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yesssssssssssss this is my best run in endless mode

how is floor 5 endless mode?

i recommend not going archer, its not bad its just hard

archer is good with mouse wood not nearly good as cleavers tho and im using a shield instead of a bow so mouse wood will be replaced with stop watch mouse wood doesn't work with shield spirit

(also floor 5 endless is a joke)


Is there any reason to play past floor 1000? I heard there was a hidden boss, but didn't seem to get them.


smh must be a bug i beat that boss alot of times (it's a joke how did you actually did it impressive)

how do you get such op loot? ive only got a hercule pavise ONCE and ive been playing for a month or two! is it just accumulating luck?

I was constantly having those things thrown at me throughout the run. The golden whetstone was the only thing I needed to farm, but honestly, with the assassin's blade hitting 7 times, I didn't need anywhere near as many as I used.


F died to poison


Just a suggestion, making sure displaced items don't end up behind the item limit prompt.


can you make it so that if you leave a merchant, healer, or mystery event without buying anything it dosen't disappear

kind of - just click on a square around it and pass over it (i.e. come back to it later)... there is sadly no way to keep any in-game event present after you leave it...

This will be changed in a future update!

yess ive been wanting this so much thanks!

Almost perfect game. But i managed to lock myself inside a locked room and cant get out :p


Yeah its a bug :) 

Same. But I'm playing on a mobile browser.

Seen it happen. When you unlock a door, but go to another locked door, it remembers the past direction to back away from the locked door. Basically the programming doesn't store the current location, instead using another value.

(1 edit) (-1)

This game is amazing. I have never seen a game as original and fun as this. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Just some pretty round numbers i guess. 9 Energy, 5 hits per 1. Also max block in 3 hit's central buckler has 10 haste (irrelevant coz of armor).Just some pretty round numbers

Ooooh nice, i had 2 ninja armors last run :D

Can Key Sword Beat The Final Boss?

(1 edit)
This was such a great build, and it's almost funny how empty the backpack is. I also like it because I started it with a Matthew's starter bow set, ran bows and arrows for a while, then switched to a dueling sword/slime sword duet because I thought it would be funny, then I got the Hawkeye bow and then everything was over. I later changed it out for a longbow, which might have been the losing mistake, but it also might not have been. I lost to a floor 15 Badger Boss, unfortunate that it was just too tanky for my many damage. 7 energy per turn, rapid scaling damage with belt of knives.

quá hay

Hey! You can start from Matthew by pressing "M"! Hope you will consider rating the game again!

cảm mơn vì đã chỉ tôi không hiểu tiếng anh

cảm mơn vì đã chỉ tôi không hiểu tiếng anh

Bạn có thể bắt đầu từ Matthew bằng cách nhấn "M"

Hy vọng bạn sẽ đánh giá trò chơi một lần nữa :)

i was trying to do an archery run without a bow and  it some how shifted to cleaver run (left facing jack cleaver has +1 rage and 25% bonus damage)

how can you do an archery run without a bow?

shield spirit

yeah i get it now thanks

(1 edit)

Floor 300

7 energy in first turn

First energy is ~151k dmg (Builds ~140 rage per energy)

Second energy probably does 400k

No money so no health increase, but who cares when you two-shot King every time

Alas, my cheesy letter-buffed BIGG SORDD didn't last forever. Too bad I didn't get any good armor from trading in Legendaries, I might have permanently broken the game.

God, I hate when this happens... Do i go Rapier or Longbow?


(2 edits)

Ranking all relics since im bored:

Frog Totem: A

Pretty good relic, but it's not conductive fore some reason. More efficient mana per turn than wizard's cap; 3m+2m from spellbook/4m from cap.

Windmill: A

Again, more effective than crimson energy, which needs 3 spaces when placed in a corner and windmill only two.

Tusk: B

Worse than glass bottle most of the time.

Stopwatch: A

Belt of knives is better for cleavers, but stopwatch is better for anything else really.

Spicy Ginger: B

Consumables are quite common, but outclassed by belt of knives which adds 3 damage if you have a shiv or a hatchet.

Spice: B

Pretty good relic for water flasks or old log. Synergies with seasonings.

Shield Spirit: S

Allows you to use assassin's dagger or cleavers with only one energy, Synergies with hercule's pavise.

Sandwich: B

Triples the effect of seasonings.

Ore: D

Outclassed by almost every relic, even the niche ones like spicy ginger because consumables are easier to find than gems and it's diagonal as well.

Mouse Wood: S

Makes arrows one shot everything.

Hourglass: C

Very niche. Pairs well with beserker's club or one of the ethereal weapons.

Glass Bottle: A

Free extra damage! Makes shield spirit or soldier's buckler useless.

Fluffy Cotton: A

Wands provide an easy way to refill one mana per turn. The mana bonus originates from the fluffy cotton, not the wand.

Coral: A

Scales more with extra energy.

Conductor: B

Good with doru/pick axe.

Cleansing Flame: S

A must-have for cleavers.

Bombstone: C

Its only use is for ethereal weapons. Good with etheral blade and makes it deal 72 damage per energy. It appear i underestimated it for arrows, so now it's a c.

Barbell: A

Similar to mouse wood but with a weaker effect.

Belt of knives: S

Makes shivs or hatchets give +3 damage to adjacent weapons.

