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i had all these luck rings but only got 1 legendary

i had 6 energy per turn but rude roosters rage got out of hand and killed me

are there any tips someone can give me for an archer build

dont use the 2 wide bow

Starting out as an archer is rarely a good idea, because of the limited space; start with boring ol melee and blocking, then move on to archery when you have more space and hopefully more arrows. Focus mainly on horizontal expansion first, since you can go further that way and send your arrows through more empty spaces. Note that the arrows can all go in different directions, and don't have to make sense with how the bow is facing, if that makes arranging things easier. Make sure that you actually are firing all of your arrows; arranging them in certain ways could have them accidentally block each other from the bow. Archery works well with either of the extra energy items, since both benefit from empty spaces. With things like Belt of Knives or Stopwatch or to give you Rage or otherwise boost the power of all your attacks, sending the arrows through empty spaces becomes much less important, unless you are using the Poison arrows (those would do increasing amounts of damage like any other weapon, but the Poison amount only increases with empty spaces). Keep in mind that one of the Rare arrows Floats to the top, but also has special requirements to boost the damage, rather than benefitting from space. Things that increase in Rage when hit are dangerous if you can't kill them in one turn, since you will be hitting multiple times per energy, but Spikes are completely harmless to you, since your attacks are projectiles. If you are in the endgame but not Endless mode, if things go well enough you will do so much damage with each energy that you won't really need Block anymore; everything will just die before it can do anything dangerous. If you are in Endless, accept that you are probably gonna die in the first repeat of the third area, or maybe even the second if you get unlucky; very few types of builds can survive the Poison in those, and Archer is not one of them.

Fear My Doom Magic Arrows!

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so this is my cleaver run i need more chef's hat what do you think

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how does one get so many duct tapes ;-;

im here sitting at 2 

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i had more but had to let em go cause no space :/ i need hat's and king cleaver or queen just got a shop with 2 duct tape xD

you gotta be kidding me =-=

wait i think you would do a lot more damage if you were to put the shield in the heart place.

And only put the heart in whenever you need healing

switch the shield with the heartstone, and check what enemy your versing before charging right in, so then if your versing king, you actually have a chance to switch out your heartstone before battle, meaning you use no energy to rearrange during battle.

just wondering, are the items falling in the background of the main screen that haven't been added yet going to be added? like this one?

that is just a recolored ore (a relic that gives +1 damage to weapons that are touching gems) most of the items that fall are just recolored items

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actually, ore only has the 2 side ones. there aren't 3 colored rocks sticking out of ore.

oh i didn't know that i thought that most of the things that fall are just recolored items but i do know that most of the items that fall aren't there like the bottle

also bread

Is it more efficient to put lots of rage on one cleaver (This is for my OP cleaver run) or spread it out?

put it on 1 cleaver mainly the one that gets activated the most (or the least if you want)

They all get activated 10 times exactly

just put the rage on the cleaver that you activate first so the rest will get +1 damage before activating if you can't tell which one is getting activated first just set your animation speed to its lowest (slightly boring)

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This cleaver run: First energy damage ~25850, Second energy damage ~75000, 

Third energy and Fourth energy damage, as well as First turn damage is... 


Also, a funny occurrence: I've seen more chefs hats than Queen Cleavers.

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Quick update: I have gotten an extra Chefs hat and Duct tape, and shuffled the position of the Pavises to be on that duct tape. Now doing 40k+ damage with first energy.

Any suggestions for this build?

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someon claimed aditional cleavers and ducttapes are better than chefs hat. so before you get to many duct tapes and cleavers. Make space for a cauldrun and 2 free spaces to farm golden whetstones. You use a mob that creates curses to reactivate cauldrun. If you need more health to tank the inevital giant curses from the potions from time to time, farm health first with the red shirt.

I have have thrown away king and queen cleavers used the space for red shirts and cauldrun(golden whetstone) while i wait for the duct tapes that i very recently gote 2 of. Think i gote those 2 duct tapes less than 10 lvls ago. Essentially farming golden whetstone and health to bolster early game survivability and increas the damage of the final build. But its super tedious to farm golden whetstones. But its also something you can almost always do.

On a side note. Farmed a mob until it did 1050 damage. I gote a lote of potions of greater luck. When i killed the mob it droped 1 legendary 1 rare and comon items and maybe some uncommon.  There is definitely a limit to what luck can do for you. Probobally only 1 legendary per encounter, a limit on number of items of a rarity. The potions gave lots of Rubys, Token of Energy,  and 8 golden whetstones in total, and it always had a chance of giving curses.

im on the same floor and doing 1224 dmg for first energy. Might be cause i got no duct tapes.


Apparently the numbers start to get a bit buggy after 1k kills on the assassin's dagger. Also, I am unstoppable.

get red shirt for hp and rogue masks if you want safety, the rage bracelet activates red shirt so you get max hp each fight, more damage on assassin dagger, then can look for the 3 max hp item or gold whetstones, you should throw away coral as you want to kill with the dagger not spikes, after some time you can ditch the stopwatch clock after you stack enough kills on the dagger if you want to.

