol

(1 edit) (+2)

I know this is picky: speedy leaf still has an indicator showing that it costs 0 energy to use when you hover over it, but since the update you can no longer manually use it.

Also I would like an option to speed the game play up by removing the animations and delays between items activating. If a weapon applies lots of effects it can seem like an eternity before you can use something again. Especially in cleaver builds w/ cleansing flame, bag of knives etc.


I love this damn game. Thank you for making it.

Gives me lots of cool ideas and renewed my faith in humans and rodents. 10/10.

Such a fun game! I hope there's more to come. Thank you very much!


What does conductivity do?

(1 edit) (+1)

That create a path between conductive items (magic items that use mana or give mana) and between conductive items and manastones. The manastones are full of mana at the begin of each fight. Without manastone you can’t use the condictive items.conductive items and manastone need to be adjacent to each other.

I beat the boss on my first run by stacking a ton of thorns and defense. Nice game, looking forward to updates.

Tremenda idea, muy bien ejecutada ¡Excelente!


Ninja Costume calculates block removal incorrectly when modified.

"Removes 100% of all block on self" probably should not be modified by things such as haste, knight's shield, or iron helmets. 

The game calculates that 100% removal based on an invisible -1 base number, but adding armor via the above methods modifies that percentage multiplier. Just adding two armor points makes the Ninja Costume add 100% block instead of removing it, which contradicts the text. 

oh dear, finally died becuase an enemy added 17 doge to all enemies

Speedy leaf when combined with seasoning can give you unlimited healing in a combat, perhaps this should be addressed?

The same thing for me too.


it won't let me place the curse, I can't move it, I can only take damage 


This red thing you show is not a curse, it is an accessory.


I think the curse is right beneath the energy token. I will work to fix this error!


the curse is behind that, and it happened to me again, it's unfair


This game is just beautiful!

Overall, I think the polish and atmosphere are great, but I keep stumbling into weird little bugs. For instance, I just nabbed a golden whetstone from a star potion, but promptly thereafter my glass bottle decided everything in my inventory was adjacent to one or the other of the two hats I'd shoved into the corners until after I used the whetstone. I've also had gem effects not update properly after mining yet another one with my pick axe and, likewise, books forget they were connected to adjacent mana stones until after I moved them around. These glitches seem to have something to do with the mini-reorganize phase that occurs after an item/curse is created mid-combat.

(1 edit) (+2)

To put it bluntly - I would call it a new roglaykam at the level of "Binding of Isaac".

I just watched the video the beginning of the video "Neco The Sergal", and only one visual hooked! Gameplay is played cheerfully, at first it's a little unclear, but the game quickly brings you up to speed. I would describe it like this:

- Tetris with elements of roglike and synergies from "Binding of Isaac". Remotely smacks of "Slay the spire", but it's very remote.

I played in V0.13.1 and the game for an ordinary war is balanced, if not perfect, then close to this ideal, but the game for an archer... I'll say this - the mechanics are painfully interesting, but clearly not honed. You have a chance to come out of the first battle victorious... 1/5. But if he breaks through this barrier and swings, in the middle of the game he becomes almost invincible, capable of killing with 2 strikes. Problems can arise only with the last boss (9th floor) due to the fact that he gets buffs and deals colossal damage due to arrows.

I advise you to familiarize yourself with the game, and I will wait for updates and will be happy to buy this product if it comes out in its full form in Steam or anywhere else.


Below is a screenshot of my first wound with the victory of the 9th floor boss. I picked up the watch from him.

For developers:

Thank you and let me remind you: Edmund McMillen started with flash games)

And yes, it would not hurt to adapt the game for Android. I started it from the phone browser, it works faster than on a PC, the phone picks up its resolution and the map behind the screen becomes visible, the buttons break, etc. minor problems. (Readme Note 8 Pro, Android 9 PPR1.180610.011, The website was opened with Opera v68.2.3557.64219)

I'm sorry to ask you to work more! >_<

(1 edit)

thanks pa4iko

Solid build :)

What is your max floor guys

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