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Finally! After countless tries and setups, this one works!

I beat the game :) on endless mode rn haha

Whats wrong with this one?

Bow not facing down.

wait how dat bottom arrow there? does it not float?

(1 edit) (+1)

I managed to break the game. I was on floor 5 (floor 2 of deep cave) and I was fighting a Living Shadow. It tried to give me a big curse, right? I skipped it and died. Well, the "end turn" button was still there, so I ended my turn. The Living Shadow was at 1 HP, and I happened to have 1 Spikes thanks to my rose that existed. Since Spikes deal damage back to the enemy depending on how much you have, the Living Shadow died, and I was able to continue, but with the retry button sticking there. I stayed at 0 HP though. This is in the demo btw, dont fix it plz

(1 edit) (+2)

I have a few ideas for things that you could add in an update: 

  • Multi-select for moving items 
  • Heavy/ light items not moving until you finish moving the item you are currently moving 
  • Heavy/ light objects "displacing" items that are in its way
  • Demo avaliable on consoles

Since my old save games are a mix of bugs and might work, I started a new no experience run. Turned out well. Much easier than my first try some months ago.

If there is a better way to report bugs, please let me know.

I have been playing the new demo for Backpack Hero when it updated, and I encountered a "major" bug.

So, what happened was I woke up one of the enemies that chase after you, and they eventually caught up, but it was on a tile that had another enemy group.

The battle started with one of the groups (I suspect the chasers, because when I fought the chasers again it was the same enemy's), so I won the battle, and I had an item that allowed me to duplicate a common, so I clicked a common to duplicate but the game suddenly started the next battle with the second group on the same tile.

And that is where the bug happened, I was stuck, the game was frozen as in none of the buttons worked the animations and audio kept playing but everything else was broken.

I assumed it happened because the game had a conflict of whether to give me items first or start the next battle first and thus caused everything to freeze.

Anyway, thank you for reading and I wish you luck and congrats on full release. It is an amazing and addictive game, and this has been the first bug I encountered since the first demo released on Steam.

Incredible game. I love the dragging feature. It shows a-lot of effort and makes the game glow. Wondaful job!


i thought i was doing good... had infinite energy but at what cost

Why switch version has not spanish language?

the only "infinite" build is cleaver build

Rate my set up I died on my second round or magma core 


are you planning to offering support on epic games? i bought it a few days ago and its the worst experience i ever had. the game is unplayable. could you help me in any way? thanks

(1 edit) (+1)

in my opinion this has some balancing issues. it kinda gets unfair when enemies suddenly start attacking with double their attack power. (without any effects)

once you have defeated one sable the other sable and the crossbowman kinda make up for it and deal even more damage.


I love this game, and found out about it from Aliensrock. 


heart ring should say: when removed lose 5 HP


would be great if i can eat a fish after battle or when rearranging.

rearranging after fishing really needs an undo.

Some feedback after just a bit of playing the full release:

First off, the sudden appearance of a fully built town (Linux version at least) which you seem to be aware of based on dev responses on Steam. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon.

Second, just some quality of life stuff, nothing game breaking:
I've noticed that there isn't any option for ultra-wide resolutions, and it might just be my eyes looking for issues that aren't there, but it feels a bit odd using the normal 16x9 resolutions on an ultra-wide display.
And, this isn't too much of an issue either, being able to walk around in the town in story mode using the keyboard is nice but I'm really missing the option to rebind those movement keys as someone who doesn't play WASD.

From what I'm seeing on Steam, the dev pushed an update on Friday to fix the issue. But I'm not sure they updated the files on Itch so far. 


Sorry about that! We have just uploaded a new build and the town issues should be fixed now. Apologies for this!

That did the trick. Cheers!


I've got what looks like a major bug with the town-building in story mode, running the Linux version under Ubuntu-MATE 23.10.

I go through the first dungeon run with no issue, and the first time at the town is fine, with demolishing and re-building the shop. But after the second run, every building is already there and I have a whole bunch of new people in town already. After a couple more runs, I realize some of those NPCs are asking me to build shops and such that are already built, and they're not supposed to automatically appear like that.

Seriously, it's the whole town. Shops, farms, houses, even my house is already there, even though the father character wants me to tear down a damaged house (there isn't one) and rebuild it.

