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My best run.


For anyone still playing the demo.. After playing this game for a while I figured out that the best endless build that scales even faster than the growing HP in endless is this build right here. Electric wand, lots of gems, a few relics, 4 loaded black mana stones that you can keep upgrading with regular mana stones, and lots of forge upgrades + golden whetstones. This build would grow stupidly strong if I continue but I am tired of the endlessness. The wand starting damage is 972 and the damage goes up by about 20 every hit from the stopwatch and rage. With the 4 black mana stones I can get in over 600 hits. This scales up like crazy. I finish all the battles in the first turn and actually only end up using one of the black mana stones. Haha totally overpowered. I love it! I was trying to do this with the assassins dagger but soon realized that this build is wayyy better. Here are some quick tips:

- Try to build a pack that can end your battles on the first turn.
- Builds with no armor are the best.
- The candle, stopwatch, windmill, and fly thing are great relics. The others are kind of useless.
- Have one heart gem for regeneration
- Black mana stones are vital
- Try to get a golden whetstone on the spin roulettes. Then buy as many as you can. Reload save game every time you fail. Eventually I stacked up 50 of them in this game.
- Dont save consumables (maybe just for the final boss). Just use them up every battle

- Well and practice makes perfect lol. This was a fun little game.


Is there a reason to have more than one black mana gem? Are they capped or is there a glitch that you can consume a mana stone with two black stones?

Save scumming can give you good stuff, certainly. But that is kinda cheesy.


I think it is so you can absorb mana stones without committing all of your mana to do so.

Thank you for the tips, I just tried it out and it works excellently! Just one question, how do you make the black-manastones absorb mana stones (to increase capacity) but not absorb the other black-manastones?)

Also, I'm finding berserker ring (+1 energy if no shields/armor) to be mildly useful (it's better than windmill, which is a relic!), although this build uses more mana than it needs energy/stamina.

What's the best time to use a black mana stone? I lost a nice game once cuz i used it too early(I think?).

when i try to play it says It looks like the webpage at might be having issues, or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

oh i just need to click it

(1 edit) (+4)

Hi, I just wanted to warn you about a lot of fake mobile rip off versions of your game. I don't know what kind of legal action you can take, but just letting you know some douche bags out there are stealing your work.


I got here to comment this exact thing!! That mobile game is almost a complete rip. I bet they just took the code and changed out some sprites and wrote a wrapper around it.

I legit just saw that add and came here to ask about it.


why would people play that when this game has mobile support

(1 edit)

wait Matthew  is like that person from slay the spire that gives you items at the start


someone is ripping this game off on mobile called hiker: heropack creed. They're shoving it full of ads and microtransactions from my understanding.


Just want to share my collection, why did my comment get deleted :(

I think this it the strongest build possible in web version with infinity hp, mana scale and deal a ton of damage with rage from the The Forge

All three update files are marked for Mac. Is this v16 or v15 or what?

(1 edit)

i have just bought your Steam version yesterday. Is there a way to get the newest version .zip when bought there and not here?

Send me a message on Discord and I can share!

(1 edit) (+4)

I just saw an ad for a copy and paste version of your game called hike or hiker. It was shown on TikTok except there version of the game had in app purchases. I suggest that you try to do something about this as soon as possible. please make sure that the creator sees this.

(2 edits) (+4)

The game is called "Hiker: Heropack Creed" made by "Easy & Fun Casual Games"

Game link(DO NOT DOWNLOAD. I do NOT condone downloading it, as it is STOLEN. This is so that the developer can find and take down the game.):


How much of a game can be copied or reimagined? Because Backpack Hero itself borrows from Slay the Spire. There are hundreds (thousands) of games that look and play just like Tetris, and many even copied the name of it. Speaking of wich. The tiles used in our very Hero game look suspiciously like all the Tetris blocks for some of the characters.

Having a deck builder not use cards, but space and item shapes, is that forever reserved for Backpack Hero? Is Bph even the first to do this?

That copycat of course copies a bit too much, imho. Even the dungeon view looks like a copy, or the bricks. The events are a bit different, but it might just have been copied from an earlier version. 

But once you have the idea of: make slay the spire, but with inventory management, instead of deck management, you pretty much have a clone of backpack hero already.

(1 edit) (+5)

My guy its a one-to-one copy of the game, they changed one sprite and added advertisements and a scam in-app purchase, it doesn't "borrow" ideas and it wasn't a coincidence. Look at the google play page, it's completely ripped from Backpack Hero.

Edit: removed quotes around "coincidence", idk why I put them there to begin with.


You should re-read my post. Especially the third block.

I never used the word coincidence. And when I used the word borrow, I was talking about bph borrowing from slay the spire.

But it led me to the question, how much could be imitated. A game like tetris is even copied with the whole name nowadays. And can you imagine what would be the result, if I put a devteam on the task: make me slay the spire, but with inventory items instead of cards.