(1 edit) (+1)

6 Energy per turn, smiling face, doing 3,5k dmg each turn, smiling face, + 1000 dmg each turn, SMILING FACE

very nice game, unlucky i cant win floor 16 with my build :( (i load the game for this screenshot, i had 209 hp) poison is the only thing that can kill you...

This game need an expansion after you achieve endless mode some times


This is just the demo, the full game will release on Steam in April of next year, though there's a lot of Alpha/Beta testing until then (from what I can tell only Kickstarter Backers can access Alpha, but it'll be released to the public on Beta launch).


The proper way to use Earthstone Blade

Died to grandmaster burn cause I didn't have enough healing:(

Isn't that heavy? How is it up there?

The balloon carried it... somehow

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Behold My Spiky Nunchucks! 800 Spike in One Turn!


Got a bit of armor


this  is super cursed

this is cursed



This is a masterpiece


Man those Bat chaps are no joke on endless.

rip to this great run


i just found out that pressing the space key makes you end your turn, after 3 months playing this game LOL


omg thank you


Somehow I have played this game since its first day and never new this.

f in the chat for this amazing run


why does the game never have any healers when i need them

Very addicting game. It's just too bad that the level scaling curve isn't very balanced. You can have a really great setup but no matter what, eventually the enemies will out scale you faster. No matter how much you optimize your build, if you don't get insanely lucky to constantly upgrade it, you will eventually just run into a wall you can't overcome, through no real fault of your own.

You can build very tanky, with massive heals and scaling damage, but the enemies just get tankier, deal more damage, start laying curses on you every turn, etc. There's just no build that scales enough to keep up.

I'm not sure what the game/developer wants me to build here... If I go full damage, eventually I run into enemies that abuse that with spikes or just massive walls of HP. If I go more of a tank build, the enemy damage just out scales it until 50 armor is nothing, and each turn has you taking 100 damage total.


addictive not "addicting"

The only reason you're dying is because you haven't gotten a good enough build yet. For the enemies with spikes, there is a relic "Cleansing Candle" that removes spikes when you attack. 50 armor is not enough. With items like archangel armor, the forge event which adds haste onto shields, or the item "Pretty Anklet", you can get haste which with structures or helmets, can get to the 999 block cap, although poison will kill you if you only block. With Assasin's Dagger, which gets one extra damage per kill, you can get to floor 100 and theoretically get to any floor you want. 


Exploding Ethereal Arrows! The most lethal bow build!

Zero block run:

In contrast to a normal run:

See the player armor lost statistic?

There's no statistic for my zero block run.

Was saving a run with the Red Hoodie item noticed a save state bug that got rid of my max total hp gained from the item and my current hp of 54/55, that when I continued put me back to base hp of 40/40.

its a visual bug, your 54/55 hp is still there your just have to move


Found this in a chest

welp it really wants you to heal huh?


Suggestion to add a setting called "Automatic End Turn" which automatically ends your turn if you have 0 energy and there are no mana in your backpack.


you think they havent thought of that? what about consumables and time to think about next moves?

(1 edit) (-3)

I don't care. Just make it a toggleable setting so people who want convenience can have it. If you have consumables, just don't turn the setting on. Just think about your moves BEFORE you use up all your energy! WOW! What a great idea! You should be doing that anyways.

Pressing spacebar every turn is easier than having to go to settings every turn

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why would you have to go every single turn? make it a toggleable setting that you can turn on and off

Edit: and besides, I didn't know about pressing space until after this post

my first good run, started of with a pickaxe build so that explaines all the gems, died att floor 23 to poison

(2 edits)

if you want a 100lvl run I suggest butcher knives 

highly recommended butcher knives with the following items

Belt of Knives, stopwatch, windmill, duct tape,shield, shield spirit, cleansing flame and a lot of chefs hat(these are the necessary items to do a butcher knife build)

most important items is cleansing flame, duct tape and belt of knives and shield spirit

belt of knives so the more you attack the more you deal damage(note that you have to read it carefully to actually use it at its fullest, it was my first mistake when i made my first butcher knives run) 

cleansing flame so that the spiked enemies deal less damage like king, rexecutioner, and the spear lizard thingy

you could also consider putting 2 vampiric items but I highly recommend the diagonal ones since they don't interrupt any butcher knives

if you dont know what duct tape does i suggest searching backpack hero butcher knives on youtube

el veno deberia estar dividido y no sumarse, es muy molesto que el juego tenga cierto softlock asi.

Best run so far, still waiting for my infinite run luck =]. Triple haste on the shield, 1 rage on the machete below. This comp is weak against poison cause of a long-run dmg stack. Used to end my runs at stage 13. Happy with the improvement especially the first run without using energy on weapons and only depending on shield stacks and dmg stacks. The only thing disappointing I guess is the relic luck is not on my side at first. but I guess it doesn't matter now haha. This is just for reference. Hopefully, someone out there done the same run as mine =].

All this needs is a shield spirit to be complete.


All of those weapons take 0 energy to use, so a shield spirit would just make them do less damage, actually.

Shield spirit doesn't use single use weapons if you've already used them this turn.

This also. But they’d still get the -1 damage for the first use. I’m not sure they’d get the -1 each time you use the shield.

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