Restarting the game does not fix it, nor does reinstalling. Game functions fine otherwise.

I have had the same issue

Hi, I bought this over on steam and am playing on steam deck. The game is amazing, huge congrats on such a great title. I've played 20 hours and only bought it 3 days ago!

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I have a few bugs that I've seen and QoL suggestions, I thought you'd be more likely to read it here than the steam community. I'm also a developer so I'll give as detailed an explanation as I can for each thing:

Bug 1: I had 3 items together that made it happen. The bow that destroys an item and does damage = 15x size of item (B), plus the relic that makes a new item of the same size appear whenever an item is destroyed plus one of the quests where an item had to stay in my inventory or lose (coral C) I had a diagonal wand (W) that was being destroyed by the bow. This was the layout:


When the wand was replaced with another item by the relic, it was a 1x2 shield and when I placed it, the coral was kicked out of my inventory, but the coral was then disabled and I couldn't put it back in so I lost the run. E is empty in the below layout, I was expecting to be able to put the coral back in there but was unable to click on it.


The other 2 bugs are in the town in story mode, and I suspect controller related. 

Bug 2: When in the town in build mode if I click a building to build, then press X to destroy a building and they press Y to build another item it opens the menu of buildable building but won't let me select any of them. 

Bug 3: When in the shop or bank to sell items I have loads of pages worth of items to sell, but most of the time when I click on an item it just jumps the cursor up to the next or back page button and doesn't add the item. I keep going and clicking on the item a bunch of times and eventually it will work, but as you can imagine is frustrating with hundreds of items to sell (I was hoarding in case I needed anything for research)

Bug 4: After completing the campaign mission (the one with the quilswish plush) I got a translation missing textbox. I am playing in english if that is

There are a couple of performance issues, might be because it is on a steam deck, but I wouldn't expect these things to cause such issues. 

Performance Issue 1: When I open any research building in the town it hangs for about 2 seconds before opening. 

Performance Issue 2: When going between floors in the dungeon the little popups in the corner telling you how much resources were added stutter a lot.

QoL idea 1: I'd suggest expanding the blue mana network lines to connect them to all conductive items in that network, and maybe having a toggle to show them so it doesn't get overwhelming. The mana stuff can be confusing at the start, and then time consuming to check if each item is conductive or not when reorganising.

QoL idea 2: the button on controller to interact with a character in the dungeon is hold Y and the button for switching between backpack and map is press Y. There are plenty of other unused buttons on the controller, one of these could just be B or some other button instead of the same button (holding the button is still a good idea to interact for unlocking cursed chests especially but it doesn't need to be the same button)

QoL idea 3: Again controller related, this works fine with a mouse. When you view a card of an item you cannot use the controller to hover over any part of the card, I have to use a mouse or touch screen to hover anything where everywhere else in the game the right stick works to move the cursor.

QoL 4: Ghostly is not in the atlas (or I couldn't find it anyway)

First actually good archer run. 

Backpack Hero Gameplay

(1 edit) (+1)

congrats on going multi-console! Just played on here for a good 2-3 hours and went to endless run twice.. First time I died to the 1st boss in endless with Hawkeye's Bow archer run (love that weapon). 2nd time I went mage and got to Deep Cave Finale.. Boss Badger wasn't having it! XD I will be getting this when I can!

there is a bug were if you talk then go on a adventure you soft lock you can do this by using the walk to feture


I only beat this once before, but I can never express how excited I was when I got the king to 120 health >:3


Any chance of a port to Android?

...Archer run number 94832.

Second enemy TvT


Point your arows down so that they deal more damage

...I feel so dumb right now ;~;

(Thank you, this game is outstanding)


Why does it keep putting me in the tutorial even after I died? It is preventing me from talking to the first dude to get archer stuff


Hello! Congratulations on the game launch.

I'm a content creator, and I added you on Discord to ask you a question about it. However, since the Discord username in your information is in an old format, I'm not sure if the friend request went through correctly.

Best regards! ^^

Just bought on steam exited to play more .

