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I have achieved infinite shield stab-ability

Once you stack your Assassin's Knife enough, rub it with some gold whetstones, all fights die with the 72 knife procs a round. I haven't been hit in so long that coral no longer serves a purpose, mirror shield also isn't needed, will replace with another buckler for buckler supremacy. Removed all spare Hercule Pavise's and those anti poison rags to reduce turn lag. I'm considering removing the gemstone heart as well so I don't get heal lag as well.

Managed to get much farther this time, it is surprising that I lasted this long. Still the usual problem with not getting the final relic (Windmill) despite all the boss fights. Got 2 Duct tapes, more cleavers (always prepare consumables for chef event), utilize the legendary shield (still could not find Mirror shield), found no Chef hat, and Coral.

Tried out the Assassin blade this time and it is useful against King by only using it at the start to get enough haste then switch to full damage later. Made a mistake in the boss fight and died, tried the quit and continue game trick but the cleavers does not act correctly despite shuffling around the items before fight. Local app is probably the only solution to that.

Finally got a pickaxe build. Not much to say

(1 edit)

I really wish this game have some sort of guide on how to use some items, weapons, armor and etc. How am I supposed to know on what the hell does Tasty Fly do?
Why not make a guide after you got that item, achievements or something that would make the game more understandable and more awarding.


Also just so you know tasty fly reduces the price at the merchant if you give it to him.

lmao maybe try using context clues and also like tasty fly is the ONLY example of this in the game, if you hover over everything else it literally tells you what it does.

Hmmm... this is new.

I ran into something similar when loading a save, run was totally bricked and I had to restart.

Got a cursed blade build up and running. really wish I'd had an opportunity to move it so it wasn't straight in the middle but oh well. Got a cursed shiv on floor 4 or 5 which let me generate all the curses I wanted. Got a ninja armor before I got to the king fight, so I absolutely smoked him. Fun, but not much actual scaling. Just super high raw damage

Very entertaining and unique concept that's actually executed quite well. I'm having troubles on just the second floor, but I feel like it's always my fault on something that I can improve on instead of the game being unfair. Very nice game, can't wait for the Steam release!

Ever see the item that is like the relic ore but yellow? I saw it on the starting screen.

Is their no chance to get access to the game anymore, I wish to spend$

the demo is still available to play and it is VERY fleshed out for a demo. Just give it a year it will come in time

Ya but I want to give them my money now aaaa

btw if you ever press start and not continue you can just leave the game before you press the next room

"Fear me Brigand!"

Choose "I'm a foe!"


He dosent always do that, hes got a lot of hp and he drops the weapon on death if he desides to actually fight you



I assumed it was dependent on what he says after a few tests

I've played this game for a bit.

even before the attempted update to allow yo to go back to the shop and healer, the person who commented it had a good idea but its to bad it didn't get put in to the game.

but keep up the great work, can't wait to see what comes out next!

I think this is the limit of the cursed sword, more energy would have maybe gotten me to floor 14 or 15, got the sword and 8 curses on 2nd floor. Hopefully there will be more game before endless mode in the future.

This is a really fun game! I will definitely check this out on steam when it releases!  


im so sad, i absolutely love this game and i was going to do the 30 dollar pledge and when i went to do it i found that the kickstarter had been stopped :( guess ill wait 10 months to try any of the updated stuff, really sucks bc a bigger backpack changes the game so drastically and it feels like the kickstarter didnt last long enough



Just wanted to see what the damage was on turn 1.


So how exactly does duct tape work cause its not particularly obvious to me you cant really buff it

basically whatever effect your weapon or item applies it will apply it to adjacent weapons. For instance if you have a relic that applies poison to all weapons in a row (poison whetstone) you can put duct tape in that row and it will also apply it to the weapons you placed above and below it 1 space. Particularly dangerous with cleavers and shield relic. Doing 130k plus on the first turn of round 1

much appreciated thx


This was a fun Xbox poison build to negate the 50% damage reduction. Maybe should've dropped the mana and short arrow but not too sure :) 

(8 edits) (+2)

Just beat Grandmaster with a slime sword build. The key to making the Bomb relic work is buffing the swords with Whetstone and / or Soldier's Buckler so you can kill enemies in two or three hits tops. You need to survive a few turns so reforging the shield with Haste and wearing Archangel armor would be useful, maybe having an HP wand or mushroom soup w/ consumables too

had a lot of fun playing this mage archer build.

arrow and wand gets +1 damage from connected manastones, armor gives you 1 dodge/turn and helmet adds 1 dodge per combat. saving the cleaver so that i can exchange it with archery kit later

died from poison though


Quite an unfortunate run yet still the farthest I've gone since the last update. Despite carrying at least 1 ring for most of the run and fighting every single battle available, I never really got much out of it. One single forge event for rage, no cleaver event, failed to get queen cleaver from the wheel, no mirror shield or duct tape or hercule pavise, one single hat, and no windmill. Oh well, better luck next time.

ultimate scaling build


a assassin's dagger run with the stacks but this is as far as i can go i guess. The poisons and burns from the snakes, bats, and fire geckos. To the people who knows how to deal with poisons and burns from floor 13+, please help me this is getting out of hands ;-;

You need shield spirit to use assassin's dagger for 1 energy. Also golden wet stones to exponentially scale your dagger.