The thing is, this is more a game mechanic. It is rather seldom seen - for now. It is a little bit more comples than match3, but has about the complexity of rpg maker core rules. The current setting is very slay the spire, but I hear they want to add some kind of story or story mode. If bph gets  very popular you might even see rpgmaker games with inventory mechanics instead of japanese turn based attack, special, guard etc fight mechanics. Just like you saw match3 implemented in several games. I remember puzzle quest ;-)

(2 edits)

Ignore this, see next message.

Maybe you should be the one re-reading my post. I never said that you said "coincidence", but you implied it, or at least implied something similar; I have several disorders in which I often struggle to understand what other people are meaning. Anyways, the game has since changed its sprites, very slightly, but it is still an almost complete copy of the game. I understand that you can't copyright an idea, but when you take the sprites, idea, animations, interactions, probably even the code, all of the items, all of the enemies, all of the mechanics, etc., etc., etc.; you don't leave much left to be very... not... stolen? I cant find the right words to end that sentence. I'm going to re-read everything you have said and respond to them individually.

Edit: changed the last part of the message because I would've been lying if I left it.

(1 edit)

The game actually got removed from Google play today BECAUSE THERE IS MALWARE!!! I download after seeing an ad for it a few months ago. Then, the game got removed from my device for advertising fraud. I got curious and looked for comments about the game. Then I saw yours. Go figure.

(1 edit)

Is the Hourglass relic means to remove -1 from a weapon each time the weapon is used with the hourglass in the inventory? I ended up in an unwinnable position after accidentially making all my weapons 0 damage in battle.

Also, having trouble trying to drink a tea for healing while not in battle. I guess that may be a design reason... but it seems strange that you cannot heal in the low moments.

Additionally; is a tunic meant to stack with a bronze breastplate? See image below. I cannot see tunic text so I must assume this is in error?


And another thing... I've found an item but it's very vague as to how useful it is. 

"Duct Tape(accessory): All effects applied to this are passed to adjacent items"

Seeing that it's not a weapon nor armour, I think I see it would be difficult to find things that might target it.

Perhaps all that's needed might be a wiki?


The Hourglass has been changed in the full version of the game to be a much better item, and the ductape effects anything, it essentially extends the range of the item giving the effect, for example, you can put it adjacent to an amethyst and have it effect and extra three spaces, or make a king cleaver able to touch 6 cleavers in stead of 4.

Also, we do have a wiki! Find it here:


A duct tape can come in handy. If you can apply your bonus effects without the help of the tape, it is waste of space.

The tape is subject to the red circles and gives its effect to the two weapons as illustrated by the highlighting from the green gem. As I want to have the pink stone in the wings, I am running out of space, if I want to boost both weapons with all four items.

Thank you for your replies, everyone!

For those reading these comments for the first time, I just want to go on record in saying that this game is HARD. I only finished the demo version once.


You should try playing Slay the Spire. That puts the hardness of bph into perspective. Bph is a cake walk in comparison.

Oh, and the demo is different from the game in several aspects and keeps changing. Which is not very good.


Mate... no, I won't play some other random game.

What's with that attitude? I'm allowed to say something is diffcult without having someone try to do one-upmanship.


Slay the Spire is not some random unrelated game. And that was a figure of speech, not an actual game recommendation ;-)

Backpack Hero is essentially a clone of the game Slay the Spire core mechanics. Instead of saying bph is a rogue-like, you could say, it is a slay-the-spire-like.

You walk from room to room, have either fights or events, limited health recovery, bosses give out special game changer items, you must select  from rng    loot options and build up your inventory of usefull items that work well together. You have 3 action points, and must expend those points between ramping up your block and attacking. The enemies also  must re-build their block value every turn and attack you, poison you,  curse your inventory, etc.

The big difference is, that you have deck of cards and not a bag of items. And they also have different characters that rework how the game is played siginifcantly. The toad gameplay actually is even nearer to the slay the spire mechanics. You can only  loot 1 item, have trouble getting rid of items, and need to draw your items, as if they were a deck of cards.

So again, if you think bph is hard, well, it is.  But that is relative ;-)


hey developer person i found r34!

That actually wouldn't be so awful in my opinion, if the internet's kinks were usually romantic classy stuff about consenting adults enjoying themselves with fairly vanilla experiences.

But no, I'm going to get the feeling I'm restoring my faith in humanity just by being lucky enough not to see it (yet). Thank you for the warning. I'll think twice before I try Googling Backpack Hero fanart.

you want me to send you the link?

No thank you.  Especially not here. If I were in the Backpack Hero dev teams' shoes I wouldn't want my games' store page to become a tradespot for smut. Please have some respect. 




(1 edit) (+1)

finished what

his delicious apple pie! 



wait is it a otter


im now on a journey to find r34cof this game

Honestly, I might not blame you, *if the mouse girl looked older*.

But she looks ambiguously like a teen, so tread with caution.

the frog is hot.