Does the herb do anything

There is a 1% chance that when you activate the herb you will go goblin. This gives you a permanent +50 health boost, +7 rage/turn, and a legendary weapon, "The Green Goblin Glock." You must keep on buying the herbs until they fill up your entire inventory- the risk is worth it.


The 1% is just an estimate- After using the log (which generates a herb) like 5 times every combat, for an estimated 20 combats (5-ish combats per room, 2 rooms per zone, I got the log at the start of zone 2) I went goblin after about 15-ish combats.

 I have no screenshot, so you'll have to try this out for yourself. Keep on generating herbs, and eventually you are bound to go goblin. This is the only way I was able to beat the boss.

Okay, so the actual point to the herb is that there are a lot of items that trigger 'when a consumable is used' or 'when an item is destroyed', and you can generate a lot of herbs relatively easily.


heyo, congrats on getting onto switch!!!


Thank you!


Pity it doesn't actually work on switch so I wasted my money.

What isn't working about it for you? We'll make sure to patch it as soon as possible!


So far 

1. When viewing an item card the tutorial says you can get a pop up to describe the effects. But you can't. 

2. In the Atlas (did I remember that right?) Some of the entries don't fit on the page but there is no way to scroll them down to read the rest.

3. When I got to the town I was told to destroy the old shop but I can't find a way to do it. 

I gave up at this point. Either the controls just don't work or are very badly implemented and explained. 

Maybe it is just me, maybe not. Maybe you will get it fixed  msybe not. Either way I give up on your game and asked Nintendo for a refund. Not that I expect that to happen. 


Idk if y'all can even do anything about it but this game called Hiker: Heropack Creed looks like a straight rip-off of yours. It has lots of very identical, if not exactly the same assets, and the exact same gameplay aspects.

(1 edit) (+6)

It's sad to see everyone in the reviews saying it "has unique mechanics and fun gameplay" but can't recommend it because of the sheer amount of ads. They obviously just ripped yall's ideas, assets, everything and just threw ads on it. Oh yeah, and filled it with bugs lol.


Sadly, but devs should make this game on shitdroid too.
Its fault of gp and their tos

(2 edits)

Whenever i Play the demo and try making a new game while already having a saved game it crashes. I was wondering if this is happening to anyone else? also won't load game. says it took too long an embedded error has occurred. only for web version from what i know.

(2 edits)

I can't load my saved games at all for some reason. (Only issue on Web version. My Steam Version works fine)


Love the game.
I have it on my home-computer via Steam, but i'm stuck at playing the free web-browser version at my work computer. Is there anyway to download to game without steam, or without to have to buy a second copy?

I really love the game and each character offers a different challenge and complexity to it. I had finished playing hard mode 1 with purse and wanted to play hard mode 2 with a different character. However, I was not able to do so without first beating it with the other character.

I can understand the design behind it, but imo it feels a bit too grindy and can get repetitive if you want to try challenges with different characters. 

It can take the freshness out of the challenges if one has to restart on hard mode 1 just to get to the fourth one for example.


When is the game coming out on consoles because I really want this game on ps4 and it looks very polished.


We're hoping for early 2024! But there's not exact release date yet unfortunately. We are working on it everyday!

Thanks, I remember the trailer on YouTube and nothing else was mentioned.


I love this game so much!! The Music is so good and I love the way the game works. I've been trying to become an archer but it is very annoying 😫

I almost beat the king!! But they are so op

Thanks for the kind feedback! Story mode is coming so soon!

Is this a decompile, do you think? Pretty awful knockoff.

(1 edit)

It uses our code and a lot of our assets. We've had it removed from Google several timed but they keep reposting it. Please report it

i wish that the backpack didnt run out of space later on cuz it makes big builds very hard after a while

Are you at Gamescom? I saw a booth with your game

We are! BinaryCounter, the musician is there! As well as Different Tales! I am not unfortunately!

I actually met BinaryCounter there! I talked to him about an idea for Co-op multiplayer for Backpack Hero. He’s probably going to tell you about our meeting :)

The idea is basically a shared backpack, where each player has one half and can support the other player with their own items. Example: One player has a bow, the other has arrows. So they put their items up to the border so that one can give arrows to the others. 

If BinaryCounter tells you that a kid at gamescom told him this, then it‘s me!

I was wondering how that would work that is a great idea!

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