You also can use items and relics to remove poison. When using shield try to get items that build haste.

i finally finish the game for all this time i dont know what to use and what to attack so my run was very messy.


Will there be any way for those who missed out on the kick starter to purchase an early access steam key? I really want to support the development of this and didn't get the chance to via kick starter.


Same I was a day late in getting to back this.

(2 edits)

Looking for tips on how to optimize this build as well as what to look for going forward 

I've finally gotten an endless cleaver run of the ground and decided that I'd do something a bit different from the norm. Rather than going all out on the cleaver duct tap, I'm running emerald bracelet alongside it. The theory here is that although I miss a lot of damage, the idea behind this is that with 16 energy I can scale far enough with belt of knives and rage build up to overtake the three or four turns most other cleaver builds.

Few Things:

-I don't really know how important cleaver placement is with so much duct tape, if it is an someone explain

-I know having two vampiric crystals is unnecessary but king still scares me stupid so I'll get rid of it later

-I'm still waiting on the last emerald bracelet, I don't plan to expand energy from there 

(2 edits)

Can anyone tell me whether hourglass affects beserker club self damage? Because if it does, I may have thought up a way to beat everything indefinitely.

I need some more confirmation than this but I saw a comment that says yes

Welp someone already thought of it

Deleted 2 years ago

Can I seriously not buy this game until next year?

I think I found a bug. Once you die or make a mistake or whatever, you can quit the game and then press the continue game button. This will respawn you at the beginning of that floor or where ever you saved your game on that floor.


i already know this but its like barly helps it can save you tho if you did a rong move

It lets you check what random events are ( You save right before and then go into it. Then you see what it is and do this bug. That event will never change so when you go back to it after doing this, it will be the same. ) It also lets you test out builds without the risk of death.

I don't think it's a bug, more like a check point feature.

A lot of hats, can you count them all? ;)

Ps: It's 4 hats, a bit underwhelming tbh.

I know my setup is bad, don't judge me. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

AYO WHAT , THIS is My BEST start yet

archangel armor from matthew is busted

I just wantesd to know... 999 SHD is MAX! And i reached Floor 16 first time, with this build and died because of poison...

I present you the shield hero build. Got to floor 18 with this

Managed to beat the game for the first time with this build! (got the ore artifact thing after beating game btw) Now I'm trying my first endless run. I have a lot of trouble with mage and archer runs, please give tips! many thanks in advance...

biggest tip to mana builds (imo) is to always have cleansing wand or regen wand to counter poison and for archer builds is to get massive block and/or a lot of buffs to arrows (my fav setups are bombstone, dumbell, glass bottle, archer's wand for massive bow damage for mana, or shield spirit, stopwatch, hercule pavise x2 or more, and some pretty anklets for MASSIVE block on turns 2+... only tried the first setup as of rn tho)

thank you so much!

is it just me or does a herb has no use

(1 edit)

There's a relic that would cause it to add rage, or the seasoning accessory which gives adjacent consumables +5 healing when used. But on its own it has no use.


3 seasonings + sandwich relic = OP herb (45hp healing I believe? lol)

you can also use things like the scimitar which gets stronger the more things that're destroyed next to it, and things like chainmail which gives more block the more things that're destroyed next to it. this allows you to scale block and damage at the same time with just spaming log and smoking the herb

It has use for the potion cauldron, as well as any other items that get bonuses on destruction. It's not better than any other consumable that provides benefits like the fish, but it does have use.

You can use the oak wood (herb creation for 1 energy) + potion cauldrons to make potions every turn, and if you face a weak enough enemy you can get infinite potions (with enough armor scaling so you can live). Then you can get the potions that give you items, which can give you golden whetstones, which can get you infinite damage. That being said, not worth the effort. But it's fun to do once.

depends on what item you're using the gold whetstone for lol. If it's something that scales infinitely like the assassins dagger, and you get this combo early enough you can go hundreds of floors with like 10 or more gold whetstones.

That being said, you just need a boss that only attacks once (the rooster does this) and the ninja suit to pull this off really.

I'm really bummed I missed out on the Kickstarter for this!! Is there any way you guys would be willing to go for, like, $15 on steam early access?? 


Floor 100 : I see no end to this build (approximately 90 000 damage turn 1 ) just gotta find more Crowns/Curse to go even further beyond !

Sharing to inspire community :)

how is the lag with it?

I get massive lag with cleaver or mana builds after about floor 13

Fun times for archer build, didn't get any decent arrow drops unfortunately.

I would argue you have one of the best arrows!

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