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is there like a certain cap to the amount of 1 item you can have? because I cant find any duct tape at all

and its been ~25 floors or so xd

Not that I'm aware about it - it's just pure Luck xD

I've got a run, where i've had two duct tapes in the first two floors

well, I meant like I have 3 duct tape already

and I need a few more for more buffs from the cleavers

Never thought a consumable build would be anywhere close to viable, but here we are; if I get a keg I'm all set.

got a log, then died to the crossbowman-sable-sable fight. rip.

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So round shield plus shield spirit is kinda insane. I have this build going which easily gets hundreds of block and a moderate amount of damage, poison is probably gonna smite this run here soon though since my damage isn't enough to one-turn enemies

Turns out it was the spikes from the King that got me in the end... dang.

I used 2 energy units with my shield for this damage output.
Currently there are 6 haste on the shield, 10 rage on the King Cleaver and 1 on another Queen Cleaver. As long as I am not faced with 3 Enemies, which I can't kill with 4 rotations, I would assume this lucky build could go very far. 

Ok what on earth works on the duct tape and what doesn't??? I have no idea how duct tape works

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everything, like the chefs hat, the cleavers, the healing stone. e.g. you see the lower king cleaver (green) next to the shield is highlighted, it would then activate every other cleaver which has the white stripped borders, thats what the duct tape is doing.

I dont know what is not working on it, maybe mana stuff, but otherwise, everything should do fine

Ah okay, thank you for explaining that to me

After some further testing, I can't seem to figure it out; the knight's shield doesn't pass its affect to the duct tape, nor does amethyst and I don't think the cleaning rag works on it either...

The duck tape passes any effect that is placed on it on the first tiles above, below, to the left, and to the right, but not crosswise. Example 1: If an emerald were to effect the duck tape, if a weapon was beside the duck tape, even if not above or below the emerald, it would be effected by the emerald. Example 2: If an arrow were to be pointing at the duck tape, empty spaces that would not count toward the arrow's damage, would effect it if it were adjacent. Hope this helps.

just a suggestion, if u still have the run going, switch the shield to be next to the duct tape, as it will use all of the connected cleavers

it won't change much, i just tried it and had less rage, i mean the shield activated the green cleaver next to the tape and then all the cleavers were activated aswell.

oh ok

I should maybe change my build then, hmmmm

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I thought I was overpowered... Then two bats killed me with poison.

The rapier has received two golden whetstones and an add one rage upgrade. The shield has received an extra four block upgrade and an add one haste upgrade.

Tried the letter build, but couldn't find a better weapon. So reached floor 9 with the wooden sword :)

Sooooo good and it's available on nintendo right? I'm thinking of getting it on there if it is.

I didn't realize how the hourglass worked until my weapons just started feeling super weak :(

yeah that hapened to me alot before. XD


Very stronk, no item clashing

wait what floor

100 :)

Wait, so how exactly does duct tape work? Does the cleaver work with the duct tape despite the cleaver only working with other cleavers?

figured ppls were sharing high floors, I might join lol

Когда на андроид?

This axe is actually ridiculous when correctly enhanced because 1 gold is way too cheap for how often you could use it to do 20 dmg, killed the final boss with this build with like 50 gold spent (=1000 dmg dealt) and 195 still in the pocket, most other fights i'd only need to use it once or twice since my archery build is also kind of online already

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I got a pickaxe before any fights from the plinko. Ruby is missing because I used a golden whetstone.

pickaxe op


floor 15 before I got bored shield had 3 haste so on bosses you can scale enough to were they do not damage you as you wait for the frog. Then stopwatch bings it to 200 damage each hit.

Does not have good endgame scaling resulting in 5 minute fights

Twas Beautiful till I ran out of mullah.


Build looks underwhelming but got me this far. New personal record.

bit of an issue here im scaling in defense with the enemy but i cant do enough damage to hurt him but he cant do enough damage to hurt me so what do i do?

Eu queria que tivesse como jogar no Android

Amazing game and highly addictable! played the demo but planning to buy the full game soon

I wish there was a mobile version...

You can play this demo while on phone

i know that. I'm saying I wish I could buy the full version on mobile. 

Demo's alright, but I'm glad I bought the game on switch.

(They do taste blue ngl)

I like picking up a fish and smacking things with it on the main menu

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Go archer, Go broken


this game is pretty trash. the item space management gimmick is just that, a gimmick. I eventually got to a battle in which I couldn't win or lose. the enemies somehow kept scaling in strength during combat. I was facing a healer and I couldn't kill her or her ally because she was healing way more damage than I could do in a single turn. i was able to add enough armor every turn so that they couldn't kill me. i couldn't leave the battle or "flee" like you can in pokemon, so I was stuck. terrible game design. 


get good??


enemies scale, that's how some games work... you have to scale with the enemies

Deleted 198 days ago

there's also item combos, strategizing and organizing


Have you considered that maybe it's you that's the problem, not the game?

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So far, I have only played the demo for this game. But the demo alone has given me more enjoyment than some full games have. Easy recommendation!

hmm yes damage

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This game just seems repetitive and sterilized. I'm picking up repeat items that don't do much then clicking on them during fights, clicking on a map to get to the next fight/person/event/item/place. It's restrictive in progress and gameplay. Makes a nice game for small children without developed hand-eye coordination, I guess.


do you not know what most turn-based games are like?


Final Fantasy classics? At least grinding in "turn-based" RPGs, I level up and there's a wide variety of items.

yeah, there is a wide variety of items


So, when I have physical space that I just earned through leveling up, I'm STILL told I can only take so many items? What is this?? I want to play a game, not be limited by TWO sets of rules for INVENTORY!!

How do you create the visual effect when moving the items?


Hi! Amazing game. I sadly bought it on the switch, why is that sad? It is cause the switch broke and I really wish I could afford to fix it.

Greats for free playing

I could play on the years

holy shit this game is godly good, even tho I'm just playing the demo

why cant I sell my money for -3107 gold?

you'd be in debt (like where this is going)

ok but i want indebtedness

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then dont sell your gold for -3107 thats a scammer RIGHT THERE

probably even better to throw it to some slime or save it for a hospital

no I think they are trying to pay for hospital bills

i mean in the US probably a scrape on the knee but WHAT

can someone tell me how cleavers work

Cleavers are dependent on higher rarity cleavers to be useful. Queen, King and Ace clever all are able to use multiple other cleaver when they're used, resulting in multiple attacks in a single action, with the caveat that they're all 2energy points in use cost (tho can be circumvented through item that ataumatically use other items, which works very well with cleaver builds).

i mean how they dont go on infinitely if you put two king cleavers next to each other

uhhhhhhhhh balancing 👍

i mean in what order do they activate if it doesn't work like that

in the uhhhhhhh the um uhhhh the well uhh well you see uhhhhh well um uhh I forgor

Super Poison Build killed grandmaster in 4 turns ( frog totem not included, i had a flask and a meal)

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400+ stacks of poison, ignores shield and spikes because poison is the only form of damage

I combo'd shield spirit, upgraded buckler (10 shield) and a poison arrow

i just got an earthstone blade from a patrol member

POV: Dark whetstone vs rude rooster

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