Is there literally any build aside from cleaver build that can make it to floor 100 and beyond? Feels like the weakest part of this game right now is the lack of diversity in builds to get far. A lot of builds reach a cap where you can't improve them anymore and eventually you're just overwhelmed by the enemies that forever scale past you.

archer might be able to with enough energy

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I have one, and it technically can go infinite. It's just crazy slow so I haven't made it far yet. It also seems to get laggier the further I go so it get even slower because of that.

You need 4 items, the last one having a few variants: berserker's club, hourglass, candle and peridot. Peridot can be substituted(and improved) with poison whetstone, smith poison buff or belt of knife.

Add some recovery(gemstone heart) for the occasional unavoidable spikes damage.

In case you haven't understood yet the idea is to get infinite attack in a single turn with berserker's club. You avoid killing yourself with the hourglass which negate any damage you would inflict to yourself. You deal damage by adding poison to the club. Since you stack enough poison on the enemies so they die as soon you end the turn it never come back to you so you can not die to the self inflicted poison.

I just made it to floor 19 and I have -7611 damage on my club.

my hp glitched out but it should be something like 2806 or close to it, this is a fun game and i think i want to see a dagger do ridiculous damage numbers, like 100k+ or something like that.

watching sifd play this makes me want the steam version though, its one of the few games I'm looking forward to

Are there any plans to add benefits to having extra mana in your mana network?

If you wear a mage's hood or have the frog totem relic, they don't provide any benefits on turn 1.

Perhaps they could supercharge your stones and give them an extra charge if they try to restore an already full stone? Then hyper charging mana becomes part of a strategy, rather than you min maxing and only carrying as much restoration as you need.

Black Mana Stone Makes Wizard Build Even Stronger!!!

also, can someone make a list of all relics and when you can get the

you can get all of the relics from all of the bosses however i  dont know what will happen if you have all of the relics

Got pretty far but it stopped being fun. You need to make three arrows. Shoot. Make arrows. Shoot. And so on and so fourth.  

I have discovered a bug wherein if you go in and out of the map screen whilst item animations are still playing, the "End Turn" button will not reappear when you come back.


I becomed a final boss.

then u encounter a couple of bat

Na i couldn't do anything there no attack dmg and no spike so i couldn't kill them just stay alive-

i mean, there is the option of scratching the enemies to death.


Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan Build

or the Masochist Build

Don't make the same mistake as me when using bows

got 225 spikes with this on floor 6 but i did not have a weapon and died to a snakes poison.

can any one tell me how the duct tape pleas

the duct tape acts like a tape

any better placements :?

got 5 haste on the big shield and 7 rage on the fourth cleaver of line 4

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I mean other then have the chefs hat over the duct tape as it will buff more, as it is now it only buffs 3 cleavers if it is over the duct tape it will buff 6 things

oh crap good flipping point tyvm

i already arrived 1000level but can’t post the picture

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can i make a suggestion? can you get this game to run good on any pc like say a potato pc? 


Yeah you just have to get into the game. Or atleast thats what i have to do. Then it runs fine. 

yeah i got it thank you so much

there should be a feature where you can use 2 or 3 energy to block 25 to 50% of damage.

that would be pretty cool

One-shot the final boss on my first playthrough with a triple arrow bow, half empty backpack, gems for damage and 3 energy producing items, no armour

Good game!

pic axe build also got cards with duct tape a pic axe and a golden whetstone i did not get the golden whetstone.


Any tips on doing a cleaver build i can only ever get like 2-3 cleavers.

you just need to get lucky, on the run I'm doing currently I got very lucky with duct tape but less lucky with cleavers

dude i need your luck with duct tape :((

Minha primeira vitória
My first victory

55 floors, 6 King Cleavers, 9 Queen Cleavers, 2 Rolls of Duct Tape, so many Hercule Pavises I eventually started just ignoring them rather than collecting more, 6 Rage on the most used King Cleaver and 2 Haste on the most used Hercule Pavise... and yet, through all this, I never saw even a single Chef's Hat.

ur fine you will get one...



...i think

At least someone else has my exact luck

Nevermind I just got 2 in the space of 2 floors

I call this the Naruto build

... And the run ended a minute later in the double Sables encounter

First time winning died to poison in endless though. Thanks for the people that gave me tips.
;) this game is amazing
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I dont get why you dont put the shield on the duct tape, instead of activating a single jack cleaver you could activate all of those cleavers with the shield, or put both the pavises on the duct tape and activate all of those cleavers twice from the shields, even if they all lose 3 damage they would be activated twice as much, or do cleavers not work like that?

If they had less cleavers that would be the play, but with enough cleavers to surround the tape, triggering the tape with a cleaver benefits from belt of knives, +3 to all other cleavers. Triggering the tape with a shield is -1 to all cleavers due to shield spirit. Had a similar run myself a bit ago, but 2 more chef hats and heal gem instead of vamp to avoid double triggering, got bored by floor 100.

I'm a Master of All Weapons!

Best I've done so far, wand was upgraded to 50% and forged 1 rage. Shield was forged to +11 but still couldn't stop poison damage.

Over  9000 defence per turn but poison

The build is being pretty good so far, still looking for more rare cleavers.

Cleavers are growing, Butler with +2 haste, King cleaver with +3 rage that procs 8 times with belt 51 times per turn

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