(1 edit)

two crimson energy and  a hour glass   i think im going to lose (: yep my arrows did -18 damage (:

cleaver good at killing.

whenever i try to get a mage build going i simply don't find any manastones 😬 but the slay the spire reference (robot toy) is based 👍

lol same and when i dont do a mage build i get all the manastones 




among us in real life sus sus


floor 26 ...and not died yet


Floor 1000 is where its at. If you ever make it there, Im pretty sure a lot of people would be curious to see how high the black manastone got. Also, bows arent that good. I made it past 1000 using assassins dagger, a lot of golden whetstones, and a bit of luck. Cheers


37 still alive. the keys for me are the 2 ninja's costume. 

and the bow is good for ennemis with spike (with assassins dagger i always died against them) but i would like try both dagger and bow but i need some luck 

level 53 RIP maybe with third armor.... or more pv. I needed 200pv to resist at fire first turn 

(1 edit) (-1)

I downloaded the latest version on mac, unzipped it, when I go through itchzips > mac > macos, the game is apparently a damaged unix executable and refuses to open


I have the same problem :(
Just purchased the game, but cannot play on MacOS Ventura 13.3.1

Please fix, I don't want to ask for a refund!

Sorry about this! We will upload a new version first thing!

Thank you!! When do you think it's updated and ready to play?


I'll be working on it today! Hopefully this evening!


Hey! Just wanted to let you know that we are still working on this! Hope to have it working for you shortly. Very sorry for the delays!

No worries. It's already amazing to hear that you're working on it! Can't wait to play, though :)

Hi TheJasper,

Any news on the MacOS update?

Sorry about this! Please try the new file "" and let me know if that works for you!


I will do so ASAP! probably in a few days.

update: and the mac version both do not function, the former downloads as and can't be opened while the latter still claims to be damaged

(1 edit)

Got the skull ring thing, gold whetstoned a club, and proceeded to stuff my inventory with manastones. Died on floor 13. Why can I never find a black manastone when I need one?

Better you obtain a bow with skull ring. ;-)

Stumbled across this game on and really love it. It’s right up my alley; I’ve played it through twice already! Thanks so much

Glad you like it!

This has now become my most played browser game, somehow topping both Minesweeper and Enchanted Cave 2. I genuinely don't think a roguelike can get better than this. Noita might have a bit more interesting gameplay, but it also makes me want to cry so that docks some points.

Attempting to beat the final boss twice in a single run has become my nemesis, so much so that I'm going to buy the Steam version just to get the necessary items. (on the web build expert bow + electric arrows + +2 damage/cast accessory + stopwatch + belt of knives gets you to Magma Core floor 2, but the math simply doesn't work out)

... Is this what the kids these days call paying to win? (´▽`) lol

Glad you're having fun! We hope you enjoy the steam version too!

 Hello! I recently made a Hispanic video about AWESOME games on Die in the dungeon is one of them! :D Hope you like it.


So cool to see! Thank you for sharing!

lucky-ish run

why is the game free on browser but the download is 16 dollars :(


the browser is just a demo! the download is early access and still updated regularly, and has probably around 5 times the content of this old version

Empty cup or cool drink.... hmmm...

(1 edit)

How to get the button START GAME FROM MATTEW in demo version?


It works! Thanks buddy

its just M

The new update crashes the game on launch and asks for steam to be played


oh no! Good catch! I will update it. Apologies!

Thanks a bunch :D


This should now be fixed. Apologies! Can you please try again?!

it works now :D


fun but my weapon ended up destroying itself after being invincible. i think its because i added the bomb powerup next to it. you need to make ui stuff super clear when it comes to this. now it just became frustrating.

Here to request a mobile release. I can play the demo on browser just fine.

Yes, that goes on forever. Turning off combat animation is a must for this.

Most of the stuff is not needed. But I did include poison removal and a hasted buckler against spikes. Damage would ramp up with the rage buff on the dagger, but that dagger scales up all by itself as well. And having the sword activate by the wings to reduce cost of the dagger from 2 to 1 helps speed up too.

(That are 3 boosters and 1 splitter.)

found a bug with the map lol

I got soft locked, i went to open a door after a boss, i did not have a key, and it pushed my to the outher side of the door, and i can not decend.

In the demo version there are locked doors, weren't there?

I only encountered locked chests in the current version. And you have to drag your key from the backback onto the chest there.

There is even a key sword. But is only usable once and gets destroyed if you open a chest with it.

I did not have a key... I GLITCHED THROUGH THE DOOR

Hello, I'm part of a small indie dev studio, and like you, I assume, we were contacted by smilegate stove to put a game on their store + localization. I noticed your game on there, and I wanted to ask how your experience was with them. Do you feel it was worth it? Did you feel the contract was good?


btw the game looks adorable, I'd never seen it before and I'll probably pick it up soon haha

When loading a save on a floor that has the gold, experience flowers, or healing spots that disappear in a set number of turns, the numbers do not appear.

Additionally, the Swamp Buckler, which states that it provides block equal to your current poison, instead deals damage to the target equal to your current poison.

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