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Are cleaver runs still usable to get to 1000+ or was the pavise nerf too hard.

did they remove Mathew

He's still in there! You can press M to access him from the main menu. After you lose a run the option should be available on the main screen

thank you

(1 edit) (+1)

Just one cycled king had a water flask and 3 magic herbs the fox rapier did 111 damage and had +2 rage and a golden whetstone.

died on floor 13 to not having enough block

I used a translation tool, so I apologize if the text is not correct.

Is it possible to post videos or live-stream Backpack Hero on youtube or twitch?

Also, is it possible to monetize them?

Sure! We love the views! Go ahead!

ah, this truly is one of the builds of all time

tried to download the mac version; it unzipped into a folder named "itchzips" containing "mac", which had "contents" which had the actual game. running the game threw an error that said the file was damaged. what?

windows works fine

Weird. We'll look into the mac build

thank you!

renaming mac to and `xattr -cr` fixed it for me

is anyone else game bugged to where you can flip items (this is in the paid version not this demo

How do you flip items?

arrow keys


Finally reach 1 million damage on floor 504!!!

good job mate, I see you had a hard boring way to go through. I am currently at wave 312 with currently 1,2Mill damage sumed up over 19 turns. I see on your build you had some potential to increase the damage furthermore. (for eg.: using the smarag braclet & adding more tier1-curses to addding more additional turns)

wait serlsiy

my very best run so far. went amazing

Beat Grandmaster with this setup. I will see how far I get

I saw this game a few months ago on a youtube channel and thought nothing of it since it was just background noise as I worked.  Then it popped up again last week while I was at home and I payed more attention to it.  Then I bought it on steam and I haven't had a good night's sleep since. I've also gotten 3 other friends addicted as well.  This game is truly amazing! The possibilities are endless! And the different characters and play styles are great.  I'm a CR-8 fan, because of the heavy planning required, but my one friend likes Tote for the randomness challenge and another likes Satchel for the pocket madness.

I really like how all of the characters are named after types of holding container.  I don't know if you plan on more characters, but I think if you are, someone named Chester (or Chest R.) would be cool.

glad you are enjoying the game! we plan to add four more characters for a total of nine playable ones!

honestly op

If you use shivs with the ring the shivs can do 100 dmg each

best run I've had so far


got to floor 12


First off, thanks for your game! it's amazing, and I am terrible at it.

I just wanted to bring to your attention that there is a game on at least android devices called Heropack:Backpack Hero that is blatantly stealing assets from your game. The company is called Easy & Fun Casual Games. I have been seeing ads for it all over TikTok. I reported the app personally, but I don't know how much that is going to do.

Anyways have an amazing holiday and thanks again for the wonderful game. Let me know if I can help in anyway!

Requesting a ferret hero! nyeehee

My best run so far. Floor 18, but I couldn't take down the grandmaster with 18000 health.

Book+Ton of mana+electric wand if black manastone and metalic wand if no+Windmill+frog totem+Stopwatch+peridot=OP

got up to floor 17 with that

finaly after 74 hours of gameplay i found an op set

got to floor 8

awesome game Ive been playing it non stop and only just finished by using a shit ton of manastones and wands 

(1 edit) (+1)

one of my favorite runs so far

made it to second iteration of deep cavern



What do you mean oof? I made it five levels into endless mode

(1 edit)

awesome game super fun but I have no idea how the mana system works and why cant I use old saves?

mana system works with mana stones as power sources and wands as outputs, using conductive items as wires

ooh yeah thanks I figured it out now


I got an idea for the game a few in fact. for the event can you add a geologist his job is to give you a gem, for you to get a gem you need to give him mana. another one is that when u get the blacksmith event if he's upgrading ur weapon can u add the option to merge the gem and the weapon u can choose the gem of a course, also u have to have a gem in u backpack. when the gem and the weapon is merged the weapon gets the gems buff if u wanna be extra u can change the skin of the weapon to have a gem on its hilt. another one I have is the cooking event this is for this event he will cook u a meal but u have to have the ingredients FINALLY the herbs can be useful don't know how u gonna make this function I guess depending on what we give him he will analyze how much the ingredients match with this meal and give u the closes meal that ur ingredient matches to. but for these to happen u need ingredients like carrots or something besides herbs actually. can u plz add these or more gems I love the gems?

Sorry if this has been answered and I'm overlooking it, but wanted to ask;

Is there any intent/plan for a port to mobile devices?

Definitely something we're planning for! It'll probably be a bit! But hopefully next year!

It used to work on mobile a few weeks ago on web, now it just crashes(webgl error or something.) I dont know what happened,  but this would be a lovely mobile game.

Ive been enjoying the game for a while I have played it a bunch and seen many updates. 

The thing is though ( You knew it was coming) 

I would like to see other game modes or challenges.

Glad to hear you are enjoying it! Do you have the paid version? There's a lot of new content including 5 characters and many different game modes

can you play the paid version in browser or do you need to download it

it is download, not browser

I'm a free loader. :p


it would be cool to make the ability to insert stones into weapons. at the blacksmith for example. 


That's a really interesting idea, and I do agree with you. It'd make some weapons more reliable, especially pickaxe

Hey, what about 5408 scratch damage per turn?

good lord. that looks hella long for you lordddd



(3 edits) (+2)

Good game, but there is a game breaking bug, I went to a locked door with a chest behind it, basically a hall above the locked door and the chest room was next to the locked door, and so I went to the door with no key, left but the game pushed me into the chest room and now I am stuck, there is no other exit other than the locked door and I have no key. Please fix this, thank you!

So I got out, I had to click the door then spam the map to then be glitched on top of the locked door thus giving me access to the hall above. Please do fix this though!

I love the black manastone, it really allows mana setups to scale through endless runs and also electric archery setups, also means I don't have to look at a backpack filled to the brim with manastones


guess what u can get after boss battle if you have collected all 19 relics?




holy crap what set up did you use to get THAT far?

Finally kicked the bucket on a very strong archery run. Probably could've continued with more emerald rings but alas I didn't get them.

(1 edit)

An amazing Shield Bash build (174 spikes in a turn and over 1000 block achieved in a few turns), but in the end Curses ended it all. Could have done with some more haste (Only found 1 blacksmith the entire run sadly) but this was very fun to play! >:D

Cara seu jogo é muito bom mas so é assesavel ppr esse saite ou comprando pela steam mas seria uma boa ideia lançar pars o mobile mesmo sendo pago .

[Tried to put this as a reply to my previous post, can't.]

Also, I have twice triggered a bug where I cannot move or otherwise choose any items after levelling up. This happens when I put my level up space somewhere such that some of the space is red (invalid.)

After that happens I cannot choose any more items, even in future rooms. (screenshots are deleted as they are making this harder to post, but I have screenshots etc available if desired.)

(1 edit)

Game is extremely fun, I've had many great runs both here and on the Steam version! I do have a question tho, is it normal for removing things from Tote's deck to cost 999? The only time I've been able to remove something is when it's something I bought which. I don't want to get rid of if I intentionally got it

Edit OH I finally figured out you rightclick to select sell at 10 coins per. I assumed I couldn't bc the prices for most were listed at -999 each

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